Course Syllabus
The North Central Texas College (NCTC) Course Syllabus provides the following as required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB):
- a brief description of the course including each major course requirement, assignment and examination;
- the learning objectives for the course;
- a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion; and
- any required or recommended readings.
Contact information for the instructor is also provided. The Course Syllabus also provides institutional information to indicate how this course supports NCTC’s purpose and mission. Information specific to a particular section of the course will be included in the Class Syllabus and distributed to enrolled students.
Course Name & Number: ENGL 2332 (World Literature to the 16th Century)
Semester & Year: Fall 2019
Catalog Description. A survey of world literature from the ancient world through the 16th century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions. Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 or equivalent.
Instructor's Name: Erica C. Thompson
Office Phone #: 972-899-8337 (email is the best contact method)
Instructor's Office #: FM 107 & COR 308
Email Address:
Office Hours: MW: 8 am-12:30 pm (Flower Mound 107); TR: 12:30 pm-1:30 pm (Corinth 308); Online chat and conference as needed
Textbooks & Materials: The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Vol. A, B, C. 4th ed. (2018) ISBN: 978-0393265903
Learning Outcomes. Students who successfully complete this course will meet the following learning outcomes:
- Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.
- Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression during different historical periods or in different regions.
- Articulate the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
- Write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings in clear and grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature.
Foundational Component Area: Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Critical Thinking Skills (CT) - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information
- Communication Skills (COM) - to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication
- Social Responsibility (SR) - to include intercultural competency, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities
- Personal Responsibility (PR) - to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making
Institutional Learning Goals. A quality general education curriculum in all associate degree programs.
- Quality freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences which parallel the lower division offerings of four-year colleges and universities.
- Quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to two years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees.
- Quality programs and services in support of adult literacy and basic skills development as a mean of workforce enhancement and expanding access to higher education.
Program Purpose Statement. NCTC seeks to implement its goal of providing quality freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences that parallel the lower division offerings of four-year colleges and universities by offering a coherent sequence of courses with appropriate breadth and depth to prepare a student for transfer to a university.
Departmental Purpose Statement. The Department of English, Speech, and Foreign Language provides quality instruction to students pursuing their academic and career goals.
College Attendance Policy: Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor. It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member. Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence. Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work. Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor. A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam. Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives. Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)
The instructor should describe here his/her attendance policy based on the discipline, the course, and the pedagogical techniques. Per NCTC policy, ALL INSTRUCTORS are required to take attendance every class meeting for reporting purposes.
Disability Accommodations: North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of disability for admission or access to its programs. The College is committed to providing equal access to its students with disabilities by providing appropriate accommodations; a variety of services and resources are made available through the ACCESS Department. Students are responsible for notifying the ACCESS Department of their need for assistance. Students with documented disabilities, such as mobility impairment, hearing or visual impairment, learning, and psychological disorders are eligible for services.
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psychological challenge, physical illness, or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a distraction-reduced environment, volunteer note taker in class, etc.
On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 in the Administration Building (100) or call 940-668-4209. Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209 to arrange for an intake appointment with OSD.
North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).
EEOC Statement: North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in the employment or the provision of services.
Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Veterans Services: The Financial Aid Office is responsible for administering a variety of programs for students who need assistance in financing their education. The first step for financial aid is to complete a FAFSA. For more information, please visit your nearest Financial Aid Office:
Last day to Withdraw: Last day to drop a class with grade of “W” is Nov. 1, 2019
Scholastic Integrity – Plagiarism: Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. See Student Handbook “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct [FLB- (LOCAL)]” #18.
Disciplinary Actions [Student Handbook, #5] “When cheating, collusion, or plagiarism has occurred beyond any reasonable doubt, the instructor may give the student or students involved an “F” on a particular assignment or in the course. [See Scholastic Dishonesty FLB (Local)] The instructor shall make a written report of the incident and the planned action to his Department Chair. The Department Chair shall report the incident and action to the appropriate instructional dean who shall review the case, notify the student and, if necessary, take further action. This may involve either probation or suspension of the student or students in question. If such disciplinary action is deemed necessary, the Dean of Student Services shall be notified, and the action shall be taken through that office.”
Plagiarism, which should be avoided at all costs, includes the following student actions:
- Turning in someone else's ideas, opinions, theories, or work as your own;
- Unintentionally or inadvertently turning in someone else's ideas, opinions, theories, or work as your own as the result of failing to document sources both internally and in the Works Cited;
- Copying words, ideas, or images from someone without giving credit; Failing to put a quotation in quotations marks;
- Giving incorrect information about the source of information, quotations, or images;
- Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit;
- Copying so many words, ideas, or images from a source that it makes up the majority of the student's work, whether or not the student gives credit.
Please be aware that I take plagiarism very seriously. You may not have another person write, type, edit, or revise any parts of your Writing Assignments. You may not use someone else’s Writing Assignment or buy one from a “professional” source. You may not use the material on the internet or in print sources without documenting it. Failure to follow the proper guidelines for documentation constitutes plagiarism.
Considering the severity of the issue, if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding plagiarism, please consider this an open invitation to visit with me about the issue. If I discover that a student has committed intentional plagiarism, the Writing Assignment that has plagiarized materials will receive a zero, and I will recommend to the English Department Head that the student fails the course.
Student Rights & Responsibilities: NCTC Board policy FLB (Local) Student Rights and Responsibilities states that each student shall be charged with notice and knowledge of the contents and provisions of the rules and regulations concerning student conduct. These rules and regulations are published in the Student Handbook published in conjunction with the College Catalog. All students shall obey the law, show respect for properly constituted authority, and observe correct standards of conduct.
Student Success: The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. This program also links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free 24/7 online tutoring and helps new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students. All students are invited to visit the Student Success Center on the Corinth Campus, rooms 170, 182, or 188; on the Gainesville Campus, rooms 114 or 111; on the Flower Mound Campus, room 111; and on the Bowie Campus, room 124.
Tobacco-Free Campus. NCTC restricts the use of all tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco on campus property. NCTC is aware that tobacco use influences underage students, which cumulates unsightly tobacco litter and interferes with assuring clean air for all who come to NCTC. NCTC recognizes the health hazards of tobacco use and of exposure to second-hand smoke. Information on a tobacco cessation program is available for students, faculty, staff who wish to stop using tobacco products. We would like to "thank you" for your help in making our campuses Tobacco-Free. For questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Vice President of Student Services at 940-668-4240.
Grading Policy & Procedures.
Grading Criteria:
Writing about Literature 30%
Exams 25%
Essay 1 15%
Essay 2 20%
Attendance/Class Activities/ Discussion Questions 10%
Grading Policies:
Writing About Literature Assignments (30%): Students will be assigned 7-10 reading assessments over the course of the semester. Most of these assessments will be shorter writing assignments, though they may also include reading quizzes, in class discussions or presentations, etc. These assignments must be submitted online to a Canvas dropbox unless otherwise specified.
Exams (25%): There will be 3 exams, one for each unit of study. Exams cannot be made up. Students must be present on exam days unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
Essay 1 (15%) and Essay 2 (20%): Both major essay assignments must be submitted to a drop box in Canvas. No other submission type will be accepted. Both drop boxes will be connected to Vericite to check for plagiarism. Both assignments will require students to work thought the writing process of generating ideas, completing rough drafts, and revising.
Attendance/Class Activities/Discussion Questions (10%): includes attendance (points will be deducted for tardiness, absences, and disruptive behavior), in-class individual and group activities, and in-class individual and group writings. Assignments in this category CANNOT be made up, but I will drop the lowest 1-2 grades in this category at the end of the semester to balance out unavoidable absences.
Late Work: Students may submit ONE written assignment (excluding Exams) late over the course of the semester with no penalty and no questions asked. This is your one freebie, so save it for when you might really need it.
**Students who miss more than two weeks of class (i.e., four class days) must meet with me during office hours before continuing in the course and may be asked to drop the course, at my discretion. Attendance will count as a grade in the Class Activities category.**
- If you must be absent, you are expected to be prepared for class in the same manner as those students who were present.
- DO NOT email or phone me to get homework or missed assignments. Get contact information for a classmate and request information from that classmate. I will not respond to “what did I miss?” emails.
- If something major occurs that will require more than one absence EMAIL ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO MAKE A PLAN.
Punctuality and Professionalism
- Class begins on time. Please pay your classmates and me the respect of coming to class on time.
- Use the restroom before class begins. Once class starts, do your best not to leave class except in a real emergency.
- You may bring drinks (WITH LIDS) to class, but leave the food outside.
- If cell phone/tablet/laptop use becomes distracting to me or your classmates, I’ll ask you to put your device away and may ask you to leave the class, at which point you will be counted absent.
- If you leave class early (beyond a bathroom break) without approval, you will be counted absent.
Class Cancelations: Over the course of the semester, it may be necessary to cancel a class meeting due to bad weather or instructor illness. Any time class is canceled, I will send a class message through Canvas explaining how we will adjust our weekly schedule, due dates, and assignments. It is your responsibility to check Canvas for these instructions so that you will not be penalized for late work or missing work. Don’t assume an assignment is not due because class has been canceled.
Email Policy: Ours is a face to face class, and I keep office hours each week (see first page of syllabus and below). As such, you should ask questions in person, rather than via email.
If, you must email, please use the Canvas email application, or, if necessary, direct emails to NOTE: I will endeavor to respond to emails within 24 hours during the school week. I will not check work email after 5 pm during the week. I will not respond over the weekend or on holidays.
Email Etiquette
- When you email me or any other instructor, you are expected to write professionally. This begins with the subject, which should explain why you’re writing to me. For example:
- Subject: Discovery 2 Canvas Issue or Upcoming Absence, etc.
- NOTE: If you use Canvas, your course and section number will be evident. If you email me directly, you need also to include your course and section number, followed by why you’re writing. For example:
- Subject: English 2332.5XX—Essay Question
- The body of your email should begin with a greeting. This could be formal or less formal. For example:
- Dear Prof. Thompson or Hi Prof. Thompson
- Then, using complete sentences and proper grammar, briefly state your message.
- Use audience-appropriate language and tone. If you are attaching a file, please explain what the file is and why you are attaching it.
- When your brief message is complete, end with a closing phrase, followed by your name. For example:
- Regards/Thanks/Sincerely,
- If 24 hours have passed and you have not heard from me forward your message back to me with a polite message nudging me to respond. For example:
Hi Prof. Thompson,
I wanted to see if you had received my email.
I will follow the same guidelines when emailing you.
You must take responsibility for your own technology. Plan ahead for every contingency by not waiting until the last minute to start an assignment. Follow the file format guidelines provided on assignments (note: all files must be in doc or docx; figure out how to make that happen) and use the HELP tool on your app or do a Google search to troubleshoot your file or formatting issues. If you have a Canvas issue, submit a ticket. If you have a printer issue, come to the library and use a college printer. The best defense is a good offense. In other words, START EARLY AND PLAN FOR PROBLEMS. If disaster strikes with Canvas, email me with your essay file attached in the proper format (usually doc or docx) PRIOR TO THE DUE TIME.
Calendar or Course Outline
Weeks 1-6
Unit I: The Ancient World (Volume A)
The Relationship between the Gods and Humans
Week 1
8/26 Discuss Syllabus, Introduction to Course
Begin Unit I: The Ancient World (Volume A)
- Introduction to Ancient and Near Eastern Literature (3-8)
- Creation and Cosmos (21-23)
- “Cannibal Spell” (handout)
- “The Great Hymn to Aten” (24-28)
- Discuss assigned reading and discussion questions
- Introduce Unit theme: What is the relationship between Gods and man?
- Assign and Discuss Writing About Literature #1
Week 2
9/2 Labor Day—College Closed
- “The Babylonian Creation Epic” 29-34
- Hesiod (Intro, “Theogony,” and “Works and Days”) 34-42
- Lucretius, “On the Nature of Things” 46-51
- Discuss assigned readings
Week 3:
- Aristophanes’ Origin of Love (from Plato’s Symposium) Provided
- Egyptian Love Poems 70-71
- “Setne Khamwas and Naneferkaptah” 75-85
- **Writing about Literature 1 due
- The Epic of Gilgamesh Introduction (89-93)
- Begin reading Tablets I & II (93-106)
- Introduction to Literary Analysis (with handouts)
- MLA formatting and source documentation review (see additional Canvas resources)
- Assign Discussion Questions for Gilgamesh
Week 4:
- Complete Tablets I & II (93-106)
- Discuss assigned reading
- Continue Discussion of Literary Analysis—close reading and surface depth guidelines
- Assign Writing About Literature #2
- The Epic of Gilgamesh Tablets IX-XI (128-145)
- Discuss assigned reading and unit theme question
- Assign Oedipus Discussion Questions
- *Group Activity: Close Reading and Surface Depth Practice
Week 5
- Introduction to Ancient Greece (8-15)
- Introduction to Ancient Athenian Drama (624-629)
- Sophocles Introduction (681-686)
- Oedipus (687-700)
- **Writing About Literature #2 due online
- Discuss assigned reading
- Assign Medea Discussion Questions
- Class Activity: Close Reading Practice
Week 6
- Euripides Introduction (756-758)
- Medea (759-778)
- Complete Class Activity: Close Reading Practice (be ready to hand in)
- Discuss assigned reading and discussion questions
- Assign Essay 1 + Writing About Literature #3
- Discuss assigned reading
- Discuss Writing About Literature #3 and drafting Essay 1
Week 7
- Introduction to India’s Ancient Epics and Tales (1113-1121)
- The Bhagavad-Gita (1277-1294)
- ** Writing About Literature #3 due online
- Discuss Assigned Reading
- Discuss Drafting Essay 1
- Discuss Assigned Reading
- Discuss Exam 1 (10/14)
- Final questions on Essay 1 (Due 10/16)
Week 8
UNIT I Assignments
*Class Activities [LOs 1-2; COs 1-4]
*Writing About Literature [LOs 1-4; COs 1-2]
*Essay 1 [LOs 2-5; COs 1-2]
*Exam 1 [LOs 1,3,4; COs 1-2]
Weeks 9-12 (Note: Unit Calendar handed out during Week 8)
Unit II: The Middle Ages (Volume B)
Hell, Heroes, Lust, and Order
Readings and Discussions
Dante Alighieri
- Introduction
- Inferno Selections
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Geoffrey Chaucer
- Introduction
- The Canterbury Tales Selections
Tang Poetry selections
Select Critical Essays
Unit II Assignments
*Class Activities [LOs 1-4; COs 1-4]
*Writing About Literature [LOs 1-5; COs 1-2]
*Essay 2 [LOs 2-5; COs 1-2]
*Exam 2 [LO 1,3,4; COs 1-2]
Weeks 13-16 (Note: Unit Calendar handed out during Week 12)
Unit III: The Renaissance (Volume C)
Love and Madness
Readings and Discussions
- Orlando Furioso Selections
Love Lyric (Petrarch and Shakespeare)
- Selections from Don Quixote
Unit III Assignments
*Class Activities [LOs 1-4; COs 1-4]
*Writing About Literature [LOs 1-5; COs 1-4]
*Exam III [LO 1,3,4; COs 1-2]