Syllabus Spring 2022








Course title: United States History II

Course prefix, number, and section number: HIST.1302.0402 & 0403

Semester/Year of course: Spring 2022

Semester start and end dates: 1-18, 2022/5-14, 2022

Modality (Face to face/Synchronous or Asynchronous online/Hybrid): Face to face

Class meeting location, days, and times: 0402: MW 9:30-10:50/0403: 11:00-12:20

Lab meeting location, days, and times: COR368

Semester credit hours: 3

Course description: A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the Civil War/Reconstruction era to the present.  United States History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post-Cold War eras.  Themes that may be addressed in United States History II include:  American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technologi/cal change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal government, and the study of U.S. foreign Policy.

Course prerequisites: none

Required course materials: Brinkley, Alan.  The Unfinished Nation:  A Concise History of the American People. 9th edition. McGraw-Hill. 2019 ISBN 978-1264031924

The Web-based material is unique to NCTC.  You must purchase it from the NCTC bookstore or directly through Canvas, to the McGraw-Hill publishing Connect website.


Name of instructor: Jane England   

Office location: COR322

Telephone number: 940-498-6244

E-mail address:

Office hours for students: MW 8:00-9:30, 12:30-1:30/conferences on line by appointment





The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in person and/or writing.





List of graded assignments:

  • 4                      Exams                                                                           100 points each
  • 5                      Primary Source Assignments                                       10 points each
  • 1                      Movie Review Research Paper                                      50 points
  • 1                      Movie Review Selection and Sources                             5 points
  • 4                      Optional Extra Credit Assignments                                 5 points each


Final grade scale:  Grades are point based, not percentage based. At the end of the semester, letter grades are assigned according to the following point totals:   A =500- 450; B = 449-400; C = 399-350; D = 349-300; F=below 300                 

No grades are dropped.  No grades are curved.  No “extra work” is substituted for test scores.


Late work policy: All work must be submitted on time. Late work is not accepted.








Academic Integrity Policy: Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 


Attendance Policy: Students are required to attend class.  Those wishing to drop the course should fill out the necessary forms online or in the Registrar’s Office.  Students who stop attending class without filling out a drop slip or dropping on line may receive a semester grade of F.


BE ON TIME FOR CLASS! If a student is tardy, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor after class that he or she was present. In calculating attendance  3 Tardies = 1 Absence.


Good Attendance Points: Students who have good attendance (no more than three absences in MW and TR classes) may receive 10 points on their point total at the end of the semester.



Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.


Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is: April 4, 2022


Student Learning Outcomes:

At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.

Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources.

Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of the United States History.

Core Objectives:

Critical Thinking


Personal Responsibility

Social Responsibility







Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.



NCTC will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations.  See the OSD Syllabus Addendum.


NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students.  See the Student Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.






The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints specific to the class.  If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student may contact the chair or coordinator of the division.  If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.


Name of Chair/Coordinator: Crystal Wright

Office location: Denton Exchange, room 204

Telephone number: 940-380-2504

E-mail address:


Name of Instructional Dean: Crystal Wright

Office location: Denton Exchange, room 204

Telephone number: 940-380-2504

E-mail address:


NCTC COVID information for Students and Faculty & Staff


  • Beginning January 10, 2022, NCTC will transition the campus pandemic safety protocols back to Normal Operations. This change adheres to evolving guidelines produced by the CDC and state mandates. With this transition, we look forward to the return of pre-pandemic operational norms in class formats, student life and other college traditions at NCTC. Though most protocols will be lifted through this operational status change, some pandemic resources will remain as we begin the Spring semester.


  • Vaccination will remain voluntary and strongly encouraged. In compliance with Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-38, the North Central Texas College will not require individuals to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or provide proof of vaccination. We strongly encourage the NCTC community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to further secure a fully in-person education experience. Getting your COVID-19 vaccine helps keep you and your fellow Lions safe. Please see COVID vaccination locations in related links to find your nearest vaccine provider (COVID Vaccine Locations

Face Mask:

  • Optional on all campuses.

Building Cleaning:

Cleaning Protocols will remain in place through the Spring semester. All offices, classrooms and hallways will be disinfected and sanitized throughout the day on a daily basis.


Occupancy Levels and Physical Distance:

  • Occupancy on campus will open to 100% in all areas, with no physical distancing required. This includes all restrooms, elevators, office areas and classrooms


  • Face coverings will not be required in any NCTC/state-owned or rented vehicles. There are no longer any restrictions on travel between campuses. If you intended on traveling either Domestic or International please see Travel in related links.  (

Athletic Events:

  • Athletic events are open at 100% capacity

If You Are Sick, Stay Home

  • It is important for individuals to remain vigilant of their health and symptoms. Individuals should screen themselves daily. If you feel sick, you should stay home.


Vaccine FAQ’s

I’ve tested positive for COVID-19, now what?

  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please email Dillon Bannister to receive your 5-day restriction letter. If employees of NCTC test positive for COVID they must use their own sick time while quarantined.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID once your home isolation period has ended. You do NOT have to produce a negative test in order to return to campus. After your isolation period you may return to campus as long as you have no visible symptoms

Is the vaccine required?

  • No. Vaccination is voluntary and strongly encouraged. In compliance with Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order GA-38, the college will not require individuals to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or provide proof of vaccination. We strongly encourage the NCTC community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to further secure a fully in-person fall semester.

Where can I be vaccinated?

  • Visit to find a vaccination provider near you today, or see vaccine locations under related links to find a location with 25 miles of each campus. These locations are subject to change, and you should call ahead to ensure there are vaccines available.

Who is eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

  • Individuals 5 years of age and older are eligible to be vaccinated.
  • Individuals 16 years of age an older are eligible to receive the COVID booster

What COVID-19 vaccines are currently authorized in the U.S.?

The currently authorized vaccines to prevent COVID-19 in the United States:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech dose should be given three weeks (21 days) apart
  • Moderna dose should be given one month (28 days) apart
  • Johnson & Johnson is a single dose vaccine.

Do I have to quarantine after being exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19?

  • NO. Under Gov. Abbotts executive order GA-38 (
  • No governmental entity can compel any individual to receive a COVID-19 vaccine administered under an emergency use authorization. Furthermore, no state agencies and political subdivisions shall not adopt or enforce any order, ordinance, policy, regulation. rule, or similar measure that requires an individual to provide, as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place, documentation regarding the individual’s vaccination status for any COVID-19 vaccine administered under an emergency use authorization.
  • In areas where COVID transmission rates are high, individuals are encouraged to follow the safe practices they have already mastered, such as wearing face coverings over the nose and mouth wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household, but no person may be required by any jurisdiction to wear or to mandate the wearing of a face covering





The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students with disabilities. OSD counselors and advisors also provide strategies for academic success; individual, career, and academic counseling services as well as referrals to campus and community services and assistance with admission and registration.

It is not necessary that a student with a disability disclose his/her disability to college officials if he/she is not requesting any accommodations.

OSD is federally funded through the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Federal Grant.

NCTC is committed to making its degree and certificate programs accessible to all qualified persons in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA Amendments Act, and The Rehabilitation Act (1973), Section 504.


New Students

Accommodations require advance preparation.  Please make your request before the semester begins. 

Documentation is required before any accommodations can be provided.  Depending on your diagnosis, this documentation should come from a medical doctor, psychologist or other licensed or properly credentialed professional.

Current Students

Contact the OSD at the beginning of each semester well in advance of registration.

Contact Us

Please reach out to us to schedule and intake or if you have questions or concerns.

Wayne Smith, OSD Manager,, (940) 498-6207

Yvonne Sandmann, OSD Advisor,, (940) 668-3300






Providing support and resources enables us to connect with students who are deserving of equity and understanding. Staff and faculty serve as advocates for NCTCs Affinity Groups for students who have specific barriers or systems they are navigating not only within college but within life. Student Life and our Awareness months promote in-person and virtual events as well as volunteer and leadership opportunities to foster student engagement. The Honors Program is also a great way for students to realize their full potential. Be sure to download the NCTC App to connect with other current or prospective students and get immediate updates and feedback about all things NCTC!


In need of employment or direction? NCTC Career Coaches meet one-on-one to provide training in writing resumes, job searches, interviewing, and more. Utilize some free online assessments to determine your interests and future career options, explore What Can I Do with This Major. The Skills to Succeed Academy is also a free interactive, online employability training program focused on building the skills and confidence you need to succeed in todays workforce. At NCTC we want to help you Aspire to Be Hired!




The Completion Center provides a variety of services for first-time in college students. This includes academic success coaching, goal setting, course planning, and connecting to resources for all new college students. Free online Success Seminars are available through Student Lingo. New students will enroll in a First Year Experience (NCTC 1001) course to get started on the right track and can also qualify to join the National Society of Leadership and Success!


Advisors/Success Coaches help students explore majors and programs offered, identify the best combination of classes to meet their goals, navigate how and when to transfer, and motivate students to continue on their journey to academic and personal success. Students are assigned to a specific advisor/success coach based on their major or career interests and can schedule in-person, phone, or virtual appointments through their online calendar!

Students also have access to free 24/7 telehealth counseling and medical appointments through TimelyCare and can contact one of our NCTC Counselors for help locating Community Resources and Wellness agencies, or they can request assistance to let us know their needs related to healthcare, housing, childcare, food, financial assistance, and other support.


Faculty and staff may refer students who are struggling academically as an Early Alert in an effort to provide needed intervention and support services. Students submitted as an Early Alert will be contacted by their advisor/success coach through text, phone, and/or via their NCTC e-mail address to discuss any current challenges as well as helpful resources and success strategies. Our Academic Recovery programs is also offered for students who need help bouncing back from Academic Probation or Suspension. We want our students to finish strong!

Additionally, the NCTC CARES Team is concerned not only about our students' academic success but also their emotional and physical well-being. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student, such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. Download our Campus Safety app, and if you feel there is an immediate threat to your welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.

EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (EDI) EDI partners with the entire campus community to create, maintain, and demonstrate NCTCs commitment to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning environment where NCTC students succeed. NCTC defines equity as encompassing the practice of acknowledging individual differences and systemic disparities when developing new programs and resources for our campus community, which may sometimes challenge our own beliefs and assumptions, in order to ensure balanced educational opportunities toward completion. Everyone Included. Everyone Belongs. Everyone Valued. Everyone Inspired. STUDENT SERVICES & RESOURCES SYLLABUS ADDENDUM-SPRING 2022



The Office of Financial Aid provides students with information and guidance with applying for eligible types of financial assistance, such as the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or Veterans Benefits. Students who have exemptions or tuition waivers will also work with the Financial Aid Office to have these funds applied to their accounts. Additionally, the NCTC Scholarship Office provides local scholarship opportunities through an online application process, and our Business Office has payment plan options.


NCTC Libraries have resources from books and media to online databases and study guides to, as well as a free Laptop Loaner program! Contact them through their Ask a Librarian form or visit with one of our very helpful librarians in person during their campus hours. To locate the books, supplies, or access codes needed for classes, check out the NCTC Bookstore!

Students needing support for online classes and/or with Canvas specifically can visit our eLearning site for helpful tips or submit a ticket for Canvas support. For any other technical issues related to your OneLogin or accessing your needed technology on or off campus, please contact our ITS (Information Technology Services) Help Desk!



The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. The center links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and online tutoring. First generation students can also participate in TRIO whose mission is to develop and equip historically underrepresented student populations with skills, experiences, and academic practices that assist them in achieving their educational goals. Student Success also offers a childcare assistance program for students who qualify!

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations, academic, and career counseling for students. Disclosure of a disability to college officials is not required unless requesting accommodations.


Contact the Testing Center with questions or scheduling information for the TSIA2 placement exam, CLEP, GED, TEAS, or exams that must be proctored for NCTC courses. Email your closest NCTC Testing Center at Corinth Testing, Denton Testing, Flower Mound Testing, Gainesville Testing, Bowie Testing, or Graham Testing.