Course title: General Psychology
Course prefix, number, and section number: PSYC 2301.404
Semester/Year of course: Fall/2022
Semester start and end dates: 8/22/22 – 12/10/22
Modality (Face to face/Synchronous or Asynchronous online/Hybrid): Face to face
Class meeting location, days, and times: Corinth Room 264, Tues/Thurs, 9:30AM-10:50AM
Lab meeting location, days, and times: N/A
Semester credit hours: 3
Course description: General Psychology is a survey of the major psychological topics, theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Course prerequisites: none
Required course materials: King, Laura A. The Science of Psychology. 5th edition. McGraw Hill. Connect Access ISBN: 9781264565115
Name of instructor: Stacie Stoutmeyer
Office location: Corinth campus, Room 339
Telephone number: (940) 498-6467 (Canvas email is preferred.)
E-mail address: (Canvas email is preferred since it displays the student’s course and section number.)
Office hours for students:
Monday/Wednesday: 9:00AM-11:00AM and 2:00PM-2:30PM (COR 339)
Tuesday/Thursday: 9:00AM-9:30AM, 11:00AM-12:30PM, and 2:00PM-2:30PM (COR 339)
Sunday: 6:00PM-8:00PM (Online Hours)
And by appointment
The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in person and/or writing.
List of graded assignments:
3 (out of 4) exams, given in class = 300 points total (100 points each)
1 institutional/course assessment with essay component, online = 100 total
Final grade scale (400 points):
400 -- 358 points = A
357 -- 318 points = B
317 -- 278 points = C
277 -- 238 points = D
237 -- 0 points = F
Late work policy:
I do not accept late work, even if it’s “only a few minutes” late as that’s unfair to others. Please do not email me late work in an attempt to bypass this policy. A zero will still be entered in the gradebook.
Student Learning Outcomes: (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog)
At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Define social psychology and related terminology.
- Discuss the relationship between the person and the situation and its influence on attitudes, prejudice, aggression, prosocial behavior, and interpersonal relationships.
- Describe the dynamics of group behavior in areas of social influence, such as altruism, conformity, obedience, deindividuation, leadership, intergroup relations, and conflict and cooperation.
- Identify and evaluate the current and historical research, and research methods of social psychology, including ethical considerations.
- Apply social psychological principles to real-world issues.
Core Objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical and Quantitative, Social Responsibility
Academic Integrity Policy: Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion. Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty. See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”.
Instructor-specific Academic Dishonesty Policy:
Plagiarism, cheating, and/or collusion of any type will result in a zero for that assignment, quiz, or project. At times, students fabricate stories of not being able to access Canvas, of having family illnesses, etc. Fabricating stories of any kind for personal gain is a form of scholastic dishonesty and will result in a zero for that assignment, quiz, or project.
Attendance Policy: Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor. It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member. Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence. Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work. Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor. A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam. Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives. Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)
Additional Instructor-specific Absence Policy:
Per NCTC policies, I take attendance each day. However, students do not receive a separate attendance grade in this class. Since quiz info overwhelmingly comes from our class lectures, attendance is key to passing this course.
Arriving Late/Leaving Early: Late arrivals and early exits are generally disruptive to the flow of lecture. If you need to leave early one day for an appointment, just be courteous and let me know at that start of class. In that case, it's not a problem. Arriving late a couple of times is not an issue; however, this should be a rare occurrence. Five or more incidents of late entry/early exit and associated lecture disruption will be classified as a behavioral issue, a college Early Alert form will be submitted, and additional penalties will be determined based on the specifics of the situation, though I’ve never had this issue with students on the Corinth campus.
IMPORTANT - Exams Days: Since exams are given in class, students need to arrive on-time with a pencil and scantron. Because some students will finish the exam in under 25 minutes, students will NOT be allowed to enter the classroom after 10:20AM. I don't want students who've seen/finished an exam telling other late-entry students what's on the test if they pass in the hallway. Students who are NOT in the room to take the exam prior to 10:20AM will not be allowed to take that exam and they'll earn a zero on that test. Instead, they'll have to take the cumulative final at the end of the semester to replace their missed exam.
Withdrawal Policy
A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.
Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is October 31st.
Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.
NCTC will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations. See the OSD Syllabus Addendum.
NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students. See the Student Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.
The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints specific to the class. If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student may contact the chair or coordinator of the division. If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.
Name of Chair/Coordinator: Donna Smith
Office location: Corinth Campus, Room 209
Telephone number: 940-498-6266
E-mail address:
Name of Instructional Dean: Crystal Wright
Office location: FSB Exchange/Denton Campus, Room 204
Telephone number: 940-380-2504
E-mail address: