
Spring 2019 Class Syllabus

Name of Course: Introduction to Psychology 2301-345

Instructor’s Name:  Mr. Jose A. Rivas, M.S.
Email Address:

Starts:  01/22/2019 Ends:   05/17/2019 Last Drop Date:  04/04/2019 with a “W”

Online Class Office Hours:  As needed.

Responding to E-mails or Canvas Messages:  Within 24 to 48 hours (I usually check my emails and Canvas messages every day unless I am unable to access my computer). All generic questions must be written the “Ask Mr. Rivas Questions” discussion board.  All personal inquiries can be submitted by email or by Canvas message.


E-mail Policy

Due to limitations in my speech communication, students may submit any questions or inquiries to me vial email whenever face-to-face communication is not possible.



King, A. L.  The Science of Psychology, 4th ed.  Connect Learning. ISBM: 10:  1259765350.  ISBN: 13:  9781259765353.

“Please make to subscribe to the full version of McGraw Hill Connect’s website to complete all quizzes and exams!”

 “All students must purchase and read the required text book.”

Course Assignments:  All students are expected to complete the assigned readings prior to each class meeting.  Students must also complete assigned activities by their due dates.  Students that do not complete assignments by their due dates will be subjected to points subtracted to their grade for that activity.  Only students with well-documented information may be granted an extension on missed quizzes or exams.  This excludes all discussion boards and homework assignments.

Discussion Forum Questions:  Students are required to participate on all discussion forum activities.  Students may correspond with their fellow classmates, but only to discuss discussion forum questions, answers, and/or activities.  Students may not use the online discussion forums to express vulgar or obscene language, personal interactions with other students, and/or personal views not related to discussion forum activities.  Students that do fail to follow the rules may be expelled from the course.  All generic questions must be written the “Ask Mr. Rivas Questions” discussion forum.  All personal inquiries can be submitted by email or Canvas message.

Exams and/or Quizzes:  There will be two exams and six quizzes over the course of the semester.  All exams and/or quizzes will be graded within a week after students have completed the assessment tool by the date listed on this syllabus.

All Papers or Written Assignments Must be Submitted on a Word Document of 2010 or greater.

(Required Assignment) Reflection Paper:

Students must write a 3 to 5 page, double-spaced paper about how the theories, terms, and/or principles discussed throughout the course of Psychology apply to their own life.  This paper is about how we often times use Psychology references/terms to analyze ourselves.  The paper must be written and saved in Microsoft Word 2010 or greater Format.  Students must include at least one professional citations/references from all used resources and a title page with their paper in APA format.  This paper can reflect any age up to the current age, or an in-depth perception of future stages.  Students are not required to write about past, presence, or future age levels within the whole paper.  Students must select at least one age level.  For example, students can write about their school-aged years, and the joys and/or difficulties of being a child in school.  The basic assumption for this paper is to recognize self-perception within one’s own life as it relates to chapters in the book or our discussion topics.  I am looking for how the student might (or might want to) handle a perceived situation such as; illness, disease, loss of a loved-one or pet, and/or loss of bodily function(s).  The early age reflection portion of the paper may include brief discussions from parents, family members, caregivers, relatives, friends, coworkers, and anyone that has direct long-lasting connections with the student.  Student should submit their papers in the Canvas Assignment drop-box.  The maximum amount of points for this activity is 120 points or 20% of final grade.  The paper will due before: Sunday, May 5, 2019 by 11:59pm.


Your paper should contain the following elements:

Describe some of the historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped how [psychological topic] has been conceptualized.


  1. Describe some of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of [psychological topic].
  2. Identify research methods used in the study of [psychological topic], and some specific findings of these research methods related to [psychological topic].
  3. Describe the psychological assessment and evaluation of [psychological topic].
  4. Identify some of the physiological and psychological processes involved in [psychological topic].
  5. Discuss individual and social responsibility in regard to [psychological topic].


Grading Reduction Scale:

5 points off for the incorrect length and submitted under Word 2010 or greater. 

10 points off for the quality of your title page and reference sheet in APA format. 

10 points off for the incorrect subject matter choice/descriptions, textbook knowledge, and use of course information. 

25 points off for being late on paper. 

10 points off for lack of effort to produce a quality paper in APA format. 


(Required Assignment) Tour of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children

Students may choose to participate in an hour tour of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas, Texas.  The tour will include a complete overview of the history of the hospital; an explanation of the hospital’s funding resources, a walk-through of the clinic for prosthetics, child Life area, occupational and physical therapy, the learning center, the patient care area, and other medical departments.   Students must also participate in the discussion forum with questions about the tour by the assigned due date.  This activity is worth 45 points to all students that participate in the tour.  Note, other instructors may not allow their students to use the tour as an excused absence if they participate in the tour.  Students may not participate in the tour and the alternative assignment for added bonus points.  The tour date will be:   Friday, April 12, 2019 at 11:00am central time.

(Required Assignment) Second Alternative Assignment:

Students may choose to visit a medical facility that treats children or older people.  The tour must include a complete overview of the history of the facility; an explanation of the facility’s funding resources, a walk-through of the medical facility, the occupational and physical therapy areas, the recreational area, the patient care area, and other medical departments.  Students must also participate in the discussion forum with questions about the visit by the assigned due date.  This activity is worth 45 points to0 all students that participate in this activity.  Note, other instructors may not allow their students to use the tour as an excused absence if they participate in the tour.  Students may not participate in the tour and the alternative assignment for added bonus points.  Due date for this assignment will be Sunday, May 12, 2019 by 11:59pm.



=# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Points Values


Exam One-Midterm Exam

120 points


Exam Two-Final Exam

120 points


6 Discussion Forums

 30 points


6 Quizzes

 60 points


Self-Reflection Paper (All Papers or Written Assignments Must be Submitted on a Word Document of 2010 or greater).

 120 points


Student Online Participation (All points will be granted if student participates with nearly all activities)

 10 points


TSRH Tour/Alternative Assignment

  45 points


Total Amounts of Possible Points

505 points




Grade Point Scale with Letter Grade:

450 to 505 = A

400 to 449 = B

350 to 399 = C

300 to 349 =  D

299 and Below = F




Learning Modules & Topics

Posting Dates and Due Dates

General Description of Subject Matter


Introduction to Course


01/22/2019 to 01/25/2019

Introduce Yourself Discussion Forum

Introducing Yourself on the Discussion Forum

Learning Module 1: Understanding Psychology


01/22/19 to 01/27/19 

Chapter 1: What is Psychology?





A discussion about the history of Psychology and the different approaches implemented by alternative views of the science.

01/28/19 to 02/03/19 

Chapter 2:  Psychology’s Scientific Methods.


01/31/19 to 02/01/19

Discussion Forum 1


02/03/19  Quiz 1


A discussion about the history and evolution of Psychology, types of research methods, and ethical principles.

Learning Module 2: Sensation and The Mind


02/04/19 to 02/10/19 

Chapter 4:  Sensation & Perception




A discussion about how the senses can influence our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.



02/11/19 to 02/17/19

Chapter 5:  State of Consciousness

02/14/19 to 02/15/19


Discussion Forum 2


02/17/19 Quiz 2


A discussion about the consciousness of our minds and the subject of alternative states.




Learning Module 3: Memory & Intelligence


02/18/19 to 02/24/19 

Chapter 6:  Learning





A discussion about how we learn and how learning affects behaviors.


02/25/19 to 03/27/19 

Chapter 7: Memory





A discussion about the structure of memory and how we remember things.

02/28/19 to 03/03/19

Chapter 9:  Human Development


02/28/19 to 03/01/19

Discussion Forum 3


03/03/19 Quiz 3


A discussion about the study of Life-Span Development from childhood through old-aged population.

03/05/19 to 03/07/19

Exam One (Midterm Exam)


03/11/19 to 03/17/19

Spring Break Week

Midterm Exam Week




Spring Break Week (No Online Classes).

Learning Module 4:  Motivation & Sexuality


03/18/18 to 03/24/19 

Chapter 10:  Motivation and Emotion


03/25/19 to 03/31/19

Chapter 11: Gender, Sex, & Sexuality


03/28/19 to 03/29/19

Discussion Forum 4


03/31/19 Quiz 4





A discussion about motivation and how desires influence human emotions.



A discussion about how gender, sex, and sexuality can influence human decisions.

Learning Module 5:  Personality & Mental Health

04/01/19 to 04/07/19 

Chapter 12:  Personality



04/08/19 to 04/14/19

Chapter 13: Social Psychology


04/15/19 to 04/21/19

Chapter 17: Heath Psychology


04/12/19 Field Trip to TSRH


04/18/19 to 04/19/19

Discussion Forum 5


04/21/19 Quiz 5


A discussion about the different personality types and heredity can influence our personality, and the assessment tools used to measure personality.



A discussion about how society can impact human thinking and influence behaviors.



A discussion about how stress and stressful experiences, personality, and health can influence behavior.

A Tour of Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (Optional Assignment).


Learning Module 6: Psychological Disorders & Therapies


04/22/19 to 04/28/19

Chapter 15:  Psychological Disorders

04/29/19 to 05/05/19

Work on your paper week

05/05/19 Reflection Paper Due

05/06/19 to 05/12/19  

Chapter 16:  Therapies

05/09/19 to 05/10/19

Discussion Forum 6

05/12/19 Quiz 6





A discussion about the many types of psychological disorders and how they are classified in the DSM.


Work on your Reflection Paper Week (Required Assignment)


A discussion about the many types of therapies for psychological disorders and how to know which clients might benefit from these therapies.

05/12/19 TSRH Discussion Forum, or Alternative Assignment Due


05/14/19 through 05/16/19   Exam Two (Final Exam)