CJSA 2334 0381 Syllabus









Course title: Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice

Course prefix, number, and section number: CJSA2334 sec. 381

Semester/Year of course: Fall 2023 2nd 8 weeks

Semester start and end dates: October 23, 2023- December 14, 2023

Modality: Online

Class meeting location, days, and times: N/A

Lab meeting location, days, and times: N/A

Semester credit hours: 3

Course description: A series of lectures and class participation exercises presenting selected topics currently confronting criminal justice and the public they service. 48 lecture hours.

Course prerequisites: N/A

Required course materials: Criminal Justice in Action 11th edition with Mind Tap (Required)

Name of instructor: Lenn Carter

Office location: Online If we need to schedule to meet on campus that can be arranged.

Telephone number: 940-390-7469

E-mail address: vcarter@nctc.edu

Office hours for students:




The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in person and/or writing.  




List of graded assignments:

3 Meetings with the Professor 5%

8 Chapter Quizzes                  10%

5 Exams                                    15%

2 Concept Papers                    10%

15 Think, Act and Decide      10%

15 You Decide                         10%

Mid-Term                                15%

Final                                         15%

Final Paper                              20%


Final grade scale:                  90-100 A

                                                80-89   B

                                                70-79   C

                                                60-69   D

                                                59 and Below F


Late work policy: No assignments will be accepted late.  You must read your syllabus to ensure you are submitting your assignments on time.  All assignments will not be reflected on the to-do-list.  To see all assignments, you must click on module and go to the weekly modules to see all assignments





Academic Integrity Policy: Cheating or collusion is prohibited.  There are no group assignments in this course.  Each student is responsible for their own assignment.  In the event you are caught cheating, the first time, you will receive a warning and a zero for the assignment.  Should you get caught cheating again, you will be dropped from the course and receive an F.

Attendance Policy:  Attendance is taking by your participation in the discussion forums and completing assignments. Simply logging in does not constitute attendance.

Withdrawal Policy 

A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.

Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is: November 27, 2023

Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore an assigned topic in Criminal Justice.
  2. List Specific problems within the topic and suggest solutions.



Core Objectives:

Critical Thinking



Problem Solving




Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.


NCTC will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations.  See the OSD Syllabus Addendum.


NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students.  See the Student Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.


The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints specific to the class.  If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student may contact the chair or coordinator of the division.  If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.

Name of Chair/Coordinator: Teresa Laman

Office location: Suite 170 Office Number

Telephone number: 940-498-6263

E-mail address: tlaman@nctc.edu


Name of Instructional Dean: Debbie Huffman

Office location: Gainesville CTE 2100 Building

Telephone number: 940-662-3357

E-mail address: dhuffman@nctc.edu 



Contemporary Issues

Class Calendar Fall 2023

                                                         2nd 8 weeks      



Module 1 October 23 - 29

  1. Course Information Module
  2. Syllabus
  3. Syllabus Addendum Class Calendar
  4. Assignment Information Addendum
  5. Go through all links in Module 1.  There is some very helpful information
  6. Be sure to introduce yourself
  7. Meet with the professor
  8. Take Orientation Quiz after you meet with the professor

Module 2 October 23 -29

  1. Read Chapter 1
  2. Complete Fast Facts 1
  3. Complete Think, Decide Act 1
  4. Take Quiz 1 Chapter 1
  5. Read Chapter 2
  6. Complete Fast Fact 2
  7. Complete Think, Act, Decide 2
  8. Take Exam 1 Chapters 1 and 2

Module 3 October 30 – November 5

  1. Read Chapter 3
  2. Complete Fast Facts 3
  3. Complete Think, Decide Act 3
  4. Take Quiz 2 Chapter 3
  5. Read Chapter 4
  6. Complete Fast Fact 4
  7. Complete Think, Act, Decide 4
  8. Take Exam 2 Chapters 3 and 4 

Module 4 November 6 – November 12

  1. Read Chapter 5
  2. Complete Fast Facts 5
  3. Complete Think, Decide Act 5
  4. Take Quiz 3 Chapter 5
  5. Read Chapter 6
  6. Complete Fast Fact 6
  7. Complete Think, Act, Decide 6
  8. Concept Paper 1
  9. Take Exam 3 Chapters 5 and 6

Module 5 November 13 – November 19

  1. Read Chapter 7
  2. Complete Fast Facts 7
  3. Complete Think, Decide Act 7
  4. Take Quiz 4 Chapter 7
  5. Read Chapter 8
  6. Complete Fast Fact 8
  7. Complete Think, Act, Decide 8
  8. Take Mid-Term Chapters 1-8 Mid-Term due November 19 by 11:00 p.m.

Module 6 November 20 – November 26

  1. Read Chapter 9
  2. Complete Fast Facts 9
  3. Complete Think, Decide Act 9
  4. Take Quiz 5 Chapter 9
  5. Read Chapter 10
  6. Complete Fast Fact 10
  7. Complete Think, Act, Decide 10
  8. Concept Paper 2
  9. Take Exam 4 Chapters 9 and 10

Final Paper Due November 26 @11:00 p.m. 

 Module 7 November 27 – December 3

  1. Read Chapter 11
  2. Complete Fast Facts 11
  3. Complete Think, Decide Act 11
  4. Take Quiz 6 Chapter 11
  5. Read Chapter 12
  6. Complete Fast Fact 12
  7. Complete Think, Act, Decide 12
  8. Take Quiz 6 Chapters 11 and 12
  9. Read Chapter 13
  10. Complete Fast Fact 13
  11. Complete Think, Act, Decide 13
  12. Take Exam 5 Chapters 11, 12, and 13              

Module 8 December 4 - 10

  1. Read Chapter 14
  1. Complete Fast Facts 14
  2. Complete Think, Decide Act 14
  3. Take Quiz 7 Chapter 14
  4. Read Chapter 15
  5. Complete Fast Fact 15
  6. Complete Think, Act, Decide 15
  7. Take Quiz 8 Chapter 15

 Module 9 December 11 - 14 Shuts off at 11:00 p.m. on the 14th

  1. Study for Final
  2. Take Final Chapters 9-15 


Instructions for all assignments


Meet with the professor 5% of your grade

You are required to meet with the professor three (3) times during the semester.  Each meeting will be 15 minutes less or more.  The purpose of the meetings will be to check-in, go over assignments, go over grades, answer any questions you may have, and to ensure you have some one-on-one time with the instructor.  These meetings will be help at a time that is convenient for you but during the weeks listed below:

Meeting 1:  October  30-November 5

Meeting 2: November 13 – November 19

Meetings 3: November 17- December 3

The dates listed above include Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturdays, the instructor will be available from 900 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.  On Sundays, the instructor will be available from 5:00-7:30 p.m. During the weekdays, the available times will be 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.  These meetings are required and should not be confused with “office hours for student” on page 1 of the syllabus.  The instructor will still be available during the regular office hours.

Quizzes 10% worth of your grade

You will have eight (8) scheduled reading quizzes for this class. You will have two chances to
complete the quizzes. All questions will be multiple choice questions. The highest grade will be
recorded.  Look closely at your syllabus and the information in the modules for quizzes
availability. Each quiz is worth 10 points. You will have ten (10) minutes to answer ten (10)
multiple choice questions. You will not be able to print nor save the quizzes for a later time.
Once you click on the quiz, you must complete it.  To be successful on your quizzes you must read the chapter, listen to the visual summary, and study. There is no study guide.


You must be logged-in to take the quizzes in enough time to complete it. Even if you are taking
the quiz, it will shut off at 11:00 p.m. on Sunday; therefore, make sure you log- in to the
quiz in enough time to finish. 
*You must download the Respondus lockdown browser or you will not be able to
access the quiz.

Exam-worth 15% of your grade

You will have five (5) exams.  Each exam will be worth 50 points and consist of up to 50 questions.  The chapters each exam will cover are listed on your class calendar.  The questions for the exams may be multiple choice, true and false, and short answer essay. You will only have one chance to complete the exam.
 NO STUDY GUIDE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE exam nor will you be able to review old quizzes.  You must compile good notes which will prepare you.   You will need to keep good notes during your readings do well on the exam.  You will not be able to print results but only review the assessment results. 

Similar to the quizzes, you must be logged-in to take the exam in enough time to
complete it. Even if you are taking the exam, it will shut off at 11:00 p.m.; therefore, make
sure you log-in to the exam in enough time to finish.
 *Similar to the quizzes, you must download the Respondus lockdown browser or you will not be able to access the exam.

Mid-Term Chapters 1-8- worth 15% of your grade

The Mid-term exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions from chapters 1-8. You will need to keep good notes during your readings do well on the mid-term exam. NO STUDY GUIDE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE mid-term nor will you be able to review old quizzes. You must compile good notes which will prepare you. You will not be able to print results but only review the assessment results. Similar to the quizzes and exams, you must be logged-in to take the mid-term exam in enough time to complete it. Even if you are taking the exam, it will shut off at 11:00 p.m.; therefore, make sure you log-in to the exam in enough time to finish.

*Remember you must download the Respondus lockdown browser or you will not be able to access the exam.

Final Exam Chapters 9-15- worth 15% of your grade

Your final exam will be over chapters 9-15. You will need to keep good notes during your readings well on the final exam. NO STUDY GUIDE WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE final nor will you be able to review old exams and quizzes. You must compile good notes which will prepare you. You will not be able to print results but only review the assessment results. Similar to the reading quizzes and exams, you must be logged-in to take the Final Exam in enough time to complete it. Even if you are taking the Final, it will shut off at 11:00 p.m. on December8th; therefore, make sure you log-in to the exam in enough time to finish.

 *Remember you must download the Respondus lockdown browser or you will not be able to access the exam.

Concept Papers (2) worth 10% of your grade

You will write two (2) concept papers.  You will be given a topic in the module along with instructions in the assignment module. 


Fast Facts Assignments-(15) worth 10% of your grade

You will complete a total of fifteen (15) Fast Fact Assignments. Each Fast Fact Assignment is worth 6 points. In order to complete the Fast Fact Assignments, you must have MindTap. You will listen to narrative and take a short 3-5 question quiz afterwards.  You will have only three chances to take the quiz.  You must listen to the narrative first which is approximately 5-8 minutes long. You must listen all the way to the end. (Just let it play until it stops) Once you complete the quiz, click submit, then click submit for grading.  Not following these steps could prevent your graded from importing into the gradebook and cause you to have to go back and complete the assignment again.

Think, Act, and Decide Assignments (15) worth 10% of grade

You will complete fifteen (15) “Video Case Assignments. Each video assignment is worth 16 points.  In order to complete the video assignment, you will need MindTap.  To complete the assignment, you will watch a short video and take a quiz.  You have three chances to complete the quizzes associated with the videos.  It is important that you watch the video all the way to the end, take the quiz, then hit submit answers.  If you do not watch the video to the end, and submit answers, your grade will not be submitted.

Final Paper Worth 20% of your grade

You will choose a very current topic in Criminal Justice and write a six-page paper.  This does not include the cover page and references.  This paper will be written in APA format.  Your topic must be cleared by the instructor.  You will receive a handout about how to write and APA style paper.


There are no Handouts for this set.