





Course Title:

Texas Government-Hybrid

Course Prefix & Number: 


Section Number: 



Fall 2020

Semester Credit Hours:


Lecture Hours:


Lab Hours:


Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Origin and development of the U.S. Constitution, structure and powers of the national government including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, federalism, political participation, the national election process, public policy, civil liberties, and civil rights.       

Course Prerequisite(s): None

Required Course Materials:

Mora, Sherri. The State of Texas. 4th edition. (Connect)(NCTC Custom).  McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781264031689


Make sure your Sherri Mora 4th Edition came with an access code to Connect.  You will need this access code to register with the Publisher’s Connect system.







Name of Instructor:

Peter G. Doas, B.S., I-M.B.A., M.A., Ed. D (ABD)

Campus/Office Location:

Flower Mound Campus

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:


















9:00 PM-10:30 PM (Online)



9:00 PM-10:30 PM (Online)




9:00 PM-10:30 PM (Online)



9:00 PM-10:30 PM (Online)



9:00 PM-10:30 PM (Online)



Course Information:

1.  Texas Government


  1. GOVT 2306-0390
  2. Days/Time of Class: Tuesday at 6:30 PM-7:50 PM

Room Number: 368 at the Corinth Campus


Hybrid Course

This class is a Hybrid section.  We meet at the Corinth Campus in room 368 on Tuesdays from 6:30 PM to 7:50 PM.  The majority of the coursework will be completed online in our Canvas class or the publisher’s CONNECT system. 



This is a college course.  You made a decision to register for the class.  NCTC requirements take precedence.  Any work schedules, extracurricular activities, etc. do not take precedence or priority in the class; this course’s requirements take precedence.  You will need to make decisions that meet your goals and take responsibility for those decisions. 


Each student is expected to individually complete the assigned readings and EACH COURSE ASSIGNMENT (exams, assignments, quizzes, and essay assignments) that corresponds with each reading. Students are also expected to give special attention to news items relevant to the subject matter of the course.  Collusion/collaboration between students in the completion of the course work is not permitted and will lead to a failing grade.




  1. Exams:  There will be four examinations in this course; Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, and Exam 4. Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, and Exam 4 will be completed online within Canvas.  You can access Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, and Exam 4 from the Course Exams link on the Homepage of your Canvas class.    Each exam will have 40 questions.  These exams will consist of multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions based on my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations I provided in the Canvas class.  Each exam is worth 100 points. 


    • If you do not complete an exam during the due date of that exam, you must make it up within 48 hours from the date and time that the missed exam shut down.


    • There will be a penalty of 20 points for taking a make-up exam.  This means that if you do not complete an exam by its required due date and time and you complete a make-up exam, your grade on the make-up exam we be reduced by 20 points.  Let us assume you did not take Exam 1 by the required due date and time and you completed a make-up exam and earned a grade of 80.  This grade will be changed to a 60; No Exceptions to this penalty 


    • If the instructor provides any study guides/puzzles for the exams, it is the responsibility of the students to find the answers to the material.  Be aware that all the material covered during that exam section will be included on the exam and not just the material on the study guides/puzzles.


The Exam questions were created from my PowerPoints that I provided the class and my video presentations that I created and provided in our canvas class.


You can access my PowerPoints from the link in our Canvas Homepage titled PowerPoint Presentations.  You can access my video lectures from the link in our Canvas Homepage titled Lecture Video Presentations.



Students will have 60 minutes to complete the online exam (Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, and Exam 4) within Canvas once the exam is opened.  Do not open the exam unless you are ready to complete the exam.  If you wait until the last hour to take the exam and it shuts down on its due date/time, you will not have the opportunity to answer any remaining questions and those points will be lost.  A make-up exam will not be provided in such a situation.


If you get logged out of an Exam, you will be required to take the make-up exam.  It will not matter why you were logged out; you will be required to take a make-up exam and the late penalty will be imposed.  Do Not Use your Mobile devices to take the exams.  Use a computer to take the exams.


            Do not take these exams lightly.  If you do poorly on an exam, there are no “retakes”. 


The dates that the exams will be taken are provided within the Tentative Course Outline section of this syllabus and below as well. 


Students are able to view one question at a time on the exams.



Exam Puzzles

A puzzle was provided for each exam.  These puzzles are not graded and are not worth any points.  They are also not required to be completed; however, some of the exam questions were created from the material in the puzzles.  I strongly recommend that the material provided in the puzzles is thoroughly learned and understood.  Please be aware that many other questions within the exams were not included in the puzzles; therefore, it is important for you to study all content and material and not just what is included in the puzzles.


If collusion, collaboration, or any other type of academic dishonesty takes place, a grade of zero will be inputted for those involved.



NOTICE: All of the chapter PowerPoint presentations were recorded and provided in your Canvas class.  It is your responsibility to watch these video lecture presentations.  Test and quiz questions will include material from these online lecture presentations and the PowerPoints I provided the class.  You will find links to these recorded lectures within Canvas.  You will review the PowerPoints and watch the video presentations and be prepared to take quizzes and exams based on the material.



To gain access to the Exams: You will gain access to Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, and Exam 4 from the link titled “Course Exams” link located on the Course Home Page in your Canvas course.   





Below are the due dates/time for the exams.  They must be completed by their due date/time.  Do not wait until the last day that they are due to complete an exam.


Exam 1

Exam 1 was opened at 12:30 AM on 9/24/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 9/26/2020.  Exam 1 covers chapter 1 and chapter 2.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.



Exam 2

Exam 2 was opened at 12:30 AM on 10/22/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 10/24/2020.  Exam 2 covers Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.


Exam 3

Exam 3 was opened at 12:30 AM on 11/12/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/14/2020.  Exam 3 covers Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.



Exam 4  

Exam 4 was opened at 12:30 AM on 12/3/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 12/5/2020.  Exam 4 covers Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.


Exam grades will be posted in Canvas after everyone has taken the exam.




  1. Quizzes:  There will be 12 quizzes taken during the semester; however, only nine (9) of the 12 are incorporated in the final course grade (the nine (9) with the highest grades/points; the three quizzes with the lowest grades are dropped).  The quizzes will be completed online within our Canvas class.  THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUPS ON ANY MISSED QUIZZES: NO EXCEPTIONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.  If you miss a quiz, that will be one of the quizzes with the lowest grade and it will be one of the three not incorporated in the final course grade.  If you miss two quizzes, they will be two of the three quizzes not incorporated in the final course grade.  If you miss three quizzes, they will be the three of the three quizzes not incorporated in the final course grade.  You cannot afford to miss more than three quizzes.  Each quiz will be worth 25 points.  Each quiz will consist of five questions; each question will be worth five points.  The number of points you will receive will depend on the number of questions you answer correctly in each quiz.  Quiz questions can be multiple choice and/or true/false and/or short answer.  The quiz dates are provided in the syllabus. 


The quizzes will be completed online within our Canvas class. 



Students are able to view one question at a time on the quizzes.


The nine quizzes are worth a total of 225 points [Twenty-five points for each quiz.  Remember, only nine (9) of the twelve quizzes are incorporated in the final course grade (the nine (9) with the highest grades/points).]



Students will have eight (8) minutes to complete each quiz within Canvas once the quiz is opened.  If you wait until the last hour to take a quiz and it shuts down on its due date/time, you will not have the opportunity to answer any remaining questions and those points will be lost. 




To gain access to the Quizzes: You will gain access to the Quizzes from the link titled “Course Quizzes” link located on the Course Home Page in your Canvas course.   




Below are the Due Dates/time for the quizzes.  They must be completed by their due date/time.  Do not wait until the last day that they are due to complete a Quiz.



Quiz 1

Quiz 1 will open at 12:30 AM on 9/3/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 9/5/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 1. 


Quiz 2

Quiz 2 will open at 12:30 AM on 9/10/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 9/12/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 2. 


Quiz 3

Quiz 3 will open at 12:30 AM on 9/17/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 9/19/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 2. 




Quiz 4

Quiz 4 will open at 12:30 AM on 10/1/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 10/3/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 9&10. 


Quiz 5

Quiz 5 will open at 12:30 AM on 10/8/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 10/10/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 9&10. 


Quiz 6

Quiz 6 will open at 12:30 AM on 10/15/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 10/17/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 12. 


Quiz 7

Quiz 7 will open at 12:30 AM on 10/29/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 10/31/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 3. 


Quiz 8

Quiz 8 will open at 12:30 AM on 11/5/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/7/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 4. 


Quiz 9

Quiz 9 will open at 12:30 AM on 11/5/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/7/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 4. 


Quiz 10

Quiz 10 will open at 12:30 AM on 11/19/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/21/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 7. 


Quiz 11

Quiz 11 will open at 12:30 AM on 11/19/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/21/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 7. 


Quiz 12

Quiz 12 will open at 12:30 AM on 11/25/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/28/2020.  The Quiz covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 14. 



Quiz grades will be posted in Canvas after their due dates.



  1. Pre-TestThis test is worth 5 points.  Makeups will not be provided if you miss the Pre-Test, no exceptions.


You can access the Pre-Test from the Exams link on the Homepage of your Canvas class.  Click the Pre-Test and it will link you to Connect for you to complete the test.


Pre-Test Due Date


The Pre-Test will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 8/30/2020.


To gain access to the Pre-Test: You will gain access to this test from the link titled “Pre-Test and Post-Test” link located on the Course Home Page in your Canvas course.   



  1. Post-TestThis test is worth 5 points.Makeups will not be provided if you miss the Post-Test, no exceptions.


You can access the Post-Test from the Exams link on the Homepage of your Canvas class.  Click the Post-Test and it will link you to Connect for you to complete the test.


Post-Test Due Date

The Post-Test will open at 12:30 AM on 11/30/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 12/6/2020.


To gain access to the Post-Test: You will gain access to this test from the link titled “Pre-Test and Post-Test” link located on the Course Home Page in your Canvas course.   



  1. Thirteen (13) Connect Chapter Assignments (15 Points per chapter for a total of 195 Points:  I created chapter assignments within the McGraw-Hill Connect system.  You are required to complete these thirteen (13) Connect Chapter Assignments.  The course consists of 13 required chapters and each required chapter has a Connect Chapter Assignment.  The Connect Chapter Assignments for each chapter are worth a total of 15 points for each chapter.  Since you must complete the Connect Chapter Assignments for the required chapters in the course, these Connect Chapter Assignments will be worth a total of 195 points (13 x 15=195).


The thirteen (13) Connect Chapter Assignments will be completed within McGraw-Hill Connect.  You will use the access code that came with the purchase of the new textbook to register with the publisher’s Connect system. 


The Connect Chapter Assignment for each chapter must be completed by the required due date/time for each of the Connect Chapter Assignment and they can ONLY be completed within McGraw-Hill Connect.  The number of points earned for the Connect Chapter Assignment for each chapter will depend on the number of questions answered correctly for each Connect Chapter Assignment. 


Some of the questions in the Connect Chapter Assignments have many components.  All aspects of each question must be answered correctly to receive those points.  Partial credit for a question is not provided.  You must complete/submit all parts of each Connect Chapter Assignment before its due date/time to earn credit for that chapter assignment; no exceptions.


Make-up work is not provided for any missed Connect Chapter assignments.


All the Connect Chapter Assignments were opened on the first day of the semester for students to complete.  They shut down on specific dates in the semester.  Below are those dates:



  • Connect Chapter 1 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 9/21/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 2 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 9/21/2020 to earn any points.  


  • Connect Chapter 9 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 10/19/2020 to earn any points to earn any points.  


  • Connect Chapter 10 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 10/19/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 11 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 10/19/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 12 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 10/19/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 3 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/9/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 4 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/9/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 5 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/9/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 6 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/9/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 7 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/30/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 13 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/30/2020 to earn any points. 


  • Connect Chapter 14 Assignment must be completed in full by 11:00 PM on 11/30/2020 to earn any points. 


To gain access to the Connect Chapter Assignments: You will gain access to the Connect Chapter Assignments from the link titled “Connect Chapter Assignments” link located on the Course Home Page in your Canvas course.



  1. Essay Assessment Assignment: You will find the essay assignment within your course in Canvas.  Access the essay by selecting the “Essay Assessment Assignment” link on the Course Home Page of your course in Canvas.  The essay assignment will be worth a maximum of 93 points.  Please review the Essay Assessment Assignment Format Page within your course in Canvas and the Essay Assessment Assignment Instruction Page, both located from the “Essay Assessment Assignment” link, before completing the Essay Assessment Assignment.  Your response must be equivalent to a minimum 5 pages; you can write more than the 5 pages and a thorough essay should be more than 5 pages.  The heading is not calculated as part of the 5-page minimum requirement.  Review what a five-page paper in Microsoft Word file encompasses.   The essay assignment requires a detailed response.   The essay assignment must be in an essay/paragraph format and must include an introduction before answering what has been asked (Please review Essay Assessment Assignment Format Page and Instruction Page).  The Essay Assessment Assignment is worth 93 points; you cannot expect to earn ANY POINTS if you provide a one-page response, etc.  Students must thoroughly answer all aspects of the essay assignment to receive the maximum amount of points.  You have until 11:00 PM of the last day of the essay's availability period to upload and submit a response.  The Essay Assessment Assignment will shut down at 11:00 PM on the last day of its availability period.  If I do not receive your essay response within Canvas by 11:00 PM of the essay’s availability period, you will earn zero points.  No Excuses and No Exceptions.  It will not matter if you are one, two, three, or thirty minutes late; if I do not receive your essay response by 11:00 PM of the essay’s availability period, I will not be able to accept the essay and zero points will be earned.  You are provided plenty of time to complete the Essay Assessment Assignment.  Do not wait until the last few days.  If you wait until the last few days to submit your response, it will not allow you to deal with emergencies.



  • Essay Assessment Assignment is due by 11:00 PM on 12/8/2020.  You must upload and submit your essay before 11:00 PM on 12/8/2020.    
    •  To be able to successfully complete the Essay Assessment Assignment, make sure you read the PDF file titled The Presidency located within the “Essay Assessment Assignment” link that can be accessed from the Course Home Page in your Canvas class.  You should also have read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 from the lecture video presentations and PowerPoints and the PDF file I provided titled The Presidency.


 Please make sure that you upload and submit the essay within the "Essay #1 Assignment Upload Link" tool in our course in Canvas.  From the Home Page of the Canvas class, click “Essay Assessment Assignment” and you will be taken to the Upload Link.


      You must show originality when providing your responses to the essay assignment.  You cannot just paraphrase what is in the book or in the Presidency article.  I read every essay thoroughly.    PROVIDE A RESPONSE USING INFORMATION FROM THE TEXTBOOK AND THE ARTICLE ON THE PRESIDENCY YOU ARE REQUIRED TO READ.  DO NOT USE OTHER ARTICLES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS OR OTHER SUCH SOURCES.  If you use anything more than the video presentations and PowerPoints and the Presidency I provided you, zero points will be earned. 



The Plagiarism program in Canvas will provide me what is known as an originality score.  This originality score measures how much of the essay came from references and sources and how much is your own individual content within the essay.  For example, if the score is 20%, it means that 80% of what was submitted was the student’s individual content and understanding and 20% came from sources/references.


Your essay must be primarily your understanding of the material and your own work.  The content of your essay must be 80% or more of your individual work and 20% or less material from the textbook and the article titled The Presidency.  The material from the Presidency Article and video presentations and PowerPoints is intended to support your positions.  Essays that consist of material from sources that is greater than 20% from those sources will lose a significant amount of the essay points.



 IMPORTANT: You are not permitted to use other resources in completing the Essay Assessment Assignment.  You can only use information from the textbook, lecture presentations, PowerPoints, and the PDF file titled The Presidency.  This is an analysis paper not a research paper.



Please remember that the essay must be written within a Microsoft Word file or PDF file.  The file must be attached/uploaded within the “Essay Assessment Assignment Upload Link” tool and submitted within this tool.



•           If the Word or PDF file is attached within the Mail tool and you submit an essay within the Mail tool instead of the “Essay Assessment Assignment Upload Link” tool, 25 points will be deducted for this error.  If I receive your essay as a mail attachment after the due date and time, it will not be accepted and zero points will be earned.          



Warning:  Essay Assessment Assignment will be submitted to check for plagiarism.  I will read every essay assignment response and research any potential plagiarism.  If an essay response is plagiarized from material in the Web (such as Wikipedia), book, article, or any other source, the student will receive zero points.  Provide an essay response based on your independent understanding of the material.  I provide a link on the Course Resource Page of your course titled "How to Avoid Plagiarism"; everyone in the course is required to review the information provided at that site! If you use material from the required readings, you must cite the material, otherwise, it will be considered plagiarized work.


MLA Format:  When citing the textbook and required article that I provided, please use MLA.  I provide a link on the Course Resource Page of your course in Canvas titled “MLA Format Instructions” for assistance.  Please review the provided information.



Please remember that late work will not be accepted for Essay Assessment Assignment. 


APPLE Devices

If you are using an Apple device, save the essay as a PDF file and upload the PDF file as required.  Google Docs will not be accepted and will lead to zero points.


To gain access to the Essay Assessment Assignment: You will gain access to Essay Assessment Assignment from the link titled “Essay Assessment Assignment” located on the Course Home Page in your Canvas course.  Use that link to go to the folder with the necessary resources.  Once you have completed the essay, you will use the “Essay Assessment Assignment Upload Link” to upload and submit your Essay.




  1. Participation and Attendance:  The Participation and Attendance grade is worth 77 points.  A participation grade will be provided for each day that a student is present in the class and participating between 9/1/2020 and 12/1/2020.  We will meet 14 days in the classroom during the semester after the first day of class.  The attendance and participation grade for each class session that we will meet in the classroom during those 14 days is seven (7) points.  A column for each of these 14 days is included in the Canvas Gradebook and a grade will be inputted for each one of those days; however, only 11 of the 14 are incorporated in the final course grade (the 11 with the highest grades/points; the three daily participation grades with the lowest grades are dropped).  If you are not present on a day that we will meet in the classroom, it will be one of the daily participation and attendance grades that will be dropped.  To attain the maximum number of points, students must contribute to the class discussions and participate in the dialogue.


Below are the Gradebook Columns for the Participation and Attendance grades:


  • 9/1/2020, 9/8/2020, 9/15/2020, 9/22/2020, 9/29/2020, 10/6/2020, 10/13/2020, 10/20/2020, 10/27/2020, 11/3/2020, 11/10/2020, 11/17/2020, 11/24/2020, 12/2/2020



The Participation and Attendance grade will be posted in Blackboard.





Grading Criteria for the Course:        


Assignment Value Towards Final Course Grade        


Essay Assessment Assignment          93 Points

Participation and Attendance            77 Points                

Connect Chapter Assignments        195 Points    

Pre-Test                                                   5 Points   

Post-Test                                                  5 Points

Nine Quizzes                                      225 points    

Exam 1                                                100 points

Exam 2                                                100 points

Exam 3                                                100 points 

Exam 4                                               100 points

Total                                                 1,000 points


Please do not ask for extra credit work.  Again, do not ask for extra credit and do not assume that extra credit will be provided.  Course grades are not curved.


Final Course Letter Grade


Your course grade will be based on the points earned on the work in the course (Exams, Quizzes, Pre-Test and Post-Test, Connect Assignments, Essay, Attendance and Participation).  Your letter grade for the course will be based on the following percentage breakdown which is provided in Canvas:



Total Percentage


90% to 100%


80% to 89.99999%


70% to 79.99999%


60% to 69.99999%


Anything below 60%


Canvas will provide you a percentage grade as work is being completed during the semester.  You will be able to determine your grade using the provided percentage grade.      




The work completed in the course is weighted as follows:


Essay Assessment Assignment=9.3% of course grade.

Connect Chapter Assignments=19.5% of course grade.

Pre-Test &Post-Test = 1.0% of course grade.

Four Exams = 40.0% of course grade.

Course Quizzes used towards calculation of course grade = 22.5%

Attendance and Participation=7.7% of course grade.



PowerPoint Presentations

You have been provided my PowerPoint presentations for each chapter in the course.  I have also recorded the lectures I would have given in the classroom.  The exam questions and the quiz questions were created from my PowerPoint slides and my video lectures.






Policy on Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated and will lead to a failing grade. Please make certain that all assignments, quizzes, and examinations are completed individually.


Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated.  Any form of plagiarism will lead to a failing grade on the assignment.   


  • Attend class regularly.
  • Keep up with the reading assignments.
  • You should take careful notes on the lectures. A lecture outline is usually provided on the web site for each session. When copying such outlines into your notebook, be sure to leave space to fill in supplemental information during the course of the lecture. ASK QUESTIONS!!!  
  • Be aware that the class PowerPoint presentations, study guides, etc., that are provided in Canvas are at the instructor’s discretion.  In no way should you believe that these outlines are required to be provided for each chapter or any chapter at all.  

Teaching Methods: All class sessions will be comprised of, but not limited to, lectures, audio/visual presentation(s), Internet resources, discussions; and/or, group projects and discussions to foster active and collaborative learning.  There is the possibility that we might not go over every single chapter.  You will still be held liable for those chapters that we might not review.  I will provide you with the resources needed to succeed if we do not go over a specific chapter.



 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog



At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Explain the origin and development of the Texas Constitution.


Demonstrate an understanding of state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government.


Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.


Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government.


Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas.



Analyze the state and local election process.


Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens


Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas.


Research and compose an essay assignment/argument using proper grammar/English and basic computer skills.











DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.

For support, please contact the counselors at (940) 498-6207 or (940) 668-4321.  Alternatively, students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville.




o        Communication

o        Mathematics             

o        Life and Physical Science

o        Language, Philosophy & Culture

o        Creative Arts


X         Government/Political Science

o        Social and Behavioral Sciences

o        Component Area Option

o        American History




REQUIRED CORE OBJECTIVES (For classes in the Core)


X             Critical Thinking

X            Communication

o           Empirical and Quantitative


o           Teamwork

X             Personal Responsibility

X             Social Responsibility



o           Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)

X          Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

o        WECM Course



Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online.



Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Adam Ramsey

Office Location:

Gainesville Campus, Room 814

Telephone Number:

940-668-7731, ext. 4925

E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Dr. Bruce King

Office Location:

1500 North Corinth St, Corinth, TX 76208-5408

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:



Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)


Attendance is critical to the learning process.  Attendance will be based on the completion of the required online work.  Missed work will be considered as an absence



Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is 11/2/2020.


DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.

For support, please contact the counselors at (940) 498-6207 or (940) 668-4321.  Alternatively, students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville



Changes to the Syllabus

Although I will do my best to keep to the schedule, changes in the syllabus and/or schedule may be made at any time during the term. A revised syllabus may be issued at my discretion. The revised syllabus will be provided online.  Readings should be completed for the day listed.


Please be aware:

Pages 19-24 of this course syllabus provide the projected Course Outline dates. 





(All dates are tentative and subject to change)



 The Dates that we will meet at the Campus










Overview of the syllabus and course requirements.  Question and answer session.





CHAPTER ONE: Introduction to Texas History and Politics






CHAPTER ONE: Introduction to Texas History and Politics

CHAPTER TWO: The American Federal System and the Texas State Constitution









CHAPTER TWO: The American Federal System and the Texas State Constitution







CHAPTER TWO: The American Federal System and the Texas State Constitution






CHAPTER NINE: Voting and Political Participation in Texas

CHAPTER TEN: Campaigns and Elections in Texas







CHAPTER NINE: Voting and Political Participation in Texas

CHAPTER TEN: Campaigns and Elections in Texas







CHAPTER NINE: Voting and Political Participation in Texas

CHAPTER TEN: Campaigns and Elections in Texas

CHAPTER TWELVE: Interest Groups and Lobbying in Texas







CHAPTER TWELVE: Interest Groups and Lobbying in Texas

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Political Parties in Texas






CHAPTER THREE: The Texas Legislature

CHAPTER FOUR: The Executive Department and the Office of the Governor of Texas







CHAPTER THREE: The Texas Legislature

CHAPTER FOUR: The Executive Department and the Office of the Governor of Texas








CHAPTER FOUR: The Executive Department and the Office of the Governor of Texas

CHAPTER FIVE: The Court System in Texas

CHAPTER SIX: The Criminal Justice System in Texas









CHAPTER SEVEN: Local Governments in Texas








CHAPTER SEVEN: Local Governments in Texas





CHAPTER SEVEN: Local Governments in Texas

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Public Police in Texas

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Financing State Government











 The Due Dates of the Course Work that is completed Online














The Pre-test will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020.  You must complete the required work before 11:00 PM on 8/30/2020.


This is a general knowledge test.




Quiz 1

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 9/3/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 9/5/2020

Quiz 1 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 1




Quiz 2

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 9/10/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 9/12/2020

Quiz 2 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 2




Quiz 3

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 9/17/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 9/19/2020

Quiz 3 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 2




Chapter 1 Connect Assignment and Chapter 2 Connect assignment

These Connect assignments will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020.  You must complete the required work before 11:00 PM on 9/21/2020.








Exam 1

Exam 1 will open at 12:30 AM on 9/24/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 9/26/2020. 


Exam 1 will cover Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.





Quiz 4

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 10/1/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 10/3/2020

Quiz 4 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 9&10




Quiz 5

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 10/8/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 10/10/2020

Quiz 5 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 9&10




Quiz 6

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 10/15/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 10/17/2020

Quiz 6 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 12




Chapter 9 Connect Assignment, Chapter 10 Connect Assignment, Chapter 11 Connect Assignment, and Chapter 12 Connect Assignment

These Connect assignments will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020.  You must complete the required work before 11:00 PM on 10/19/2020. 









Exam 2

Exam 2 will open at 12:30 AM on 10/22/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 10/24/2020.

Exam 2 will cover Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.





Quiz 7

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 10/29/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 10/31/2020

Quiz 7 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 3




Quiz 8

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 11/5/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 11/7/2020


Quiz 8 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 4




Quiz 9

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 11/5/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 11/7/2020

Quiz 9 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 4




Chapter 3 Connect Assignment, Chapter 4 Connect Assignment, Chapter 5 Connect Assignment, and Chapter 6 Connect Assignment

These Connect assignments will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020.  You must complete the required work before 11:00 PM on 11/9/2020. 








Exam 3

Exam 3 will open at 12:30 AM on 11/12/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 11/14/2020.


Exam 3 will cover Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.




Quiz 10

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 11/19/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 11/21/2020

Quiz 10 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 7





Quiz 11

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 11/19/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 11/21/2020

Quiz 11 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 7




Quiz 12

This quiz will open at 12:30 AM on 11/25/2020.  You must complete the quizzes before 11:00 PM on 11/28/2020

Quiz 12 covers the PowerPoints and video lectures from Chapter 14




Chapter 7 Connect Assignment, Chapter 13 Connect Assignment and Chapter 14 Connect Assignment

These Connect assignments will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020.  You must complete the required work before 11:00 PM on 11/30/2020. 








Exam 4

Exam 4 will open at 12:30 AM on 12/3/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 12/5/2020.


Exam 4 will cover Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.







The Post-Test will open at 12:30 AM on 11/30/2020 and shut down at 11:00 PM on 12/6/2020.





Essay Assessment Assignment

You must upload and submit the Essay Assessment Assignment before 11:00 PM on 12/8/2020.  This Essay Assessment Assignment will open at 12:30 AM on 8/24/2020 and will shut down at 11:00 PM on 12/8/2020.  Late work will not be accepted; no exceptions.


Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 from the Textbook and the PDF file I provided titled The Presidency


Exam Chapters


Exam 1

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.


Exam 2

Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, and Chapter 12.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.


Exam 3

Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.


Exam 4

Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14.  You are responsible for everything covered in my PowerPoint slides and my video presentations.


Do not expect reminders related to the completion of the required work.  It is your responsibility to keep track on what needs to be completed in the course.  Keep track of the due dates.


Emergency Situations:  If emergency situations prevent the class from meeting and completing required work, please be advised that alternative methods and/or dates will be incorporated for the completion of required work. 

Table of Contents for the Textbook

1. Introduction to Texas History and Politics 

2. The American Federal System and the Texas State Constitution

3. The Texas Legislature 

4. The Executive Department and the Office of the Governor of Texas 

5. The Court System in Texas 

6. The Criminal Justice System in Texas

7.  Local Governments in Texas

8.  Public Opinion and the Media in Texas

9.  Voting and Political Participation in Texas

10. Campaigns and Elections in Texas

11. Political Parties in Texas 

12. Interest Groups and Lobbying in Texas

13. Public Policy in Texas

14. Financing State Government


COVID-19 Specific Syllabi Statements Fall 2020


Syllabi statement regarding potential Conversion of Onsite Classes to Online/Remote Format: North Central Texas College students should be aware that in the event of a college closure due to COVID-19, onsite classes will be converted to an online/remote format. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have access to the computer equipment (either PC, MAC, or tablet), webcam, and internet connectivity to continue their classes in an online/remote format. Please read all your official North Central Texas College student emails as the transition from onsite to online/remote might require a reorganization in your personal situation. Students will be granted a 72-hour transition and grace period. Online classes will continue as scheduled without disruption. Wear a mask, stay safe, and contact your Instructor as the situation arises. These policies and procedures were updated on July 30, 2020 and are subject to change.


Syllabi Statement Regarding Face Coverings: Per the North Central Texas College guidance on face coverings on campus, in the instructional setting, faculty and students must wear face coverings, such as masks or face shields. Students without coverings, or those who do not comply with the rules relating to face coverings, will not be able to participate in on-campus classroom activities. To request an exception to this requirement, students should contact the NCTC HR Office of Enrollment Management ( Failure to comply with the face coverings requirement may result in the Instructor directing the student to leave the classroom. Any student asked to leave the classroom may be referred to the student conduct officer. These policies and procedures were updated on July 30, 2020 and are subject to change.


Temporary COVID-19 Attendance Policy for Face-to-Face Meetings: We are facing an unprecedented situation in which all of us must be flexible and make prudent decisions in the best interest of our families, our campus, and our community. In light of this, North Central Texas College is temporarily establishing the requirement that faculty keep records of student attendance for face-to-face course meetings as well as a documented seating chart. In addition, students who are sick or need to quarantine should not attend classes. Students will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider and will not be penalized for COVID-19 related absences when proper notification to campus health officials is made in accordance with the guidelines stated below.


Faculty will:


  • Notify students about important course information and delivery changes through Canvas and campus email.


Students should:

  • Provide notification to campus officials (via NCTC Daily Health Check protocol through Canvas) if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have to quarantine so we can confirm reported absence with instructors, monitor, and assist the campus community.
  • Notify instructors in advance of the absence.
  • Connect with that class through Webex if the class session is being transmitted in a hybrid fashion.
  • Keep up with and/or make up missed classwork or assignments.
  • Submit assignments digitally through Canvas or other means as announced by your instructor.
  • Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities described in the course syllabus.
  • Check Canvas and campus email daily to receive important announcements pertaining to the course.

During this period, faculty with face-to-face meetings will establish assigned seating/work stations to facilitate roll-taking, and, if necessary, contact tracing. Additionally, we ask all members of the College community to be attentive to their health, and safeguard others, by following the CDC’s guideline to “stay home when you are sick.” You should stay home if you have symptoms. More information on what to do if you are sick is available at the CDC’s website.

Additional NCTC information is available at



Seating Chart


A seating chart will be maintained.  Students are to stay in that seat each day during the semester.


Syllabus Addendum – Fall 2020 – Student Services


Student Success Center

The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. The center links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free online tutoring.  The program helps students acclimate to college by providing free interactive online workshops. For more information, please visit your nearest Student Success Center.


Student Success offers academic coaching, tutoring, including a Writing Center, and a Math Lab to assist new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students.

First generation students can also participate in TRIO which offers specialized services.


Completion Center

The NCTC Completion Center is a comprehensive student engagement program that increases retention and completion rates of first-time, low income students. Services include:

Success coaching to address students’ academic and non-academic challenges and issues; Success Seminars, and a centralized career readiness and job placement program.


Career Services Center

The NCTC Career Services Center is the place you can go for educational and career planning. Services include: Career/Degree Exploration, Job Search Tools and Resources, Resume and Professional Portfolio Development, Interview Skills and Preparation. Our Career Advisors partner with you in making your educational journey an efficient process towards a rewarding career.


Counseling and Advising

Support Services, Counseling and Advising staff offer a variety of services to current and prospective students, such as College 101, placement testing, academic advising and course registration, transfer assistance, and College Success seminars (Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Choosing a Major, Learning Style Strategies, Career Exploration) and much more. 


Testing Service Center

The mission of NCTC Testing Services is to provide high-quality testing services that adhere to the professional standards and guidelines to meet the needs of students, faculty, and community members.


Early Alert and CARES           

The NCTC Early Alert program assists students who are at risk of failing or withdrawing from a course. Faculty and staff may refer students through the Early Alert process at any point in the semester in an effort to provide appropriate intervention and access to support services. Examples of behaviors that could prompt an Early Alert referral could be missing assignments, failing tests, excessive absences, or personal circumstances impacting academic performance. A student submitted as an Early Alert will be contacted by an academic advisor or success coach through text, phone, and/or via their NCTC e-mail address to discuss any current challenges as well as helpful resources and success strategies-we want our students to finish strong and know that education is a partnership!


The NCTC CARES (Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Services) Team is concerned not only about our students' academic success, but also their emotional and physical well-being. The CARES Team promotes a safe learning environment for students, faculty, and staff and is committed to taking a proactive approach in helping our students succeed by addressing the mental, emotional or psychological health and safety of the NCTC community. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student, such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. Visit the NCTC CARES site to also locate campus and community resources, or email to get in touch with a member of the CARES Team directly.  As always, if you feel there is an immediate threat to your own safety or welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.



Financial Aid

Financial Aid offers financial resources for students that qualify, visit the financial aid offices for more information.


Student Success

At NCTC, student success​ is progress towards collegiate goals, reached in an affordable and timely manner, under professional guidance, empowering students to serve skillfully in their chosen role within their community



NCTC defines equity as encompassing the practice of acknowledging individual differences and systemic disparities when developing new programs and resources for our campus community, which may sometimes challenge our own beliefs and assumptions, in order to ensure balanced educational opportunities toward completion.


Affinity Groups

Staff and faculty representing the Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s), along with academic advisors, counselors and success coaches, serve as mentors for NCTC’s student-centered ​Affinity Groups​.


An ​Affinity Group​ is a population of students who have specific needs, barriers or systems they are needing to navigate not only within college, but within life. Providing mentorship, support and resources for identified Affinity Groups such as Black/African American students, veterans and active military, single parents, students with disabilities, adult learners, Latinx, LGBTQ+ and students who have experienced foster care and/or homelessness, enables us to make more impactful, meaningful connections with students who are in dire need of equity and understanding.