




Course Title:

Lifespan Growth & Development

Course Prefix & Number: 


Section Number: 




Spring 2021


Semester Credit Hours:


Lecture Hours:


Lab Hours:


Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Life-Span Growth and Development is a study of social, emotional, cognitive and physical factors and influences of a developing human from conception to death.  

Course Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2301

Required Course Materials:

Santrock. A Topical Approach to Life-Span Development. 9th Edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN:9781260532012      




Name of Instructor:

Carolynn Pravatta

Campus/Office Location:

Online: Monday & Thursday by appointment

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:  (Preferred method of contact)



Online by appointment Monday and Thursday


STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog


At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Describe the stages of the developing person at different periods of the life span from birth to death.


Discuss the social, political, economic, and cultural forces that affect the development process of the individual.


Identify factors of responsible personal behavior with regard to issues such as sexual activity, substance abuse, marriage and parenting.


Explain the biosocial, cognitive and psychological influences throughout the lifespan as an ongoing set of processes, involving both continuity and change.


Describe the different developmental perspectives of the major theories of development (i.e. cognitive, learning, humanistic and psychodynamic).


Identify examples of some of the cultural and ethnic differences that influence development throughout the lifespan.


Discuss the various causes or reasons for disturbances in the developmental process.




# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Point Values








Final Paper







COURSE SUBJECT OUTLINE (Major Assignments, Due Dates, and Grading Criteria)


Method of Evaluation:

•There will be SEVEN assignments. Each one will be worth 5% of your grade.   TOTAL: 35%

•There will be SEVEN Discussion Reponses. Each will be worth 5% of your grade. TOTAL: 35%

•ONE final paper that will be worth 20% of your grade. TOTAL: 20%

•Participation & Attendance Points worth 10% of your grade. TOTAL: 10%


Grading Scale:

A = 90% - 100%   

B – 80% - 89%   

C – 70% - 79%   

D – 60% - 69%   

F – 59% >        



Week   Dates               Assignment due dates                         Readings for the week           



Syllabus Acknowledgment




Read Syllabus


Complete Introductions



Discussion ONE (D1)

Read Section One –

The Lifespan Perspective



Assignment ONE  (A1)





Discussion TWO (D2)


Read Section Two – Biological, Physical and Health Development



Assignment TWO  (A2)






Discussion THREE (D3)

Read Section Three –

Cognitive Processes and Development




Assignment THREE (A3)





Discussion FOUR (D4)

Read Section Four –

Socioemotional Processes & Development




No reading or work due this week.




Assignment FOUR  (A4)






Discussion Five (D5)


Read Section Five –

Social Contexts of Development




Assignment FIVE (A5)

April 5th last day to withdraw from class





Discussion Six (D6)

Read Section Six - Endings




Assignment SIX (A6)





Discussion Seven (D7)

Final Paper Discussion




Assignment Seven (A7)





Final Exam Week Final Paper






Extra Credit: Extra Credit is randomly given throughout the semester to those who show make efforts that go above and beyond the assignments/discussions. Extra credit will be given to those who seek out assistance from the writing center on any/all writing assignments for this class. This is offered throughout the entire semester and for ALL seven assignments and the final paper. NOTE: Extra credit is to enhance your grade. NOT make up for missed assignments. Any questions please ASK! J



Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)

Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is April 5, 2021


There are only TWO things that I will not sway on, both are to ensure you learn the material effectively.


FIRST: I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK. My reason for this is simple….I do not like to decide which ‘reason’ or ‘excuse’ is valid and which is not. To keep it fair, no late work is accepted no matter the reason. I do not feel comfortable deciding who/what - reason/excuse is worthy of submitting late work, therefore, I do not accept ANY late work. However, I offer extra credit via writing lab assistance. I state again… NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. Remember….only YOU are responsible for the grade you get.


SECOND: Plagiarism is NOT ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. Because this class consists of writing and giving examples, it is tempting to do some simple, “copy and paste” work. DO NOT DO THIS. Really. If your assignments contain plagiarism, you will get a ZERO for that assignment. Furthermore, if it happens again, you will reported to the dean.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Personal writing projects have been repeatedly proven to have lasting effects on students (Huffman & Sanderson, 2014). I would like this class to have a lasting effect on you, therefore, applying what you have learned to life experiences using critical and analytical thinking will be the goal for this class. With a little luck and a lot of applying what you are reading, the information you learn will hopefully have a lasting effect on your life!

So, in short, Bad News: you WILL be writing…Good News: NO TESTS!

It is your choice how you view this! J Perspective is EVERYTHING!

This is Psychology... most information you provide can be argued or critically explained or analyzed. Don't be concerned with being ‘right’ more concerned with proving your point using EXAMPLES! It is difficult to mark someone 'wrong' if they actually proved their point with evidence, examples and/or theories! I want to know you UNDERSTAND what you have learned and more importantly that you can APPLY it to your life.

Final thought……ASK QUESTIONS! If you are not sure, ask. I welcome ALL questions!

Huffman, K., & Sanderson, C. (2014). Real World Psychology, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.


Netiquette Expectations:  Standards of courtesy and respect must be maintained at all times in all areas pertaining to the online aspects of this course. Feel free to communicate with each other within the Canvas space, but remember that it is still a “classroom” setting and that respect and consideration are crucial for any intellectual discussion or conversation relative to the course. Any violation of the standards of appropriate behavior online will be reported to the Dean of Students and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the college.










DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.

For support, please contact the counselors at (940) 498-6207 or (940) 668-4321.  Alternatively, students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville.


CORE CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONAL COMPONENT AREA (For classes in the Core)______       


X         Social and Behavioral Science



REQUIRED CORE OBJECTIVES (For classes in the Core)


                X Critical Thinking

                X Communication

                X Empirical and Quantitative

            X Personal Responsibility

                X Social Responsibility



X          Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course



Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online.



Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 


Spring 2021 - COVID-19 Specific Conversion of Onsite Classes to Online/Remote Format:


North Central Texas College students should be aware that in the event of a college closure due to COVID-19, onsite classes will be converted to an online/remote format. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have access to the computer equipment (either PC, MAC, or tablet), webcam, and internet connectivity to continue their classes in an online/remote format. Please read all your official North Central Texas College student emails as the transition from onsite to online/remote might require a reorganization in your personal situation. Students will be granted a 72-hour transition and grace period. Online classes will continue as scheduled without disruption. Wear a mask, stay safe, and contact your Instructor as the situation arises.

These policies and procedures were updated on July 30, 2020 and are subject to change as conditions change.


Face Coverings: Per the North Central Texas College guidance on face coverings on campus, in the instructional setting, faculty and students must wear face coverings, such as masks or face shields. Students without coverings, or those who do not comply with the rules relating to face coverings, will not be able to participate in on-campus classroom activities. To request an exception to this requirement, students should contact the NCTC HR Office of Enrollment Management ( Failure to comply with the face coverings requirement may result in the Instructor directing the student to leave the classroom. Any student asked to leave the classroom may be referred to the student conduct officer. These policies and procedures were updated on July 30, 2020 and are subject to change.


Temporary COVID-19 Attendance Policy for Face-to-Face Meetings:

We are facing an unprecedented situation in which all of us must be flexible and make prudent decisions in the best interest of our families, our campus, and our community. In light of this, North Central Texas College is temporarily establishing the requirement that faculty keep records of student attendance for face-to-face course meetings as well as a documented seating chart. In addition, students who are sick or need to quarantine should not attend classes. Students will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider and will not be penalized for COVID-19 related absences when proper notification to campus health officials is made in accordance with the guidelines stated below.


Faculty will:   Notify students about important course information and delivery changes through Canvas and campus email.

Students should:  Provide notification to campus officials (via NCTC Daily Health Check protocol through Canvas) if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have to quarantine so we can confirm reported absence with instructors, monitor, and assist the campus community.

Notify instructors in advance of the absence.  ·Connect with that class through Webex if the class session is being transmitted in a hybrid fashion. ·Keep up with and/or make up missed classwork or assignments. ·Submit assignments digitally through Canvas or other means as announced by your instructor. ·Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities described in the course syllabus.  ·Check Canvas and campus email daily to receive important announcements pertaining to the course. During the spring 2021 semester, faculty with face-to-face meetings will establish assigned seating/work stations to facilitate roll-taking, and, if necessary, contact tracing. Additionally, we ask all members of the College community to be attentive to their health, and safeguard others, by following the CDC’s guideline to “stay home when you are sick.” You should stay home if you have symptoms. More information on what to do if you are sick is available at the CDC’s website. Additional NCTC information is available at



AFFINITY GROUPS Staff and faculty representing the Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s), along with academic advisors, counselors and success coaches, serve as mentors for NCTC’s student-centered Affinity Groups. An Affinity Group is a population of students who have specific needs, barriers or systems they are needing to navigate not only within college, but within life. Providing mentorship, support and resources for identified Affinity Groups such as Black/African American students, veterans and active military, single parents, students with disabilities, adult learners, Latinx, LGBTQ+ and students who have experienced foster care and/or homelessness, enables us to make more impactful, meaningful connections with students who are in dire need of equity and understanding.


CAREER SERVICES CENTER In need of employment? NCTC Career Coaches meet one-on-one to provide training in writing resumes, job searches, interviewing, and more. The Skills to Succeed Academy is also a free interactive, online employability training program focused on building the skills and confidence you need to find the best career.


COMPLETION CENTER The Completion Center provides a variety of services for first-time in college students. These include academic success coaching, goal setting, course planning, student resources, career development, and job placement services for all new college students. Free online Success Seminars are also available through Student Lingo and new students will also enroll in a First Year Experience (NCTC 1001) course to get started on the right track!

Updated 1/7/202



COUNSELING AND ADVISING Academic Advisors and Counselors help students explore majors and programs offered, how to take the best combination of classes to meet your goals, assist with questions related to university transfer, and guide students towards academic and personal success, and more. At NCTC, you are assigned to a specific advisor or success coach based on your major or career interests. You can locate our advisors and their majors, along with contact information on the Meet Your Advisor page-and even schedule an appointment with them through their online calendar!


EARLY ALERT AND CARES The NCTC Early Alert program assists students who are at risk of failing or withdrawing from a course. Faculty and staff may refer students through the Early Alert process at any point in the semester in an effort to provide appropriate intervention and access to support services. Examples of behaviors that could prompt an Early Alert referral could be missing assignments, failing tests, excessive absences, or personal circumstances impacting academic performance. A student submitted as an Early Alert will be contacted by an academic advisor or success coach through text, phone, and/or via their NCTC e-mail address to discuss any current challenges as well as helpful resources and success strategies-we want our students to finish strong and know that education is a partnership! The NCTC CARES Team is concerned not only about our students' academic success, but also their emotional and physical well-being. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student, such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. Visit the NCTC CARES site to also locate campus and community resources, or email  As always, if you feel there is an immediate threat to your own safety or welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.


EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (EDI) EDI partners with the entire campus community to create, maintain and demonstrate NCTC’s commitment to an equitable, diverse and inclusive learning environment where NCTC students succeed. NCTC defines equity as encompassing the practice of acknowledging individual differences and systemic disparities when developing new programs and resources for our campus community, which may sometimes challenge our own beliefs and assumptions, in order to ensure balanced educational opportunities toward completion. Everyone Included. Everyone Belongs. Everyone Valued. Everyone Inspired. 


FINANCIAL AID The Office of Financial Aid provides students with information and guidance with applying for eligible types of financial assistance, such as the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Students who have any types of exemptions or tuition waivers will also work with the Financial Aid Office to have these funds applied to their accounts. Additionally, the Scholarship Office provides local scholarship opportunities through an online application process, and tips on how to secure other types of scholarship awards which can help finance educational goals.



The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. The center links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free online tutoring.  Student Success offers academic coaching, tutoring, including a Writing Center, and a Math Lab to assist new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students. First generation students can also participate in TRIO which offers specialized services. TESTING SERVICES The mission of NCTC Testing Services is to provide high-quality testing services that adhere to the professional standards and guidelines to meet the needs of students, faculty, and community members.



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Crystal R.M. Wright

Office Location:

Gainesville Campus, Room 24

Telephone Number:

940-668-7731, ext. 4320

E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Dr. Bruce King

Office Location:

1500 North Corinth St, Corinth, TX 76208-5408

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address: