Course title: General Psychology


Course prefix, number, and section number: PSYC2301 0343


Semester/Year of course:  Spring 2024


Semester start and end dates: 1-16-24 – 5-11-24


Modality (Face to face/Synchronous or Asynchronous online/Hybrid): Fully Online


Class meeting location, days, and times:  Online Only


Lab meeting location, days, and times:  N/A


Semester credit hours: 3


Course description: General Psychology is a survey of the major psychological topics, theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.


Course prerequisites: none


Required course materials: Registration in the course gives you access to the e-book needed for PSYC 2301. You do not need to purchase a separate textbook.

Inclusive Access is a partnership between NCTC and McGraw-Hill Education, to provide the best
learning resources on the first day of class. Students can gain access to McGraw-Hill’s adaptive
online platforms with the latest version of the eBook at a discount. If students would like to
purchase a physical copy of the textbook, they can order a discounted loose-leaf version through the bookstore.

Students who drop before the add/drop date will have their book fees credited back to their
student account, and students who remain in the course will be charged a materials fee by the school to have continued access of the online platforms. If you remain enrolled in the course but wish to opt-out of access to the book please email the NCTC Bookstore with your name and
student number to


Name of instructor: Carolynn Pravatta

Office location: Denton Campus

E-mail address:

Office hours for students: By appointment only at a mutually beneficial time/day. Phone/Video/Live.




The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in person and/or writing.


List of graded assignments: 6 Activities, 6 discussions, attendance/participation, final paper


Final grade scale: 

Activities (6) 8% each                    =     48%                          A – 90%-100%

Discussions (6) 5% each               =   30%                            B – 80%-89%

Attendance & Participation 7%     =    7%                             C – 70%-79%

2% Intro Week – 5% Overall participation for semester    D - 60%-69%

Final APA Paper 15%                     =     15%                           F – 0 - 59%                       

                                          ___________                                    TOTAL                               100%             


Late work policy: I do not accept late work for this class unless there are extenuating circumstances. My reason for this is simple. Online classes depend on everyone doing their fair share and posting in a timely manner. Discussions and responses count on each of you being on time with your assignments. I state again… No late work will be accepted (except for extenuating circumstances). That means you must post on time or early. Keep in mind, only you are responsible for the grade you get.


Extra Credit: Extra Credit is offered throughout the semester. Extra credit will be given to those who seek out assistance from the writing center and/or Student Success Center on any/all writing assignments for this class. Every assignment (all six) can be taken to the writing center/SSC to be reviewed and given tips/suggestions on how to improve. Show proof (email or scan SSC slip) that you sought help, and you would receive extra credit if you applied that feedback to your work. This means it is offered ALL THROUGHOUT the semester. You can also attend workshops that are related to writing/psychology that will earn extra points as well. NOTE: Extra credit is to enhance your grade. NOT make up for missed assignments. Therefore, if you have more than one missed assignment or discussion you may not qualify for extra credit. Any questions please ASK! J Please do not ask about extra credit in the last two weeks of class, you will be redirected here.





Netiquette Expectations:  Standards of courtesy and respect must always be maintained in all areas pertaining to the online aspects of this course. Feel free to communicate with each other within the Canvas space but remember that it is still a “classroom” setting, and that respect and consideration are crucial for any intellectual discussion or conversation relative to the course. Any violation of the standards of appropriate behavior online will be reported to the Dean of Students and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the college.


Minimum Student Skills: Ability to access Internet, attach files using Microsoft WORD as needed, take online assessments (quizzes & exams) if applicable; ability to use NCTC’s online Library access to research professional journals & resources; ability to post discussion responses as instructed; ability to access Writing Center services for assistance as needed.



  1. Netiquette is appropriate communication while online. It is imperative that you act accordingly while posting on Canvas.
  2. Please respect your peers. Opinions and different perspectives are an important part of learning and expanding your mind. Respecting those whose opinions differ from yours will be expected.
  3. Please be sure you have access to a reliable computer (not just a phone or Tablet). To view videos, you need high-speed internet and flash player plug-in. It will be necessary for you to have an understanding of the following:


  1. Create, save, attach, and send files.
  2. Cut/paste items from a word program.
  3. Spelling and Grammar check.
  4. Save, delete, reply and forward email.
  5. Be able to access the internet and search for information.





Academic Integrity Policy: Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 


Instructor-specific Academic Dishonesty Policy: I take this policy very seriously. If you are suspected of plagiarism, you will be warned once and then reported to the Dean. See Turnitin tips on the home page of canvas. Plagiarism is NOT ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. Because this class consists of writing and giving examples, it is tempting to do some simple, “copy and paste” work. DO NOT DO THIS. Really. If your assignments contain plagiarism, you will get a ZERO for that assignment. Furthermore, if it happens again, you will be reported to the dean of students.

Attendance Policy: Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)

Additional Instructor-specific Absence Policy: As an online class, you will be expected to check in 2-3 TIMES PER WEEK as there will be discussions and responses that you will need to be a part of. You will be expected to participate and interact with peers in discussions throughout the week. Attendance and participation are crucial to learning and expanding your critical thinking.


Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form. 


Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is:  April 1, 2024


Student Learning Outcomes: (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog)


At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


  1. Identify various research methods and their characteristics used in the scientific study of psychology.
  2. Describe the historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped the field of psychology.
  3. Describe some of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of psychology.
  4. Use terminology unique to the study of psychology.
  5. Describe accepted approaches and standards in psychological assessment and evaluation.
  6. Identify factors in physiological and psychological process involved in human behavior.


Core Objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical and Quantitative, Social Responsibility





Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.



NCTC will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations.  See the OSD Syllabus Addendum.


NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students.  See the Student Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.





The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints specific to the class.  If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student may contact the chair or coordinator of the division.  If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.



Name of Chair/Coordinator: Donna Smith

Office location: Corinth Campus, Room 209

Telephone number: 940-498-6266

E-mail address:


Name of Instructional Dean: Crystal Wright

Office location: FSB Exchange/Denton Campus, Room 204

Telephone number: 940-380-2504

E-mail address: