Your official e-mail account will be set up and must be activated before you can use it. All official school business will take place through this account. You should contact your instructor if you are unsure of its use in the classroom.
- Faculty may use this email account in addition to the Canvas (eCampus) conversations Inbox.
- You are responsible for checking this email address for official business and any classroom use.
- To access your account, you must first complete your account profile.
Activate your NCTC email
- Access OneLogin
- A OneLogin Guide is available to assist with accessing and using OneLogin
- Enter your email address as the username, which will be your MyNCTC User Name
For example, SmithJ123456)
- Enter your MyNCTC Password (listed above) as the password.
- Your MyNCTC password will either be 9 digits or 7 digits.
- Access your App Portal and click on “LionPride - Student Email”
- When you log in, you will be asked to set your Time Zone.
- Once the Time Zone has been set, you should have access to your Lion Pride email account.
Transfer all NCTC emails to your personal email address
This task is only necessary if you choose to only check one email account and would prefer that email address to be your own personal email account.
- Log into your Lion Pride email account.
- Access the "Settings" menu by clicking on the cog symbol at the top right corner of the page.
- Select "Options".
- On this page, you should see the options for "my account" and "connected accounts". Select "connected accounts".
- On this page, look for the section marked "forwarding".
- Type the email address of the account where you want your messages to be sent.
- If you want the message to remain in your Lion Pride inbox, leave the checkbox checked.
- If you only want the message to be available at the forwarded address, uncheck the box.
- Click "Start Forwarding".
Any email received on your Lion Pride email account should now automatically forward to the specified email address.
Set up Notifications in Canvas
- Log into your Canvas account.
- In Global Navigation, click the Account link, then click the Notifications link.
- On the Notification screen, you can change your notification settings.