Syllabus ENGL 0305 Spring 2017




Course Title: Fundamentals of English II

Course Prefix & Number: ENGL 0305

Section Number:  401, 402

Semester: Spring 2017

Semester Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

In this course, students will learn to compose unified, well-developed essays with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.  The thesis statement and topic sentences will be emphasized.  Students will also review and practice the basic grammar skills taught in ENGL 0300 and then move to more advanced topics, including modifiers and parallelism.  This course does not count toward graduation at NCTC.    

Course Prerequisite(s): Earn satisfactory TSI Assessment placement scores or earn satisfactory placement scores on another approved assessment.

Required or Recommended Course Materials:

Biays: Along These Lines: Writing Paragraphs & Essays with Writing from Reading Strategies, Pearson, custom edition for North Central Texas College, 2016. (book bundle includes MyLabsPlus access code) Remember to purchase your book and MyLabsPlus access code from the NCTC bookstore.

·         Standard loose leaf notebook paper (no spiral paper for homework that is turned in)

·         Folder with pockets (recommended 2 folders with pockets)

·         Highlighters (preferably yellow)

·         Index cards (preferably colored 5 x 8 index cards)

·         Laminated Grammar Guide or ESL Guide

·         Dry Erase board with markers or “boogie board”




Name of Instructor:

Gerriann Martinez

Campus/Office Location:

Corinth Campus

Office Hours:

Corinth Campus MWF 12:00 – 12:50 Room 201; via email evenings

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:; canvas













# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Point Values


Graded MyLabsPlus assignments






Graded homework assignments



Graded classwork assignments



Final Exam



Class participation and attendance




Grade Scale:  

90 – 100% = A

80 – 89% = B

70 – 79% = C  

Below 70% = F





Successful writing skills develop through the implementation of a work ethic that is in intentional and conscientious.  It’s important to do the following:

  • Follow directions carefully
  • Turn work in on time
  • Do all assigned electronic labs
  • Take notes during class
  • Study notes to make sure you understand the material
  • Review notes between classes
  • Engage in class discussions/activities
  • Contact me for help when necessary


I will verbally give assignments and post them on Canvas under the ANNOUNCEMENT tab on the left side of the page.  It is your responsibility to find out what assignment is due and turn it in on time.


Written Homework Assignments

  • Must be typed
  • Double or triple spaced
  • Use a standard font (Cambria, Times New Roman, Georgia)
  • Size 12 font
  • Proper heading: UPPER RIGHT CORNER: Name ~ class/date/assignment




Late Assignments

  • Due when you return from an absence (no points will be taken off)
  • Will be lowered one complete letter grade (if there has been no absence)
  • It is my prerogative to determine whether or not to accept homework that is more than one class period late
  • No homework will be accepted after April 28, 2017
  • Work that is not turned in will receive a zero


Quizzes and Final Exam

  • Quizzes cannot be made up (I do not give retakes)
  • If you miss a quiz because of a family emergency or illness, notify me by email to make arrangements to take the quiz
  • If you need to take your final exam in the OSD, please contact me in advance so I can make arrangements





At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Compose a variety of texts that demonstrate clear focus, the logical development of ideas, and the use of appropriate language that advances the writer’s purpose.


Determine and use effective approaches and rhetorical strategies for given writing situations.


Generate ideas and gather information relevant to the topic and purpose, incorporating the ideas and words of other writers in student writing using established strategies.


Evaluate relevance and quality of ideas and information to formulate and develop a claim.


Develop and use effective revision strategies to strengthen the writer’s ability to compose college-level writing assignments.


Edit writing to conform to the conventions of standard English.



All students at NCTC are assigned a student email address, also known as Lion Pride email. Lion Pride email can be accessed on the NCTC home page by clicking on MyNCTC, then the link “Lion Pride Email” to the left. After clicking the Lion Pride Email link, the Microsoft Office 365 window will open.
1. Enter your NCTC student e-mail address. (for example,

  1. Enter your password (your NCTC Student ID Number, either 7 or 9 numbers).
  2. From the list of Microsoft icons, choose MAIL.
  3. You will be asked to set your language and local time zone (Central Time). Your account is now activated.


**It is the student’s responsibility to activate and regularly monitor the assigned NCTC (Lion Pride) e-mail account. Important announcements and notifications from the Admissions office, Financial Aid, or other college staff will be sent via the Lion Pride student email system.


For communicating with classmates and instructors, students also have an option to communicate through Canvas. Canvas messaging is NOT the same as Lion Pride e-mail. Failure to read and/or receive NCTC e-mails (either in Lion Pride or in Canvas) is no excuse for not complying with the College Prep Attendance Policy or any other school policies. Be sure to regularly check BOTH the Lion Pride email as well as the Canvas inbox for important messages and information.



  • Treat the classroom as a professional environment
  • Be courteous to your classmates and instructor
  • Arrive on time and be prepared for class
  • Ask questions, get involved, review work daily, do all assignments and turn them in on time
  • Turn off electronic devices prior to entering class. This includes cell phones, tablets, laptops, and ipads
  • Plan your time accordingly so you arrive on time and leave when class is dismissed so you are not interrupting the class




At North Central Texas College, students who test but do not meet the passing scores in ALL sections of the TSI Assessment or any other THECB approved testing measurements are required by state law to obtain TSI advising and continuously enroll in a formal college preparatory studies (developmental) program every semester until all TSI requirements are satisfied. TSI program attendance is MANDATORY. Non-compliance with the rules of attendance will result in a student being WITHDRAWN from the college preparatory course and possibly from North Central Texas College. Withdrawals are subject to college policies as set forth in the college catalog.



Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all College Prep classes for which they have registered. There are NO excused absences.  Faculty in the Department of College Preparatory Studies will notify students of absences on a regular basis and one courtesy warning e-mail notification will be sent to the students’ current NCTC student e-mail address (Lion Pride email and/or Canvas email) when the student accrues 1 week (three class hours) absence (not necessarily consecutive days) in a course. Please check your NCTC student email (Lion Pride) frequently to ensure that you are receiving notifications from the college and from your instructors. Some faculty may send notifications in Canvas as well. Failure to read and/or receive NCTC e-mail (Lion Pride) is no excuse for not complying with the Attendance Policy. It is the student's responsibility to maintain correct and current e-mail and local and permanent addresses with the college.


After a student has been absent from class 2 weeks (six class hours) (not necessarily consecutive days), the student may be dropped. If the student is dropped from the only College Prep class in which he/she is enrolled and is TSI liable, the student may be DROPPED from all remaining courses for that semester.

Inform the instructor in writing during the first week of class of any religious holidays observed this semester. Documentation must be given to the instructor at the class following the holiday.

Also, since punctuality has become a problem in recent semesters, three tardies may be considered one absence. Coming in late disrupts the class. Occasions do occur that you will need to be tardy, but not on a consistent basis.



I will hand out a course calendar during the first week of class



Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is Thursday, April 6, 2017.




The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-498-6207.

North Central Texas College is committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).



Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook.



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Elizabeth Howell

Office Location:

Corinth 324

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Sara Alford

Office Location:

Flower Mound Suite 200

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:



Tobacco-Free Campus:  NCTC restricts the use of all tobacco products, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco, on campus property.


Campus Carry: Current law prohibits the open carry of firearms on college campuses including all property such as parking lots.  For more information, see the website at