
Course Information


Term: 2023-2024 Fall


Jacob Aaron Arnold
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Ungrouped Items:

Jacob Arnold

North Central Texas College, Room 324

1500 N Corinth St.

Corinth, TX 76208

940-498-6282, ext. 6513


Teaching Experience:

Instructor of English



MFA, Creative Writing, Queens University of Charlotte, 2012

BA, Comparative Literature (English), University of North Texas, 2008




The study of one or more literary genres including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, drama, and film.

Upon successful completion, students will be able to: identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions; analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods; demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression during different historical periods or in different regions; articulate the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities; and write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings in clear and grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature.

48 contact hours.

Prerequisite: ENGL1301