




The North Central Texas College (NCTC) Course Syllabus provides the following as required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB): (1) a brief description of the course including each major course requirement, assignment and examination; (2) the learning objectives for the course; (3) a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion; and (4) any required or recommended readings.  Contact information for the instructor is also provided. The Course Syllabus also provides institutional information to indicate how this course supports NCTC’s purpose and mission. Information specific to a particular section of the course will be included in the Class Syllabus and distributed to enrolled students.

Course Title: iOS Application Programming

Course: ITSE 2310

Section: 400

Term: Spring 2020 

Semester Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 32

Lab Hours: 32

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Course explores developing applications for iOS devices. Will include Objective-C Swift programming, use of the iOS SDK environment, and current programming issues in the iOS environment.

Course Prerequisite(s): ITSE 1303 or Proven Basic SQL Knowledge

Course Type: 

□ - Academic General Education Course (from Academic Course Guide Manual but not in NCTC Core)

□ - Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course 

⌧ - WECM Course

Name of Instructor:

Michael McCoy Jr.

Campus/Office Location:

Corinth Campus, Room 320

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:








See Separate Office Hours Document


As posted in Canvas and by appointment.


Name of Chair/Coordinator: 

Susan Svane

Office Location:

Corinth Campus, Room 232

Telephone Number:

Office: 940-498-6292

E-mail Address: 

Name of Instructional Dean: 

Debbie Huffman

Office Location:

Gainesville Campus, Room CTC2106

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address: 



Required Text Book: eBook: iBooks, Intro to App Development with Swift and the resource files (a free book and download)

Recommended: Cloud service to save your work (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc…) OR an 8+ GB Flash Drive

Optional: iOS Device and Cable to Connect to Mac

Optional: iOS App DEvelopment for Non-Programmers Book 1: Diving In by Kevin McNeish



# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Weighted Percentage Values


Skill Assessment

20% of grade.


Lab Assignments

44% of grade.



20% of grade.



16% of grade.





>= 90% 


D    >= 60%



>= 80%


F    >=   0%



>= 70%




WECM End-of-Course Outcomes:  

  • Implement the procedures to become a registered Apple iOS developer

  • Design interfaces for iOS applications

  • Produce concept documentation

  • Create iOS in native SDK

  • Execute deployment procedures for various iOS devices




Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  Absence does not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work. Dropping a course is the student's responsibility, but you MAY be dropped for excessive absence.  See Attendance Regulations in the North Central Texas College Catalog. Attendance is taken in this class, and you are expected to prepare for and actively participate in the assignments and class discussions on a weekly basis. I also expect you to check your email everyday on M-F. I do not check emails on the weekends from Friday at 5:00 pm to Monday morning at 9:00 am.

Last Day to Withdraw: For the Spring 2020 semester, the last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is April 3, 2020. If a student decides to officially drop this course, then it is the student’s responsibility to submit the required forms to the registrar. Students who cease attending and who do not complete a drop slip prior April 3, 2020 earn a grade of “F”.


Policy for Late Assignment Submission: No late assignments accepted...plan ahead and submit work on time. If an emergency exists, you must get permission to submit late before the original due date. There are NO exceptions to this policy.




General Description/Learning Outcomes of Subject Matter

Getting Started with Swift

Swift is a programming language created by Apple. Programming languages, like apps, are software built by humans. Swift was started in July 2010 by Chris Lattner and was released for public use on September 9, 2014. Swift was made open source on December 3, 2015.

Variables and Constants

A variableis what you use to store information relevant to your program. You give a variable its name, which allows you to refer to and use it, and a type, which allows the computer to know how to store the information in memory.


A function is a tool that programmers use to hide complexity. The entire process of building software is a process of managing and juggling complexity. Our human brains can only hold so much information at a time so we need a way to help ourselves understand what complex software is doing.


A conditional is a tool for making decisions. So far all of the code we have written has been fairly linear. Conditionals allow us to create different branches of code that do different things based upon the state of the program.

Instances, Methods, and Properties

A property is a variable that is specific to an instance of a type. A method is a function that is specific to an instance of a type.

Arrays and Loops

In Swift (and many other languages), counting is 0-based instead of 1-based. That means that you start counting at 0 instead of 1 and that the first item in an array is the one at the 0th index. We can access the item at an index of an array by putting the index in square brackets after the name of the array. When we need to do a repetitive task in programming then we probably need a loop.

Objects and MVC

Objects are instances of classes and simply defining classes is not very useful by themselves. You have to use those classes and to do so you create an object. You create an object by calling an initializer or constructor of a class. 


Student Rights & Responsibilities

NCTC Board policy FLB (Local) Student Rights and Responsibilities states that each student shall be charged with notice and knowledge of the contents and provisions of the rules and regulations concerning student conduct.  These rules and regulations are published in the Student Handbook published in conjunction with the College Catalog. All students shall obey the law, show respect for properly constituted authority, and observe correct standards of conduct.  


Student Handbook
Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online.


Academic Dishonesty

Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty. See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”.  


Consequences for academic dishonesty may include:

  1. A grade of 0 for the work in question. 

  2. Possible academic suspension.


Complaint Procedures 

If the complaint involves a problem with an instructor, the student shall discuss the matter with the instructor before requesting a conference with the department chair… If the complaint involves a grade received, the student shall collect all tests, papers, daily assignments, class notes and other relevant material prior to the conference with the instructor in question.  (See Student Handbook > Discussion of Complaint)


ADA Statement

North Central Texas College is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities to its students with disabilities by providing assistance through “reasonable accommodations”; and a variety of services and resources through the Special Populations Office. The College does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in admission or access to its programs. Students are responsible for notifying the office of their need for assistance at least two weeks prior to the beginning of a semester. Students with documented disabilities such as mobility, hearing or visual impairments, learning, and/or psychological disorders are eligible for services. The Special Populations Office on the Gainesville Campus is located in the Counseling/Testing Center room ASC 108 (next door to the bookstore). For assistance, call 940/668-4216 ext. 344. 

Civil Rights
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L.88-352), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-318). and the Age Discrimination Act of 1978 (P.L. 92-256), North Central Texas College does not discriminate against or exclude from participation in any of its programs or activities, either in the student body or the staff, any person on the grounds of sex, race, color, religion, age, handicap, national origin, or veteran status.


Web Page

Visit the North Central Texas College web page for information on registration, financial aid, counseling/advising, and cost of tuition and fees. You will also find information on the catalog and semester schedules as well as courses of study. You can keep up with what is happening on campus by checking the calendar of events and the sports news. The web has information on the library as well as links to other areas of interest. Check out our web page at


Additional content for this course may be found in your Canvas account. Please check there for updates and news.



Disability Services (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents). 

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify. 

If you feel you have needs for services that the institution provides, please reach out to either Wayne Smith (940) 498-6207 or Yvonne Sandman (940) 668-4321.  Alternative students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville. Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209 to arrange for an intake appointment with OSD.


North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112). 


Support Services

Counseling and Testing staff offer a variety of services to current and prospective students, such as College 101, placement testing, academic advising and course registration, transfer assistance, and College Success seminars (Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Choosing a Major, Learning Style Strategies, Career Exploration), and much more. 

Student Success offers academic coaching, tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, free 24/7 online tutoring through Grade Results and assist new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students.   First generation students can also participate in TRIO, which offers specialized support services.


Financial Aid offers financial resources for students that qualify, visit the financial aid offices for more information. 

EEOC Statement
North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in the employment or the provision of services.


Early Alert and NCTC Cares

The NCTC Early Alert program has been established to assist students who are at risk of failing or withdrawing from a course. Your instructor may refer you to this program if you are missing assignments, failing tests, excessively absent, or have personal circumstances impacting your academic performance. If submitted as an Early Alert you will be notified via your NCTC e-mail address and then contacted by a Counseling and Testing advisor or counselor to discuss possible strategies for completing your course successfully.

The NCTC CARES (Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Services) Team addresses behavior which may be disruptive, harmful or pose a threat to the health and safety of the NCTC community-such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior, which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student. Just click the NCTC CARES Team logo posted on MyNCTC, or send an e-mail to  As always, if you feel there is an immediate threat to your own safety or welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.

Childcare Reimbursement Program
The Childcare Reimbursement Program provides support services for NCTC students pursuing a career in a technical field of study to help them complete their career plans. The program will reimburse technical declared students a percentage of their daycare expenses if the child is attending a licensed or registered daycare facility.  This is on a first come first serve basis, and is available to students on all 5 campuses. Please note, we do not have a childcare facility on any of our 5 campuses. This is a reimbursement program only.

Students who wish to become eligible for Childcare Assistance Program need to:

For more information, please contact Yvonne Sandmann on the Gainesville Campus at 940-668-3300, or by email at


Student Success Center

The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. The center links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free online tutoring in the evening.  The program helps students acclimate to college by providing students free interactive workshops. For more information, please visit your nearest Student Success Center.


Class Communications:

I also expect you to check your email everyday on M-F. I do not check emails on the weekends from Friday at 5:00 pm to Monday morning at 9:00 am.


Certificate Programs:

If you are planning to complete a certificate, you must take the competency exam prior to graduation. Contact Susan Svane at within three weeks of graduation.

Tobacco-Free Campus
NCTC restricts the use of all tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco on campus property. NCTC is aware that tobacco use influences underage students which cumulates unsightly tobacco litter and interferes with assuring clean air for all who come to NCTC. NCTC recognizes the health hazards of tobacco use and of exposure to second hand smoke. Information on a tobacco cessation program is available for students, faculty, staff who wish to stop using tobacco products. We would like to "thank you" for your help in making our campuses Tobacco-Free. For questions or concerns please contact the Office of the Dean of Student Services at 940.498.6445.

While we provide the locations to download the software for this class, it’s your responsibility to install the software on your computer, and ensure it is executing properly. NCTC is not and cannot be responsible for installing any of the software programs and the proper operation of your computer.


Workforce Education Program Elements (SCANS Skills)


The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) conducted extensive research and interviews and determined that “workplace know-how” consists of two elements:  foundations skills and workplace competencies. Upon successful completion of the courses in this program, students will have demonstrated the following competencies:  


  1. Foundation Skills


  1. Basic Skills:  A worker must (i) read, (ii)write, (iii) perform arithmetic and mathematical operations, (iv) listen, and (v) speak effectively.


  1. Thinking Skills: A worker must (i) think creatively, (ii) make decisions, (iii) solve problems, (iv) visualize, (v) know how to learn, and (vi) reason effectively.


  1. Personal Qualities:  A worker must display (i) responsibility, (ii) self-esteem, (iii) sociability, (iv) self-management, (v) integrity, and (vi) honesty.

  1. Workplace Competencies


  1. Resources:  A worker must identify, organize, plan, and allocate resources effectively.  This includes (i) time, (ii) money, (iii) material and facilities, and (iv) human resources.


  1. Interpersonal Skills:  A worker must work with others effectively to (i) participate as a member of a team, (ii) teach others new skills, (iii) serve clients/customers, (iv) exercise leadership, (v) negotiate, and (vi) work with diversity.


  1. Information:  A worker must be able to (i) acquire and use information, (ii) organize and maintain information, (iii) interpret and communicate information and (iv) use computers to process information.


  1. Systems:  A worker must understand complex interrelationships as in (i) understanding systems, (ii) monitor and correct performance, and (iii) improve and design systems.


  1. Technology:  A worker must be able to work with a variety of technologies, e.g. (i) select technology, (ii) apply technology, and (iii) maintain and troubleshoot equipment.


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