Course Syllabus




Course Name

Introduction to the Teaching Profession

Semester & Year


Fall 2019  TTh

9:30 – 10:50  COR 213


Instructor’s Name

Office Hours

Dr. Pam S. Lane

After class or by appointment

Home Phone #

Email Address

      1. 484.4215



Course Description

An introduction to the teaching profession and the role of the school in a democratic society.  Focus areas include:  principles and foundations of curriculum development/alignment, school/classroom organizational patterns; history of American education, educational philosophies, issues of race, ethnicity, gender, social class, cultures and disabilities.  Field Experience Required: 16 hours of field-based activities, all of which must be observation hours in EC-12 schools.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to identify, understand, and explain education concepts such as:

  • Identify current issues influencing the field of education and teacher professional development.
  • Analyze the culture of schools and classrooms from the perspectives of language, gender, socioeconomic, ethnic and disability-based academic diversity and equity.
  • Provide examples from classroom observations and course activities that demonstrate understanding of educational pedagogy an professional responsibilities of teachers.
  • Evaluate personal motivations, educational philosophies, and factors related to educational career decision-making.
  • Recognize the various multiple intelligences/learning styles in order to be able to implement instructional practices that meet the needs of all students.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of historical foundations of American education.



Required Text 




Martin, D. J. & Loomis, K. S. (2014).  Building Teachers. (2nd ed.) Wadsworth: Belmont, CA.    ISBN-13:978-1-133-94301-3


Field Experience Lab Manual accessed through CANVAS.

NCTC email                        CANVAS Access         1" Notebook

Microsoft Word®                Scissors                        Internet Access




Attendance Policy









Late Policy





Cell Phone Policy

Material may be presented in class which is not included in the textbook. Therefore, regular attendance is required and expected. Your grade will drop after two unexcused absences.  It is your responsibility to locate and sign the attendance sheet each day. Students who arrive late or leave class early may be counted absent at the discretion of the instructor. Each unexcused absence will affect your final grade. Students may be dropped from the course after missing 6 course hours (four classes).  Sometimes absences are excused. If you are ill, please email your instructor. A doctor’s excuse is appreciated. NCTC Outlook email (not CANVAS) is the only means by which absences may be excused.  


 Assignments must be turned in/taken on the assigned day.  However, if an emergency arises, the instructor must be notified within 48 hours and the assignment must be completed before the next class period.  It will be the instructor’s discretion to decide if the situation is an actual emergency or not.  Make-up tests are not allowed.


Occasionally, cell phones may be used for instructional purposes. These activities will be teacher directed.  Otherwise, cell phones are not to be in use during class.  Please keep them secure (silent mode) and out of sight.  If an emergency situation is imminent, please discuss the situation with the instructor prior to class.



Grading Policy & Procedures


Tests (3) (100 points each)                                 300  points   LO #1

Current Issues Article Rev.                  50  points    LO #1

Culture of Classrooms -Group Pres.    50  points    LO #2       PO #4

Pedagogy and Professionalism*         200  points    LO #3       PO #1

Philosophy of Education                      50  points    LO #4

Multiple Intelligence/Learning Style   50  points    LO #5

POI Report/Presentation                    100  points                       PO #3        

Attendance                                         100  points

Class Participation                             100  points

                                                          1000 points


 Successful completion of the Field Experience hours and assignments are required to pass this course.

*Comprised of four separate, but related papers.


                               Grading Scale

                          A =   900 -1000 points

                          B =   800 -  899 points              

                          C =   700 -  799 points              

                          D =   600 -  699 points              

                          F =   599     points or below



Tentative Calendar


Week of                                        Topics/Chapters


08-27-98               Field Experience Meeting /Introductions; & Syllabus Overview

                             Initial Field Exp. Contracts, Application/Agreements  are Due August 29th


09-03-19               Chapter 15 & 1 and CANVAS Philosophy Material  Philosophy/Ed.                                 


09-10-19               Chapter 3   Hierarchy of Needs/ Cognitive & Psychosocial Dev.


09-17-19               Chapter 4   Diversity/ESL/SES/At Risk  Diversity PPT Due Sept. 19th


09-24-19                                  Completion of Diversity PPTs & Review/ Test #1


10-01-19              Chapter 5   Sp. Needs/ MIT, Learning Styles,

                                                MIT/Learning Styles Paper Due on Thursday, Oct. 3rd


10-08-19              Chapter 6   Purposes & Types of Schools & Math Instruction-Hunter 


10-15-19               Chapter 7   Structures and Schedules;     Chpt. 8 Safety/Disc


10-22-19              Chapter 9   Curriculum & Assessment. Rev. for Test, /Test #2


                                                   Instructional Strategies: BSCS 5 E's and Inquiry


10-29-19              Chapter 10 History and SD Learning/ Philosophy of Education Due


11-05-19              Chapter 11 Ed. Finance/ Teacher Effectiveness Research/Implicit Instr.


11-12-19              Chapter 12 Social Issues/ Issues in Education Due November 14    


11-19-98               Field Experience Discussion/Pedagogy Journals Due November 26th                                                                             


11-26-19              Chapter 13  Teachers Students/Law,  PT Conferences


12-03-19               Marzano    DVD Person of Interest Reports Due   December 6th                                                                                    


12-01-19               Final  Exam    Test 3   Thursday,   December 12th   9:30 pm

                             No class on Tuesday - December 10th


          The instructor reserves the right to modify the calendar without notice.



Field Placement Timesheets and Teacher’s Schedules

are due to Dr. Lane on November 26th.  No exceptions





































































ADA Statement:  North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of disability for admission or access to its programs.  The College is committed to providing equal access to its students with disabilities by providing appropriate accommodations; a variety of services and resources are made available through the ACCESS Department.  Students are responsible for notifying the ACCESS Department of their need for assistance.  Students with documented disabilities, such as mobility impairment, hearing or visual impairment, learning, and/or psychological disorders are eligible for services. 


ACCESS and NETWORKS Program:  The ACCESS Program provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psychological challenge or physical illness or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a non-distracting environment, note taker in class, etc. On the Corinth Campus, contact: Wayne Smith, ACCESS Coordinator, at (, 940-498-6207 or Penny Cogbill, Departmental Assistant, at, 940-498-6212 or William Leija, Departmental Assistant, at, 940-498-6224 in Suite 170. 


NETWORKS is a childcare reimbursement program that may assist technical students with partial childcare reimbursement for those that apply and qualify.  Contact Yvonne Sandmann, ACCESS Specialist, for more information. 


Student Success Center:

The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. Students can attend free interactive workshops about Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Choosing a Major, Learning Style Strategies, Career Exploration, and much more. This program also links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free online. All students are invited to visit the Student Success Center located in Rooms 160, 170, 183, 188 in Corinth, Rooms 111 and 114 in Gainesville, and Room 124 in Bowie. 


The Office for Students with Disabilities

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.

If you feel you have needs for services that the institution provides, please reach out to either Wayne Smith (940) 498-6207 or Yvonne Sandman (940) 668-3300.  Alternative students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 111 in Gainesville.


Tobacco Free Campus

All campuses of NCTC will be tobacco free.  NCTC restricts the use of all tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco on campus property.

Information on a tobacco cessation program is available for students, faculty, and staff who wish t o stop using tobacco products.  Go to

and click on “Tobacco Cessation Programs” for more information.  For questions or concerns please contact the Office of Vice President of Student Services at 940.668.4240.

North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in the employment or the provision of services.


Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 



Students wishing to withdraw must notify the Registrar’s Office by completing a Petition for Course Drop.  The last date to drop a class with a “W” is November 1, 2019.


September 2nd Labor Day

Wednesday at 3:00, November 27th through December 1st.


If you have been convicted of a felony, you may not be able to teach in the state of Texas.  Before you can begin your field study, you must successfully pass a background check.  Please contact an attorney for further information.


Early on in your observation, please ascertain specific testing dates (practice and official) for your grade level and your school.  These may impact access to the classroom and building in which you are assigned, thus limiting your time in the classroom.






Please meet with your teacher and  note the dates of district testing in your

personal calendar as they pertain to your placement. 









Introduction to the Teaching Profession                                                                                  T/Th 9:30



NCTC email is to be setup and a confirmation email sent                                                    __________

to the instructor during the first week of class.


The syllabus has been discussed and I understand the course                                             __________

 requirements and the information provided in the syllabus.


I understand that failure to successfully complete the

observation hours and the course requirements will result in                                                __________

 a failing grade for the course.


Furthermore, I understand that attendance affects my grade

 and that excessive absences  (6 course hours) may result in                                               __________

 my being dropped from the class.


Please initial each statement, separate the form from the page and

turn it in to the instructor.



_________________________________________________             ____________________________

                                             Signature                                                                                         Date



_______________________________________________________            _______________________________

                                             Printed Name                                                                                   Date









EDUC 1301

Introduction to the Teaching Profession

Course Requirements




There will be one test over Chapters 1 – 5, 15. There will be one test over Chapters 6 - 9.There will be a final exam over Chapters 10-14.  Each exam will be worth 100 points each. Please refer to your course syllabus for exam dates.  Please bring a scantron and pencil on test dates.                                                                                                     300 points


Field Experience

After completing the Application Form in class, you will be assigned a school and teacher to enhance your educational experience for this course. This may take several weeks.  Your assignment will come through the Gainesville Campus, through your regular NCTC email.  Therefore, your NCTC Outlook email must be set up the first week of class (not in CANVAS). There is a specific protocol to follow based upon the school district to which you are assigned.  You will visit your assigned educational setting for a minimum of sixteen (16) hours. A timesheet will be kept, signed by your cooperating teacher and turned in at the end of the semester. 


1)Time Sheet. Your Field Experience materials may be located in this course in CANVAS under modules.  A  time sheet is located there.  This timesheet will be filled out and signed by your teacher each time you visit the classroom.  It will be turned in at the conclusion of your observation hours.  Your time is to be recorded as hours and minutes.  Military time or decimals are not allowed. Your time is to be recorded in 15 minute intervals.  The timesheet is due no later than November 21st.


2)Teacher's Daily Schedule. Your teacher's typed daily schedule needs to accompany your timesheet and be turned in no later than November 21st in class.


3)  Pedagogy and Professionalism.  This assignment is comprised of 4 separate papers/journal entries.  Each paper must be 250 - 300 words in length. Please include a word count at the end of your paper. These entries will act as a record of your Field Experience.  They will define various aspects of the classroom/school that you observe and will include your thoughts, feelings, and views of the experience.  A prompt will be provided for each one.  Each journal entry/ paper will be worth 50 points.                                                                                                  200 points


4)  Current Issues Article Review.  Please use the NCTC Library Database to locate an article that pertains to an issue in education.  You are to write (type)  a 250 - 300 word essay summarizing the article and describing what professional development should be incorporated to address the issue.  Also include how this issues influences education.                                                                                                                                                                    50 points


5)  Culture of Classrooms - Group Presentation. Within the Chapter 4 Modules for this course, you will find various documents from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).  During class you will be assigned to a group with whom to work.  Each of you will be responsible for three points from the provided material to present to the class via power point.  There needs to be  total of 10 - 15 slides including a title and reference page.                                                                                                                                                                50 points


6) Philosophy of Education Paper.  Your philosophy of education is a set of beliefs about how children develop and learn and how they should be taught. This may include: what you perceive the purpose of education to be, the optimal conditions under which children may be taught, the ideal curriculum, the learning environment, the needs of children, and the qualities that are important for teachers. Your description will be typed, double spaced, 500 - 750 word min. Please see the assignment and the rubric in Modules.                                                     50 points


7)  Multiple Intelligence/Learning Styles.    During class you will take a MIT  instrument and identify your most dominant personal intelligence. Additionally you will identify your top 3 learning styles from Dunn and Dunn. 

You will then reflect on this information in more detail and submit  a 250 - 300 word summary of your results.

                                                                                                                                                                                  50 points











8)  Person of Interest (POI) Report

You will need to research one of the following educational theorists. Please use only professional publications and biographical dictionaries.  Reading at least one original piece (chapter or article) by the person is required. A format for your convenience will be forthcoming. Please include a complete bibliography in APA format.  Three to five references should be used.   This is not a formal paper.  Your findings will be shared in class.               50 points              



William Glasser

Arthur Combs

John Dewey

Ivan Pavlov

Erik Erikson

Sue Bredekamp




Urie Bronfenbrenner

Howard Gardner

Noam Chomsky

Abraham Maslow

Carl Rogers

Marie Clay




Jean Piaget

Maria Montessori

Albert Bandura

B. F. Skinner Lawrence Kohlberg                    





Barry Zimmerman

Horace Mann  

W.E.B. DuBois

Jerome Bruner

Benjamin Bloom



Class Attendance/Participation

During some classes, you will be asked to complete an activity related to the chapter(s)/lecture covered during that class.   Your positive participation is expected.  Attendance is required; please see page one.            200 points



Confidentiality Please keep in mind that everything you observe must be kept confidential.  You should not repeat the name of any child in your record keeping or conversations.


Your attire should be above the faculty dress code and your behavior should be completely professional and beyond reproach.




Students enrolled in EDUC 1301 must complete 16 hours of observation in a public school setting per specific department guidelines, turn in the required documentation on time and submit reflective journals pertaining to the Field Experience to successfully complete the course in addition to the successful completion of course requirements as stated herein.






Academic Writing

Please make sure that each assignment includes: an organized progression of thought, the use of complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation and an introductory and concluding paragraph.  Please use 12 point font and double space each paper with 1” margins. See additional guidelines in the rubrics which are attached to each individual assignment.





Pedagogy and Professionalism Format

#3.  Describe the activities of the teacher and the students.



Please retype each prompt, as above, and then reflect on each one. Each reflection should be 1½ - 2 pages in 12 point font, double spaced with 1” margins. See additional guidelines within the Module Assignment, "Pedagogy and Professionalism".


There are four entries to be made:

  1. Explore the curriculum that is used to guide the teacher in your field experience school and how these standards impact how the teacher teaches.  
  2. Describe the lesson content (reflect on Hunter or BSCS 5E’s etc).  See uploaded documents within Chapter 7 Module. 
  3. Reflect and respond to the activities of the teacher and the students and elaborate on the effectiveness of the lesson.   
  4. Recognize and explain the importance that professionalism plays in teaching and education.  How does professionalism play a role in your career.