


Course title: Medical Terminology
Course prefix, number, and section number: HITT 1305 - 0340
Semester/Year of course: Spring 2023
Semester start and end dates: January 17, 2023 – May 13, 2023
Modality (Face to face/Synchronous or Asynchronous online/Hybrid): Online
Class meeting location, days, and times: Online
Semester credit hours: 3

Course description: Study of the basic structure of medical words, including prefixes,
suffixes, roots, combining forms, plurals, pronunciation, spelling, and the definitions of medical
terms. Emphasis is on building a professional vocabulary required for
employment in the allied healthcare field.
Course prerequisites: None

Required course materials:
Comprehensive Medical Terminology, 5th Edition by Betty Davis Jones. Tuition has covered the
cost of this e–book and the learning platform MindTap. If you would like a loose-leaf version of
the book, you may purchase a loose-leaf version for an additional cost from Cengage.

Name of instructor: Dawnie Maples
Office location: Gainesville Campus, HSC Building, Rm 2428 I
Telephone number: Office: 940-668-4281 or Cell/Text: 940-252-4997
E-mail address:
Office hours for students: Monday 3:00-5:00pm, Tuesday 2:00-5:00pm, Online by appointment


The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the
best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced
as soon as possible in person and/or writing.


List of graded assignments:
Assignments MindTap 10%
Apply Yourself Learning 10%
Discussions – Story Time 10%
Chapter Quizzes 15%
Exams 25%
Comprehensive Final 30%

Final grade scale:
A Excellent 91-100%
B Good 82-90%
C Average 75-81%
F Fail 74% and below

Assignments MindTap:
There are varying assignments due through Cengage MindTap for each chapter. They are linked
through the Canvas course or straight through the Cengage website. They can range from
multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, true or false, labeling or short answers. All
assignments are open from the first day of the course till their due date. Assignments can be
completed multiple times until the due date to increase your grade.

Apply Yourself Learning:
These are a specific assignment due through Cengage MindTap for each chapter. They are
linked through the Canvas course or straight through the Cengage website. These are more of a
test based assignment. All Apply Yourself Learning are open from the first day of the course till
their due date. These can only be completed once.

Discussions are through Canvas. They are NOT linked into Cengage MindTap. You will complete
six (6) discussion boards throughout the semester. All discussions are open from the first day of
the course till their due date.

Chapter Quizzes are through Cengage MindTap and linked through the Canvas course. Quizzes
are due by their listed due date. All Chapter quizzes are open from the first day of the course till
their due date. These can only be completed once.

Examinations and Final Exam:
Exams will be taken through the Canvas course using Lockdown Browser. A webcam will be
required for the exams. Exams must be taken within the 48-hour window that exam is open in.
Evaluation of student performance on computer examinations shall be based on the answers as
recorded in CANVAS courses and results of webcam proctor in Lockdown Browser. No books or
notes to be used during the exam. If the student must miss a test, arrangements must be made
with the instructor prior to the test opening. If a student misses exams, with no prior
arrangement made with instructor(s), the student will receive a “0.” The comprehensive final
exam is open May 8, 2023 at 12:01am until May 9, 2023 at 11:59pm.

Late work policy:
All assignments listed in syllabus, as well as any additional written assignments given by the
instructor must be satisfactorily completed and submitted appropriately in the assignment drop
box on or before the assigned due date, in order to receive a grade on the assignment. Failure
to complete and submit assignments by the due date will result in students receiving a zero (0)
for the assignment.


Academic Integrity Policy:
Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification,
intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty, facilitation, and collusion. Faculty member
may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be
engaged in academic dishonesty. See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities:
Student Conduct.”

Attendance Policy:
Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students. Please see Surgical Technology
Student Handbook: Attendance Policy, in Canvas Course and flash drive.

Withdrawal Policy:
A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s
responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.
Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is: April 3, 2023

Student Learning Outcomes:
Workforce Education Program Elements (SCANS Skills)
The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) conducted extensive research
and interviews and determined that “workplace know-how” consists of two elements:
foundations skills and workplace competencies.
These SCANS Skills are referenced with each course objective and are as follows:
(1) Foundation Skills
a. Basic Skills: A worker must (i) read, (ii) write, (iii) perform arithmetic and
mathematical operations, (iv) listen, and (v) speak effectively.
b. Thinking Skills: A worker must (i) think creatively, (ii) make decisions, (iii) solve
problems, (iv) visualize, (v) know how to learn, and (vi) reason effectively.
c. (c) Personal Qualities: A worker must display (i) responsibility, (ii) self-esteem,
(iii) sociability, (iv) self management, (v) integrity, and (vi) honesty.
(2) Workplace Competencies
a. Resources: A worker must identify, organize, plan, and allocate resources
effectively. This includes (i) time, (ii) money, (iii) material and facilities, and (iv)
human resources.
b. Interpersonal Skills: A worker must work with others effectively to (i)
participate as a member of a team, (ii) teach others new skills, (iii) serve
clients/customers, (iv) exercise leadership, (v) negotiate, and (vi) work with
c. Information: A worker must be able to (i) acquire and use information, (ii)
organize and maintain information, (iii) interpret and communicate
information and (iv) use computers to process information. (d) Systems: A
worker must understand complex interrelationships as in (i) understanding
systems, (ii) monitor and correct performance, and (iii) improve and design
systems. (e) Technology: A worker must be able to work with a variety of
technologies, e.g. (i) select technology, (ii) apply technology, and (iii) maintain
and troubleshoot equipment

Core Objectives:
The student will utilize content from lectures, assigned readings, videos, and research
findings to be able to:

Chapter 1: Word Building Rules
List the three basic component parts of a word.
Correctly state the rule for joining prefixes and suffixes to a word root
Accurately define the terms word root, suffix, prefix, combining vowel, and combining form
Correctly state the rule for using multiple word roots in a com-pound word
Demonstrate the ability to apply the word building rules by accurately completing
the review exercises located at the end of this chapter.
Define an eponym and give an example

Chapter 2: Prefixes
Define a prefix and state the rule for using prefixes in words.
Correctly identify at least 20 prefixes that deal with numbers, colors, measurements, and negatives.
Correctly identify at least 10 prefixes that deal with position and direction.
Correctly identify at least 30 other prefixes.
Demonstrate the ability to create at least 10 new words using prefixes by completing
the applicable exercises at the end of the chapter

Chapter 3: Suffixes
Define a suffix and state the rule for using suffixes in words.
Correctly identify at least 10 suffixes that make a word a noun.
Correctly identify at least 10 suffixes that make a word an adjective.
Correctly identify at least 10 suffixes that deal with instruments and with diagnostic and surgical procedures.
Identify and define at least 8 suffixes that deal with specialties and specialists.

Chapter 4: Whole Body Terminology
List the five body cavities identified in this chapter.
List the organs contained within the five body cavities as identified in the chapter reading.
Define at least 10 general terms relating to the body as a whole.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify the nine body regions studied in this chapter.
Identify at least eight terms relating to the structural organization of the body.
Identify at least 10 directional terms relating to the body as a whole.
Create at least 10 medical terms relating to the body as a whole.

Chapter 5: The Integumentary System
Identify the major structures of the skin.
List five functions of the skin.
Identify and define 20 pathological conditions of the integumentary system.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques, treatments, or procedures used in assessing
disorders of the integumentary system.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed in the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify at least 10 skin lesions, based on their descriptions.
Create at least 10 medical terms related to the integumentary system and identify the
applicable combining form(s) for each term.
Identify at least 20 abbreviations common to the integumentary system.

Chapter 6: The Skeletal System
Identify five functions of the skeletal system.
Identify four classifications of bones.
Correctly identify 10 different bone markings.
Correctly identify at least 10 major bones of the body by labeling the skeletal diagram provided in
the chapter review exercises.
Define at least 10 pathological conditions of the skeletal system.
Identify and define at least 10 different types of bone fractures.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Correctly construct words relating to the skeletal system.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to the skeletal system.

Chapter 7: Muscles and Joints
Identify three different types of muscles and indicate the control under which each type functions.
Correctly identify at least five major muscles of the body by labeling the muscle diagram
provided in the chapter review exercises.
Define at least 10 pathological conditions of the muscles and joints.
Identify a minimum of 10 abbreviations common to the muscles and joints.
Demonstrate the ability to create at least 10 medical words pertaining to the muscles and joints.
Define 10 different range-of-motion movements of the skeletal muscles.
Identify at least five diagnostic techniques used in evaluating patients with disorders of the muscles or joints.
Proof and correct one transcription exercise relative to the muscles and joints.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.

Chapter 8: The Nervous System
Correctly identify at least 10 anatomical terms relating to the nervous system.
Identify the structures common to the central nervous system.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Demonstrate the ability to create at least 10 medical words pertaining to the nervous system.
Identify the structures of the brain by labeling them on the diagrams provided in the chapter review exercises.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to the nervous system.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic procedures common to the nervous system.
Identify at least 30 pathological conditions common to the nervous system.
State the difference between afferent and efferent nerves.
List the structures of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Correctly
form the plurals of words ending in -ion, -ite, and -us by completing the appropriate chapter
review exercise.

Chapter 9: The Blood and Lymphatic System
List the major functions of the blood and of the lymphatic system as identified in the chapter
overview of each system.
Identify and define 30 pathological conditions of the blood and lymphatic systems.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of
the blood and lymphatic systems.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify and define at least 10 medical terms related to the blood and lymphatic systems.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to the blood and lymphatic systems.
Identify at least 10 combining forms related to the blood and lymphatic systems.

Chapter 10: The Cardiovascular System
Identify and label the pathway of blood as it travels through the heart, to the lungs, and back
through the heart.
List two major functions of the cardiovascular system.
Identify and label the structures of the heart by completing the exercise at the end of the chapter.
Define at least 10 common cardiovascular signs and symptoms.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Define at least 20 common cardiovascular conditions.
Identify at least 20 abbreviations common to the cardiovascular system.
Identify four congenital heart diseases.
Identify at least three heart arrhythmias

Chapter 11: The Respiratory System
List two major functions of the respiratory system.
State the difference between external respiration and internal respiration.
Identify the pathway of air as it travels from the nose to the capillaries of the lungs.
Identify 10 structures related to the respiratory system.
Define 10 common respiratory signs and symptoms.
Identify at least 10 breath sounds.
Define 20 common pathological conditions of the respiratory system.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to the respiratory system.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Correctly define at least 10-word elements relating to the respiratory system

Chapter 12: Skin: The Digestive System
Identify and label the structures of the digestive system.
List five basic functions of the digestive system.
Identify and define at least 25 pathological conditions of the digestive system.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in evaluating disorders of the digestive system.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Create at least 10 medical terms related to the digestive system and identify the applicable
combining form(s) for each term.
Identify at least 20 abbreviations common to the digestive system.

Chapter 13: The Endocrine System
Define diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes, and diabetes insipidus, and identify the
differences among the three conditions.
List the nine endocrine glands identified in this chapter.
Identify and define at least 20 pathological conditions of the endocrine system.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Create at least 10 medical terms related to the endocrine system and identify the correct
combining form for each word.
Identify and define at least 10 abbreviations common to the endocrine system.
Identify and define at least 10 hormones secreted by the endocrine glands and the gland that
secretes each of the hormones.
Identify and define at least 20 medical terms defined in the vocabulary section of this chapter

Chapter 14: The Special Senses
Correctly identify and label the structures of the eye.
Identify and define 20 pathological conditions of the eye and ear.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in treating disorders of the eye and ear
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Create at least 10 medical terms related to the eye and ear and identify the appropriate
combining form(s) for each term.
Identify at least 20 abbreviations common to the eye and ear.
Identify the pathway of sound from the external auditory canal to the cerebral cortex.

Chapter 15: The Urinary System
Identify and label the internal structure of the kidney.
List four major functions of the urinary system.
Using a flow chart, identify the appropriate structures involved in the process of forming and expelling urine.
Define at least 15 common signs and symptoms that indicate possible urinary system problems.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Define 10 urinary system conditions.
Proof and correct the transcription exercise relative to the urinary system.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to the urinary system.
Identify the characteristics of normal urine.

Chapter 16 The Male Reproductive System
Correctly label the structures of the male reproductive system.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify and define at least 10 pathological conditions of the male reproductive system.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in treating disorders of the male reproductive system.
Proof and correct the transcription exercise relative to the male reproductive system provided
at the end of this chapter.
Demonstrate the ability to correctly construct words relating to the male reproductive system
by completing the appropriate exercise at the end of the chapter.
Identify three secondary sex characteristic changes that occur in the male body at the onset of puberty.
Identify six sexually transmitted diseases.

Chapter 17 The Female Reproductive System
Identify the four phases of the menstrual cycle.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify 10 abbreviations common to the female reproductive system.
Identify and define at least 10 pathological conditions of the female reproductive system.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in evaluating disorders of the female reproductive system.
Demonstrate the ability to proof and correct a transcription exercise relative to the female
reproductive system by completing the appropriate exercise at the end of the chapter.
Demonstrate the ability to correctly identify and label the internal genitalia of the female
reproductive system using the diagram provided at the end of the chapter.
Identify five secondary sex characteristic changes that occur in the female body at the onset of puberty.
Identify and define four surgical approaches to removing a malignant growth from the female breast.
Identify the steps involved in breast self-examination.

Chapter 18 Obstetrics
State the difference between presumptive and probable signs of pregnancy.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Define at least 20 abbreviations common to obstetrics.
Define 10 physiological changes that occur in the female during pregnancy.
List and define at least five diagnostic techniques used in treating obstetrical patients.
Demonstrate the ability to correctly construct words relating to the field of obstetrics by
completing the word element review exercise at the end of the chapter.
List and define at least 10 complications of pregnancy.
Differentiate between the signs and symptoms of impending labor and those of false and/or true labor.

Chapter 19 Child Health
Identify and define at least 20 pathological conditions common to children.
List and define 10 communicable diseases seen in children.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Define at least 20 abbreviations common to the discussion of diseases and disorders of children.
State the recommended immunization schedule for infants and children.
Distinguish the differences between active and passive immunity.
Chapter 20 Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Identify at least 20 diagnostic techniques/procedures relating to the specialty of radiology
and diagnostic imaging.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify at least 10 radiological positions and/or movements based on their descriptions.
Demonstrate the ability to create at least 10 medical terms related to the specialty of radiology
and diagnostic imaging by completing the “Definition to Term” exercise at the end of the chapter.
Identify at least 20 abbreviations common to the specialty of radiology and diagnostic imaging.

Chapter 21 Oncology
Identify and define 15 pathological conditions and five treatment methods associated with oncology.
Identify at least 10 diagnostic techniques used in diagnosis and treatment of oncological disorders.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to oncology.
List and define six surgical procedures used in the diagnosis or cure of malignant tumors.
List and define three tumor responses to radiation therapy.

Chapter 22 Pharmacology
Identify the laws and governing agencies that enforce the safe manufacture, distribution, and
use of foods, drugs, and cosmetics.
List five drug schedules used for categorizing controlled substances as identified in this chapter.
List four drug references identified in this chapter.
Identify four sources of drugs, giving examples for each source, as identified in this chapter.
Identify five names given to drugs to identify their chemical formula, their manufacturer’s
original name, or the name under which they are sold.
Identify at least 10 drug actions/interactions that occur within the body.
Identify 10 forms of administration of medications.
Identify at least 14 classifications of drugs identified in this chapter.
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using
the phonetic pronunciations provided.
Identify at least 30 abbreviations related to pharmacology.

Chapter 23 Mental Health
Correctly spell and pronounce terms listed on the Written and Audio Terminology Review, using the phonetic
pronunciations provided.
List and define 10 defense mechanisms studied in this chapter.
List and define at least five phobias studied in this chapter.
List and define at least 20 mental disorders discussed in this chapter.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations common to mental health.
Identify 10 treatments, therapies, and tests used in the practice of mental health.

Chapter 24 Gerontology
Identify and define 10 pathological conditions related to gerontology.
Identify at least five diagnostic techniques and procedures used in diagnosis and treatment
of disorders of older adults.
Correctly spell at least 20 medical terms that relate to gerontology.
Identify at least 10 medical terms related to gerontology based on their descriptions.
Create at least 10 medical terms related to gerontology and identify the appropriate
combining form(s) for each term.
Identify at least 10 abbreviations related to gerontology.
Identify and define 10-word elements related to gerontology


Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.

NCTC will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with
respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is
the student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to arrange
appropriate accommodations. See the OSD Syllabus Addendum.

NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students. See the Student
Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.


The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints
specific to the class. If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student
may contact the chair or coordinator of the division. If the student remains unsatisfied, the
student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.

Name of Chair/Coordinator: Interim Emily Lewis
Office location: ADN offices HSC 2428-A
Telephone number:
E-mail address:

Name of Instructional Dean: Diane Neu MSN, RN
Office location: HSC Bldg. Dean’ Office
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
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