




Course Prefix & Number: ECON 2301

Section Number:  402

Semester:  Spring 2017


Semester Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

Lab Hours: N/A


Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

An analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation, and unemployment. Other topics include international trade, economic growth, business cycles, and fiscal policy and monetary policy.   48 lecture hours.


Course Prerequisite(s): None


Required Materials:

ECON2301.402 – Macroeconomics Textbook (SECTION #402 ONLY – Harry Ellis) – 

(1) Macroeconomics Workbook: Principles and Practice (Red Textbook) by Battaglia & Dadres, Stipes, 6th edition, ISBN: 978-1-60904-391-9.  Buy, don’t rent, the workbook.

(2) Low-function (11 functions or less) calculator (no programmable, graphing, high-function, or cell phone calculators can be used during exams or quizzes). 

 (3) Scantron Form 882-E is needed for homework assignments and exams.  10 forms should be           enough for the semester.  




Name of Instructor:

 Harry Ellis

Campus/Office Location:

Corinth Campus, Room 331

Telephone Number:

Leave message for me before 2pm with Mrs. Roberts at


E-mail Address: (Best way to contact me)




At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Explain the role of scarcity, specialization, opportunity cost and cost/benefit analysis in

economic decision-making.


Identify the determinants of supply and demand; demonstrate the impact of shifts in both market supply and demand curves on equilibrium price and output.


Define and measure national income and rates of unemployment and inflation.


Identify the phases of the business cycle and the problems caused by cyclical fluctuations in the market economy.


Define money and the money supply; describe the process of money creation by the

banking system and the role of the central bank.


Construct the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model of the macro economy and use it to illustrate macroeconomic problems and potential monetary and fiscal policy solutions.


Explain the mechanics and institutions of international trade and their impact on the

macro economy.


Grading Policy & Procedures

Your final grade in this class will be determined from your grades on all exams, unannounced quizzes, and homework assignments.  You will take two exams during the semester, and each will be worth 250 points for a total of 500 points.  Quizzes will count 50 points, and homework assignments will count 150 points total.  The final exam will be comprehensive and will count 300 points. 


The final grade is based on 1000 possible points according to the following scale:


900 – 1000 = A            800 - 899 = B  700 - 799 = C


600 – 699  = D            599 or below = F




Exams will be returned in class, but the instructor reserves the right to keep them on file.  Exams I and II will each consist of 40 multiple choice questions, and you will have 50 minutes in class to complete these exams.  There will be no makeup exams.  If one exam is missed, the points will be made up on the final. For example, if a student misses one exam with an approved excuse, the final would then be worth 550 points, instead of 300 points.   The one hour and 50 minute final exam will consist of 80 multiple choice questions.


Students who miss an exam without an acceptable excuse will receive a zero for that exam. You have one week from the date of the missed exam to bring me your written documented excused absence or you will receive a zero for the missed exam.




First Class Day                                                Wednesday, January 18

Exam I                                                           Monday, February 20

Spring Break                                                  March 13 - 17

Exam 2                                                          Monday, April 3

Last Day to Withdraw                                       Thursday, April 6

Final Exam                                                      Monday, May 8 at 1pm



Graded Assignment                                         Percentage                       

Exam I                                                                     25%                           

Exam II                                                                    25%                      

Final Exam                                                                30%                   

Homework                                                                15%                     

Quizzes                                                                      5%                      

                                                                         100% final grade





Tentative Course  Schedule




Date  (Week of)                                 Assignment in Workbook


January       18                                          Chapters 1, 2

                  23                                          Chapters 2, 3

                  30                                           Chapters 3, 4                                   


February       6                                           Chapters  4, 5

                   13                                          Chapter 5

                   20                                          Exam I (Chapters 1 - 5)

                 22,  24                                      Chapter 6

                   27                                           Chapters 7, 8


March           6                                            Chapter 8

               13 – 17                                       Spring Break

                  20                                          Chapters 8, 9

                  27                                            Chapter 9  


April            3                                           Exam II (Chapters 6 - 9)

              5, 7                                            Chapter  10

                 10                                          Chapters 10, 11

                 17                                           Chapters 11, 12

                 24                                            Chapter 12


May             1                                              Review

                   8                                              Final Exam at 1 pm  




You are welcome to use non-programmable and non-graphing calculators on quizzes and exams, but you must have your own calculator and cannot use another person’s calculator!  Also, calculators that are a part of smart phones (or similar devices) are not allowed.         




All smart phones (and similar devices) MUST be turned off and put away during class; no texting or checking e-mail on any device is allowed during class!  If you are caught looking at your smart phone, you will be asked to leave class and you will receive a 10 point penalty on your homework total.   If you are caught a second time, you will be withdrawn from the course. 



Other Pertinent Information


v  Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course.  You are not to give any person (which includes parents, spouses, friends, etc.) access to your Canvas account at any time during the semester.  If you do, you are putting the integrity of the course work completed in question.  Do not ask someone to email me on your behalf in Canvas.  If you have an emergency and cannot contact me yourself, it is best to have an alternative person contact me at  Again, do not give anyone access to your Canvas account.  Any student who cheats on any course material (exams, assignment, post tests) will immediately fail the course and academic dishonesty papers will be filed with the Dean and VP of Instruction.


v Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is Thursday, April 6, 2017.


    Missed quizzes cannot be made up!


    Late homework will not be accepted, but you are welcome to turn homework in early if you know you are not going to be in class.








Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  Absence does not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Dropping a course is the student's responsibility, but you MAY be dropped for excessive absence.  See Attendance Regulations in the North Central Texas College Catalog.


Furthermore, quizzes and homework assignments which you might miss by failing to attend class will lower your grade.  Quizzes CANNOT be made up, and homework will NOT be accepted late.  However, I will drop two of your lowest quiz grades, and I will also drop a few of your lowest homework grades (groups of 10 questions). 





The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209.

North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).







o         Communication

o         Mathematics              

o         Life and Physical Science

o         Language, Philosophy & Culture

o         Creative Arts


o         American History

o         Government/Political Science

X         Social and Behavioral Sciences

o         Component Area Option




X             Critical Thinking

X            Communication

X            Empirical and Quantitative


o           Teamwork

o           Personal Responsibility

X            Social Responsibility



o           Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)

x        Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

o        WECM Course



Disability Services (OSD)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability.  A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psychological challenge, physical illness or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a distraction reduced environment, volunteer note taker in class, etc.


On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 in the Administration (100) Building or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209 to arrange for an intake appointment with OSD.


North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).  


Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook.

Support Services

Counseling and Testing staff offer a variety of services to current and prospective students, such as College 101, placement testing, academic advising and course registration, transfer assistance, and College Success seminars (Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Choosing a Major, Learning Style Strategies, Career Exploration), and much more.


 Student Success offers academic coaching, tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, free 24/7 online tutoring through Grade Results and assist new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students.   First generation students can also participate in TRIO which offers specialized support services.


Financial Aid offers financial resources for students that qualify, visit the financial aid offices for more information.


EEOC Statement

  North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in the employment or the provision of services.



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Donna Hooper

Office Location:

Corinth 209

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Dr. Larry Gilbert

Office Location:

Corinth 305

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address: