Hist 1302 Summer 2 2017




Course Title: U.S. History from 1865

Course Prefix & Number: HIST 1302

Section Number:520

Semester: Summer 2

Semester Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the Civil War/Reconstruction era to the present. United States History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post-Cold War eras. Themes that may be addressed in United States History II include: American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal government, and the study of U.S. foreign policy.  

Course Prerequisite(s): None

Required or Recommended Course Materials:

Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People.  7th edition.  McGraw-Hill. 2014.  ISBN #978-1259375002

The web-based material is unique to NCTC.  You must purchase it from the NCTC bookstore or directly through Canvas, to the McGraw-Hill publishing Connect website.



Name of Instructor:

 Stephen E Wolfrum

Campus/Office Location:

 FLM 102

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:




# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Point Values


 First Mid Term Test



 Second Mid-Term Test



 Final Exam



 Attendance/Extra points – explained in class

 See below




At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.


Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources.


Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.







ATTENDANCE POLICY Students are expected to attend class regularly, to notify the instructor if they will be absent, and to make arrangements to complete any work missed. A sign in sheet will be passed around at the beginning of each class. It is the student’s responsibility to sign the attendance sheet, failure to do so indicates that the student was absent during that class period.  Do not sign in for other students-it is the individuals’ responsibility to sign in. Over seven contact hour absences from class/lab may result in a lower grade for the course. Students are urged to discuss extenuating circumstances concerning absences with their instructor. Students with 3 contact hours absences or fewer will receive three points added to the end of semester score.

Students are responsible for officially withdrawing themselves from the course; failure to do so will result in a performance grade of "F". See also NCTC student handbook.






10 Julyà Classes Begin, Syllabus, Lecture Reconstruction

11 Julyà Reconstruction Continued

12 July à Westward Migration

13 July à Progressive Era

17 Julyà Progressive Era Continued

18 Julyà American Imperialism

19 Julyà 1st Mid Term Test (Tentative)

20 Julyà 1920’s

24 Julyà 1930’s

25 Julyà WW2

26 Julyà 2nd Mid Term Test (Tentative)

31 Julyà 1950’s

8 Augà 1960’s

9 Augà 1970’s






Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is _26 July2016______________.


 Method of Evaluation

    The course grade will derive from 3 Semester tests: 1st, 2nd and final tests administered in

    Class worth 33.3% each

    Extra points are available via response paper see below.


This course is roughly broken as indicated below. At the end of each block a test will be administered covering the material in that block. The test will consist of multiple choice questions and a written essay concerning selections from the text or the lecture as well as handouts and documents. The Student will be required to supply a bluebook and scantron for each test. Each test will be worth 33.3% of the course grade, the three test grades will be averaged and extra points added as appropriate to arrive at the partial course grade. Make-up exams will be no different than the regular exam.

     Extra points are available by completing a response paper. In the Student Success Center there are a series of essay on reserve, labeled 1301 for this class. The student task is to read the essays and follow the written instructions provided separately. Once the response paper is handed in I will evaluate it and assigned points appropriately the points will be added to the end-of-semester score.



The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209.

North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).   http://www.nctc.edu/StudentServices/SupportServices/Disabilityservices.aspx



o Communication

o Mathematics  

o Life and Physical Science

o Language, Philosophy & Culture

o Creative Arts


X American History

o Government/Political Science

o Social and Behavioral Sciences

o Component Area Option



X  Critical Thinking

X  Communication

o   Empirical and Quantitative


o  Teamwork

X  Personal Responsibility

X  Social ResponsibilityCOURSE TYPE

o  Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)

X Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

o WECM Course













Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook. http://nctc.smartcatalogiq.com/en/2014-2015/Catalog/North-Central-Texas-College-Student-Handbook



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Crystal R.M. Wright

Office Location:

Gainesville Campus, Room 824

Telephone Number:

940-668-7731, ext. 4320

E-mail Address:


Name of Instructional Dean:

Dr. Larry Gilbert

Office Location:

Corinth Campus, Room 305

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:




There are no Handouts for this set.