
Course Information

Object-Oriented Programming (ITSE 2321)

Term: 2017-2018 Fall


Terry Paul Province
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Dr Terry Paul Province

North Central Texas College

1500 North Corinth Street

Corinth, Texas 76208


Teaching Experience:

20 years full time instructor at NCTC

Now adjunct COSC instructor



Doctorate from UNT Denton2009

MBA from Regis University, Colorado Springs, Colo. 2003

BSEET, DeVry Institute of Technology, Dallas 1988


Mon-Wed, 6:00 PM - 9:50 PM (8/28/2017 - 10/20/2017) Location: COR COR01 253


Introduction to object-oriented programming. Emphasis on the fundamentals of design with classes, including development, testing, implementation, and documentation. Includes object-oriented programming techniques, classes, and objects.

End-of-Course Outcomes: Develop executable programs; create appropriate documentation; and create programs using classes and objects using object-oriented programming techniques.

32 lecture hours + 32 laboratory hours, 3 credit hours