ITSE2302 -- Intermediate Web Programming






Course title: Intermediate Web Programming

Course prefix, number, and section number: ITSE2302.0340

Semester/Year of course: Fall 2023

Semester start and end dates: August 28, 2023 – December 16, 2023

Modality (Face to face/Synchronous or Asynchronous online/Hybrid): Asynchronous online

Class meeting location, days, and times: Asynchronous online

Lab meeting location, days, and times: Asynchronous online

Semester credit hours: 3

Course description: Server-side and client-side techniques for Web development.

Course prerequisites: (WECM suggested prerequisite) Competency in basic Web programming or departmental approval.

Required course materials: Required: Text Book: Murach’s PHP and MySQL, 4th edition, by Joel Murach and Ray Harris; ISBN: 978-1-943873-00-5                               


Required: An account with a web hosting company such as,, or will be required to use by the end of the first week of class for setting up a remote site to host the web pages you will be creating in the course. Please utilize suggested guidelines by web hosting companies when registering your domain name. If you decide to use a hosting company other than the one I have recommended, then you will need to make sure that they offer a C-panel with Linux server, FTP access, MySQL database, scripting (PHP and JQuery). Please do not specify to setup a Windows server as their usual management tool called Plex does not allow us to do some of the things we need to do. If you are unclear about this, then email me in Canvas. Also, a flash drive is required for the labs – recommended minimum of 8 GB. Usually you can search for ‘discounted web-hosting with free domain name and C-panel’ and it’ll cost around $13 to $15. If you cannot afford web hosting, then you need to let me know immediately. Do NOT wait until the second or third week or later to let me know that you cannot afford web hosting.


Name of instructor: William Hill

Office location: COR 202

Telephone number: 940-498-6463

E-mail address:


Office hours for students:

As posted in Canvas in the Cisco WebEx link or by appointment. I reserve the right to change these office hours as needed. The office hours listed in the Cisco WebEx link in the Canvas course are the correct office hours. If none of these office hours work with your schedule, you may request an appointment.



The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in person and/or writing.




List of graded assignments:

16        Homework Assignments         20% of course grade

16        Quizzes                                   20% of course grade

16        Lab Assignments                     40% of course grade

4          Unit Exams                              20% of course grade


Final grade scale: 

A >= 90%, B >= 80%, C >= 70%, D >= 60%, and F < 60%


Late work policy:

No late work is accepted. There is no extra credit available. Your grade will be based on the above graded elements listed.  There are no makeup assignments.






Academic Integrity Policy:

Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Consequences for academic dishonesty may include:

1) The student will receive a failing grade of "0" on the assignment. If the assignment is within a group in which the lowest assignment is dropped, the assignment will not be able to count as a dropped score. It will count as part of the grade.

2) A "Scholastic Dishonesty Report Form" will be submitted regarding the incident

3) Student may be dropped from the course with a failing grade (letter grade of “F”)


Attendance Policy:

Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgment by the faculty member. Approved college-sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence. Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work. Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor. A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance, if possible, for permission to postpone the exam. Students will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy:

AI/Natural Language Programs (NLPs)/Large Language Models (LLMs) Usage Policy: This information is used with permission and citation with gratitude to Princeton University: The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.         

·         Intellectual honesty is vital to an academic community and for my fair evaluation of your work.  All work submitted in this course must be your own, completed in accordance with the College's academic regulations. You may not engage in unauthorized collaboration or make use of ChatGPT or other AI composition software/NLPs/LLMs.

·         Students must obtain permission from me before using AI composition software (like ChatGPT) for any assignments in this course. Using these tools without my permission puts your academic integrity at risk. 

·         This course does make use of AI/NLPs/LLMs plagiarism checker software as such as “Turnitin” developed for the purpose of detecting the use of AI programs.

Any violation of this policy will be considered academic dishonesty and will be documented and filed as such.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights and Responsibilities:  Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL])”.


Email policy: All course email is to be done through Canvas Inbox. Please do not use my email address during the semester. That should only be used between semesters when you have questions regarding the next semester. Also, please use your email address when contacting me between semesters as I will not open emails from personal email addresses due to the current privacy laws.


Withdrawal Policy:

A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.


Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is:

Monday, November 6, 2023


Student Learning Outcomes:

WECM End-of-Course Outcomes: Design, code, and implement a secure dynamic web application; incorporate client-side and server-side scripts.


Class Communications:
I also expect you to check your email every day on M-F. During the school week (M-F), I check my email at least twice a day. I do not check emails on the weekends from Friday at 5:00 pm to Monday morning at 10:00 am.


15 Rules of Netiquette for Online Discussion Boards:
Netiquette means etiquette for the net. Netiquette refers to rules of etiquette that apply to online communication. Follow these 15 rules of netiquette to make sure you sound respectful, polite, and knowledgeable when you post to your class’s online discussion boards.

1. Before posting your question to a discussion board, check if anyone has asked it already and received a reply. Just as you wouldn’t repeat a topic of discussion right after it happened in real life, don’t do that in discussion boards either.

2. Stay on topic – Don’t post irrelevant links, comments, thoughts, or pictures.

3. Don’t type in ALL CAPS! If you do, it will look like you’re screaming.

4. Don’t write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic, even as a joke, because without hearing your tone of voice, your peers might not realize you’re joking.

5. Always remember to say “Please” and “Thank you” when soliciting help from your classmates.

6. Respect the opinions of your classmates. If you feel the need to disagree, do so respectfully and acknowledge the valid points in your classmate’s argument. Acknowledge that others are entitled to have their own perspective on the issue.

7. If you reply to a question from a classmate, make sure your answer is accurate! If you’re not 100% sure when the paper is due, DO NOT GUESS! Otherwise, you could really mess things up for your classmates and they will not appreciate it.

8. If you ask a question and many people respond, summarize all answers and post that summary to benefit your whole class.

9. Be brief. If you write a long dissertation in response to a simple question, it’s unlikely that anyone will spend the time to read through it all.

10. Don’t badmouth others or call them stupid. You may disagree with their ideas, but don’t mock the person.

11. If you refer to something your classmate said earlier in the discussion, quote just a few key lines from their post so that others won’t have to go back and figure out which post you’re referring to.

12. Before asking a question, check the class FAQs or search the internet to see if the answer is obvious or easy to find.

13. Check the most recent comments before you reply to an older comment, since the issue might have already been resolved or opinions may have changed.

14. Be forgiving. If your classmate makes a mistake, don’t badger him or her for it. Just let it go – it happens to the best of us.

15. Run a spelling and grammar check before posting anything to the discussion board. It only takes a minute, and can make the difference between sounding like a fool and sounding knowledgeable.

Rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t do or say something in real life, don’t do it online either.

     Adapted from Touro College’s Online Education Department |


Core Objectives:

Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical and Quantitative, Teamwork, Personal Responsibility, Social Responsibility







Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.



NCTC will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations.  See the OSD Syllabus Addendum.


NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students.  See the Student Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.




The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints specific to the class.  If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student may contact the chair or coordinator of the division.  If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.


Name of Chair/Coordinator: Bekah Sanchez

Office location: Corinth campus, room 170

Telephone number: 940-498-6480

E-mail address:


Name of Instructional Dean: Debbie Huffman

Office location: Gainesville Campus, Room CTC2106

Telephone number: 940-668-3357

E-mail address:


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