Name of Instructor:                               Robin Cole-Jett

Campus/Office Location:                        COR 335

Telephone Number:                                940-498-6437

E-mail Address:                           ; please contact through CANVAS

Office Hours:                                         Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 am to 10 am & 1 pm to 3 pm

                                                            Tuesday and Thursday: 9 am to 11 am


Brinkley, Alan. “The Unfinished Nation: a Concise History of the American People.” 8th edition. New York: McGraw Hill. Unique ISBN: 978-1259969118

You can purchase the book online through the NCTC bookstore OR through McGraw Hill link in our class. Please make sure it's the 8th edition.


3 Exams  = 30% of grade.

Exams combine multiple choice and short answer questions that correspond with the lectures except Exam 3, which is multiple choice only. You will receive a review of each exam. You may use notes on the exam. The exams will be timed. YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE DISCUSSIONS TO TAKE THE EXAMS.

10 Learn Smart Activities from the textbook = 20% of grade. 

Learn Smart is a guided reading system that aids in comprehension. There are ten chapters that have Learn Smart activities associated with them. You will need to complete the activities through McGraw Hill Connect (textbook link).

12 Discussion Board Posts = 30% of grade.

You will respond to the question(s) posed in each discussion thread under each corresponding module, and you must respond to at least two other posts (not your own). 


Heading on your original posts:

Title of your post            Word Count

  • Use proper grammar and maintain professional courtesy at all times.
  • You MUST use sources to back up your points: textbook, lectures, additional readings, videos.
  • Sources MUST be cited in parentheses:
    • When citing from the textbook, note title and page number in parentheses: (Unfinished Nation, p.##)
    • When citing from additional readings, note author or title of reading in parentheses: (Luther Standing Bear)
    • When citing from a video, note title in parentheses (Johnstown Flood)
    • When citing from a lecture, note lecture and page number in parentheses) (Lecture 5, p. 20)
  • Post one original response to the question, and at least two replies to others' responses.
  • Original post must be between 300-500 words (less is bad, more is better). Post word count in your heading.
  • Replies to others' posts should be 100-250 words (less is bad, more is better). On replies, post word count at end of reply.
  • DO NOT overuse quotes – use your own words.
  • Any instance of plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment for the first offense. 2nd offense results in documentation and possible removal from class/ institution.

1 Reaction Paper = 20% of grade.

You will write a 1,500 word essay in which you will examine, using sources from the class and additional sources, how one of the following concepts defined the United States after the Civil War: racism, nativism, nationalism, progressivism, populism.


Heading on the top of the 1st page (no cover pages):

Date                Title                   Word count                 Your name

  • Must be formatted correctly: 12 pt font, "normal" margins, Times New Roman.
  • Must be submitted through the provided drop box. E-mailed assignments will not be accepted.
  • Must use at least four (4) lectures as sources.
  • Must use at least four (4) chapters from our textbook as sources.
  • Must use at least two (4) videos, readings, discussion boards as sources.
  • Must use at least two (2) additional primary documents as sources. Primary documents are newspaper articles, editorials, party platforms, congressional records, political cartoons photographs and other materials created at the time of the historical event ("contemporary documents").
  • Sources MUST be cited (quotes as well as where you got the information):
    • When citing from the textbook, note title and page number in parentheses: (Unfinished Nation, p.##)
    • When citing from additional readings, note author or title of reading in parentheses: (Luther Standing Bear)
    • When citing from a video, note title in parentheses (Johnstown Flood)
    • When citing from a lecture, note lecture and page number in parentheses) (Lecture 5, p. 20)
    • When citing from a primary source, note author, name (date) in parentheses (Debs, Race Relations (1908))Sources MUST be cited in parentheses:
  • DO NOT overuse quotes – use your own words.
  • Any instance of plagiarism will result in a 0 for the assignment. If this is your 2nd offense in the class, you will fail the entire class, and will be reported.


Participation & Courtesy–Participation is an important component of this course. You must show courtesy, professionalism, and preparedness at all time. Please be aware that you may encounter controversial images and topics in this course.

Grading Policy –Grading is done on a scale of percentages per category. I grade on grammar, language usage, clarity, cohesion of thought, and demonstration of applied thinking. Critical analysis is crucial, so I encourage well-defined ideas and intellectual leaps. You must use correct citations and reference the textbook, lectures, and other sources in your writings--> SEE GUIDELINES. You will receive numerical grades for class work. On your transcript, this translates to the letter format of A (90-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), D (60-69%), and F (0-59%). PLEASE SEE WRITING GUIDELINES FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Late work policy – 15 points are deducted for each day that an assignment is turned in late (if assignment is due on October 1 but is submitted on Oct 2 at 12.00 am, it is considered a day late). I will not accept an assignment that is more than 2 days late.