
The North Central Texas College (NCTC) Course Syllabus provides the following as required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB):

  1. a brief description of the course including each major course requirement, assignment and examination;
  2. the learning objectives for the course;
  3. a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion; and
  4. any required or recommended readings. 

Contact information for the instructor is also provided. The Course Syllabus also provides institutional information to indicate how this course supports NCTC’s purpose and mission. Information specific to a particular section of the course will be included in the Class Syllabus and distributed to enrolled students. 

Course Name & Number: ENGL 2311 (Technical Writing)

Semester & Year: Felicia Williams, fall 2019

Catalog Description. Intensive study of and practice in professional settings.  Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisions and take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies, procedures, e-mail messages, letters, and descriptions of products and services.  Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation of ethical and efficient documents. [Rev. Spring 2014 THECB]

Prerequisite. Satisfactory placement test score or passing grade in ENGL 0305.

Unit 1 [unit]

Course syllabus.

(.docx, 30K)