Week 1
Introduction to Course
The Importance of Asking Questions. “Why do we use the Socratic Method? And What is it?”
Getting underway: The Myth of the Cave
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, and the Theory of the Forms, reading section 1.1 in text.
Week 2
Types of Knowledge: Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Ethics.
Divisions of Knowledge in Philosophy section 1.2
A Philosopher in Action: Living a Just Life.
Socrates Life, and his ethical actions towards society, reading section 1.3.
Week 3
Human Nature, Hobbes and “Psychological Egoism”.
Section 2.1 and 2.2. Defining Human Nature and Rationalism “Reason as Self”
Human Nature continued “Immaterial, and Immortal Soul”
Section 2.2 continued, Thomas Aquinas and Saint Augustine.
Week 4
The “Mind-Body” Problem.
“Are you, your brain?” “Are you, your behavior?” “Are you, what you do?” Section 2.3
Is There an Enduring Self?
Section 2.3 the changing mind over time and what makes up the Self. Do we have a “consistent self”?
Week 5
Are We Independent and Self-Sufficient?
“Atomism” or the problem of independence of Self.
Defining and Understanding the ideas of female, and male.
Section 2.6 in text, Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”.
Week 6
Plato, Aristotle, and Confucius.
Section 2.7. Write five questions concerning this reading to bring to class for the next week.
Continuing Plato, Aristotle, and Confucius.
Discussing questions presented by students and understanding the differing view of the ancients.
Week 7
Reality, Non-Reality, and the Problem of Being.
Sections 3.1-3.2 in text.
Freedom, or the lack of it.
Section 3.6 class assignment, pairing up into teams to discuss Freedom as Reality, or Freedom as Impossible.
Week 8
Review for Midterm: Bring questions to ask and discuss concepts in detail.
Midterm. In person exam grades to be posted by a week after the date of the exam online.
Week 9
Significance of Religion: A part of Philosophy, yet not completely of it.
Section 4.1 Defining Religion, and how it fits into Philosophy.
Does God Exist?
Section 4.2 St. Anselm. The Ontological Argument for the existence of God
Week 10
Dealing With Problem of Evil.
Section 4.3 in text Atheism, Agnosticism.
Traditional Religious Belief and Experience.
Section 4.4 “The Will to Believe”
Week 11
Non-Traditional Religious Experience
Section 4.5 Radical Religious Experience, Kierkegaard, Feminist Theology.
Non-Traditional Religious Experience
Continued Section 4.5 Easter Religious Traditions. Hinduism, and Buddhism.
The Problem of Knowledge
Section 5.1 “Why is Knowledge a Problem?”
Week 12
Reason as the Source of Knowledge.
Section 5.2 the Issues with Perception, and Reality. Descartes Doubt and Reason.
Thesis for Research Paper Due submitted online at 11 p.m.
The Senses, and Knowledge.
Sections 5.3 John Locke and Empiricism.
Week 13
What is evidence exactly? What are the requirements for it?
Knowledge and evidence, contemporary article research psychology of “blowback effect”.
The Senses, and Categorical Knowledge.
Section 5.4 Kant how Knowing shapes the world.
Week 14
Does Science give us Knowledge?
Section 5.5 focus on reading selection by Ambrose Bierce “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” for in class discussion.
Ethics, How do we put it all together?
Section 7.1 understanding what makes up morality, and how we determine what is right and wrong.
Week 15
Is Ethical Choice Relative?
Section 7.2 Ethical Relativism. “Moral Relativism”.
Consequences as Right Action: Utilitarianism, versus Machiavellism.
Section 7.3 Consequentialist Theory, versus Egoism.
Week 16
Rules as Morality: An Extension of Kant.
Section 7.4 Divine Law, Moral Law, and Human Societies.
Character Ethics: Aristotle, Plato, and the Ancients.
Section 7.5 Virtue Ethics, “Excellence as a Habit.”
Moral Quandaries: Abortion, Gay Marriage, and Gun Control.
Section 7.6 What is the “right” decision \ within a democracy?
Will to Power: Nietzsche and Wollstonecraft.
Section 7.8 Nietzsche “God is Dead”, Wollstonecraft “Reason as the Source of Morality.”
Social and Political Philosophy: The Connections to the Everyday Life.
Section 8.1 Conservatism, Liberalism, and Social views on ethical, moral, and knowledge based claims.
Governments, The State, and The People.
Section 8.2. “What Justifies the State and Its Power?”
Justice within the State.
Section 8.3 “What is Justice?”
The state as a historical mechanism of oppression and the history of peaceful resistance.
Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Voting rights, Unions. What is peaceful demonstration, and what is its place in civic progress?
Limits on the State.
Section 8.4 Hobbes, Locke, and political theory.
Ethics of War.
Section 8.5. Erich Maria Remarque, from “All Quiet on the Western Front” and Bertrand Russell, “The Ethics of War.”
Social-Political Philosophy: Communism and Rawlsian Social Theory.
Section 8.6 Karl Marx, and Rawls.
The Meaning of Life: Creating a Purpose through Questioning.
Section 9.1: Class Discussion, what is the basic purpose of Philosophy? Does it help form a basis for living a better life?
Looking back over important topics from the class. Go in depth where students have questions, in order to prepare for final exam.
READING DAY - No class
Exam Schedule as Posted by NCTC.