Grading Criteria:
10 MyWritingLab Assignments (20 points each) = 200
5 Journal Entries (20 points each) = 100
3 Writing Assignments (100 points each) = 300
3 Tests (100 points each) = 300
1 Final Exam (100 points) = 100
Total = 1000
Grading Scale:
900 – 1000 points = A; 800 – 899 points = B; 700 – 799 points = C;
Below 700 points = F
Late Work and Make-up Work Policy and Class Rules:
Students who successfully develop writing skills do each assignment conscientiously and turn their work in on time. If you are absent, you are responsible for finding out what assignment(s) you missed. All assignments and handouts will be posted on Canvas.
Late writing assignments will be accepted only up to 5 days after the due date, and all late papers will receive a lower grade (5 points off per calendar day, including Saturdays and Sundays).
If you miss a test, you will be allowed to take a make-up test. Make-up tests must be taken within 5 weekdays of the original test date, and all make-up tests will receive a lower grade (5 points off per calendar day, excluding Saturdays and Sundays). It is your responsibility to schedule your make-up test date and time in the Testing Center.
MyWritingLab assignments cannot be made up or submitted late for any reason.
Late journal entries will not be accepted for any reason. You are allowed to skip 1 of the 6 journal entries without penalty.
No late work of any kind will be accepted the last week of classes (the week before final exams).
Silence all electronic devices prior to entering class. Be respectful of the instructor and your fellow classmates, and do not allow your electronic devices to be a distraction. Failure to abide by this policy may result in your being dismissed from class.