Name of Instructor:                               Robin Cole-Jett

Campus/Office Location:                      COR 335

Telephone Number:                               940-498-6437

E-mail Address:                           ; please contact through CANVAS

Office Hours:                                         MWF: 9 am to 10 am & 1 pm to 3 pm; TTH: 9 am to 11 am


Brinkley, Alan. “The Unfinished Nation: a Concise History of the American People.” 8th edition. New York: McGraw Hill. ONLINE TEXTBOOK WITH UNIQUE CONTENT LINKED TO NCTC. UNIQUE ISBN: 978-1259969118

The book may be available in the library or used in bookstores.



Course Elements       Description of Graded Course Elements                            Percentage of Grade

Varies                          Lecture activities in class – these cannot be made up                         20%

                                    EXCEPT for documented military absence.


3                                  Exams – exams cover information from in-class lectures                   40%

                                    and posted readings. They consist of short answer and

                                    multiple choice questions. Final exam is comprehensive

                                    and consists of multiple choice questions only.


1                                  Research paper – The past election brought about the idea               40%

                                    that we are a “post truth” society = that all information

                                    is relative to the reader. For this research paper, you will

                                    examine a historical topic and compare/ contrast primary,

                                    secondary, and internet sources to draw your own




Must include a Cover Page

  • Title (bold)
  • Class (do not bold)
  • Name (do not bold)
  • Abstract (one paragraph that summarizes the thesis and conclusion of the research paper).


Must be written as an essay

Heading on each page of Research Paper, except cover page:

Date                Your name                   Word count                  Page #


  • First paragraph should introduce the topic, sources used for the analysis, and purpose of the paper (THESIS).
  • The BODY will examine the topic by explaining the sources, comparing and contrasting the sources (using relevant quotes to enhance your points). You should be critical about all sources (this includes offering negative/ positive reactions). Each source used must be cited within your footnotes.
  • Final paragraph offers a CONCLUSION about the sources on the topic. You should also include further questions you have regarding the topic and/or sources.
  • WORKS CITED should be the last page. Must be in alphabetical listing in Chicago Manual of Style.


Must adhere to standards

  • All submissions must have “normal” margins and be double spaced, in Times New Roman font at 12 pt.
  • You must utilize the textbook, minimum two primary sources, minimum two secondary sources, and minimum two internet sources.
  • DO NOT overuse quotes – use your own words.
  • Any instance of plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment.
  • Minimum 2,000 words ** POST WORD COUNT
  • MUST be submitted as ONE DOCUMENT (not multiple)
  • MUST cite using Chicago Manual of Style/ aka Turabian
  • MUST be submitted via the provided Drop Box. E-mailed assignments WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.



Attendance Policy – Attendance is mandatory. You will receive pertinent information in class that will not be found anywhere else. We will be completing assignments and taking quizzes in class; if you are not present, your grade for that assignment will be 0.

Late arrivals/ early departures Policy: I do not tolerate late arrivals or early departures. You may contact me beforehand if you anticipate a late arrival or early departure. Consistent late arrivals or early departures may result in grade reductions for the in-class activities (20% of your grade).

Participation Policy–Participation is an important component of this course. You must show courtesy, professionalism, and preparedness at all time. Please be aware that you may encounter controversial images and topics in this course.

Electronic device Policy: This is a professional but also inquisitive environment. As such, you must be respectful and interactive, too. So, please put your electronic devices on vibrate or mute and put them away during our classes. Unless you have a documented reason, refrain from using your laptops or any other electronic device in my classroom.

Late work policy – 15 points are deducted for each day that your research paper assignment is turned in late. If you submit the paper a minute after the deadline, it is counted as one day late. I will not accept a paper that is more than two (2) days late.


Submission Policy - The research paper assignment for this class must be uploaded through CANVAS into the “Turn It In” module. I will show you how to do this. I DO NOT ACCEPT E-MAILED SUBMISSIONS. I recommend taking a screenshot of your submission with date and time noted.

Grading Policy –Grading is done on a scale of percentages per category. I grade on grammar, language usage, clarity, cohesion of thought, and demonstration of applied thinking. Critical analysis is crucial, so I encourage well-defined ideas and intellectual leaps. You must use correct citations and reference the textbook, lectures, and other sources in your writings. You will receive numerical grades for class work. On your transcript, this translates to the letter format of A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), D (60-69%), and F (0-59%).

Work not done, plagiarized work = 0 for the assignment. No exceptions, no do-overs.

There are no Handouts for this set.