




Course Title: 

Police Management and Supervision  

Course Prefix & Number:    







FA 24  

Semester Credit Hours:   


Lecture Hours:   


Lab Hours:   



Course Prerequisite(s): None  

 Required  Course Materials:  (Included with Tuition                                                                                     


Supervision of Police Personnel, Tenth Edition, Pearson Publishing ISBN: 978-0135186237




Name of Instructor:  

Cliff Swofford

Campus/Office Location:  


Telephone Number:  


E-mail Address: 



 Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM

Other days and times can be made available by appointment




STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog  

At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:  


Describe the various leadership/management theories, skills, and styles


 Apply human relations aspects of leadership roles





  List of graded assignments:

15  Chapter Quizzes                                                      30%

6    Discussion Forums                                                  20%

1    Extra Credit Quiz (week one)                                1%       

1    Book Report                                                          10%

1    Learning Outcome #1 writing assignment            10%

1    Learning Outcome #2 writing assignment           10%

2    Exams (Midterm & Final)                                       20%


Final grade scale: 

A = 90 -100%
B = 80 – 89%

C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = 0 - 59%



Regular attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  

Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL) 

Students must participate in more than 75% of all classroom sessions to successfully complete this course. There are 8 class sessions in this semester. The final grade will be reduce 5% for more than 2 unexcused absences. 

Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is February 19, 2024  

Withdrawing from a Course: Students can learn more about the withdraw policy and procedure by (Links to an external site.).  



Students can read more about the college's grade appeal processes and procedures for assigning incomplete grades by visiting the Academic Catalog: (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.).  


DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)  


The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).  

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.  

If you feel you have needs for services that the institution provides, please reach out to either Wayne Smith (940) 498-6207 or Yvonne Sandman (940) 668-4321.  Alternative students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville. 


CORE CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONAL COMPONENT AREA (For classes in the Core)________                                                                   

  • Communication  
  • Mathematics                         o         Government/Political Science
  • Life and Physical Science o         Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Language, Philosophy & Culture o         Component Area Option
  • Creative Arts
  • American History


REQUIRED CORE OBJECTIVES (For classes in the Core)

o    Critical Thinking

o    Communication 

o    Empirical and Quantitative

o    Teamwork 

o    Personal Responsibility 

o    Social Responsibility



  • Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)
  • Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

X             WECM Course



Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online. 



Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct”.   



Name of Chair/Coordinator:  

Teresa Laman 

Office Location: 

Corinth Campus, Suite 170, Office 173

Telephone Number: 


E-mail Address: 

Name of Instructional Dean:  

Debbie Huffman 

Office Location: 

Gainesville Campus 

Telephone Number: 


E-mail Address: 



You are required to complete an orientation quiz.  Completing the orientation quiz ensures that you have read the syllabus and fully understands everything that is required of you.  Upon completing the quiz, you will receive up to 5 bonus points. Before sending an email asking a question, please read your syllabus. 


Assignments Location 

All assignments are located under module.  You must click on module to see instructions and all assignments.  Do not depend on the to-do-list or calendar to let you know what is due.  It is vital to always go into your weekly modules along with reading your class calendar.  If you are confused about any assignments, contact the instructor for more clarity.   


Respondus Lockdown 

Respondus Lockdown Browser and a Webcam are required to take the final exam. You must download the Respondus Lockdown browser in order to access the final exam.  All exams and quizzes are protected by this browser.  If you have problems downloading the browser, please contact Canvas support or IT support immediately. There is a tutorial video in Respondus that will help you navigate this program successfully. 



Instructor’s Availability 

The online environment can be a little confusing and many of you may feel that because the class is online and is available 24/7, the instructor is also available 24/7. Please adhere to the office hours above.   


Online Office hours 

If you would like to have a meeting with me, you can do by emailing me and we can try to set something up.  If you are having issues understanding the reading assignments, please feel free to email me.

AI Policy

This course assumes that all work submitted by students will be generated by the students themselves, working individually or in groups. Students should not have another person/entity do the writing of any substantive portion of an assignment for them, which includes hiring a person or a company to write assignments and using artificial intelligence tools.



Access to a computer is required for this online class. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the computer and Internet connect is reliable. The instructor cannot help with computer technical issues. The instructor can only help if the assignment is not available as scheduled. 


Contacting the Instructor 

You may contact the instructor via email, as indicated in this syllabus.  Please use the CANVAS email to ask general questions.  Please include your name and the class you are enrolled in. Please start a new email with the subject specified. Do not simply reply to the weekly emails or other emails from the instructor.  



Emails must be sent through Canvas. Emails from personal email accounts will not be responded to. Please use Canvas email for class questions.  FERPA prohibits instructors from answering questions about grades via email.  If you would like to discuss your grade, please schedule a time to meet with the instructor. 


Extra Credit, Make-up work and late assignments 

I do not provide extra credit assignments.  In place of an extra credit assignment, I will drop the lowest (2) chapter quizzes and the lowest Case Study assignment.  Your grade will be based on the graded elements listed above. There are no makeup assignments unless proof of illness is provided to the instructor in a timely manner. If you miss an assignment for a documented and approved medical reason or family emergency, you will be allowed 1 week to complete it.             

Lectures and readings 

YOU WILL NEED YOUR BOOK.  It is your responsibility to read the chapters and take notes.  Please take advantage of the student resources in Canvas. 


Midterm & Final Exam – 20% of Grade  (Requires Respondus Lockdown Browser & a Webcam) 

There will be a midterm and a final exam. The final exam may be comprehensive and will consist of questions that are multiple choice and short answer. Similar to the quizzes, you must be logged-in to take the exam in enough time to complete it. Even if you are taking the exam, it will shut off at 11:59 p.m.; therefore, make sure you log-in to the exam in enough time to finish. 


Two Learning Outcome Writing assignments – 10% each (20% total)

Chapter Quizzes – 30% of Grade 

Each chapter will have a quiz assigned.  The quiz is designed to give you a review of the textbook material.  It will also prepare you for the final exam. The quiz score will be entered into the CANVAS gradebook.  You can access the quiz on the day after the due date through the Canvas link in the course.   The 2 lowest quiz grades will be dropped from the grade at the end of the semester.


Discussion Forums - 20% of grade

Book Report - 10% of Grade 

I will assign a number of books, of which you are to choose one (1) and complete a report of no less than 3 and no more than 5 pages, typed

Rubric for Book Report:


Exceeds Expectation  

20-25 points &

40-50 points

Meets Expectation  

15-19 Points &

30-39 points

Needs Improvement

10-14 points &

20-29  Points

Does Not Meet Expectation

0-19 points &

0-19 points 

Brief Summary of the issue & Identification of the main issue(s) and/or problems.  (0-25


Includes a comprehensive but concise summary of the Issue. Insightful and thorough analysis of all the key concepts.

Includes a brief summary of the issue which covers a majority of the important concepts and background of the topic.

Insightful and thorough analysis of most of the key concepts.  

Includes a brief summary of the topic which superficially covers the important concepts and misses some of the key concepts or critical background information. Insightful and thorough analysis of some of the key concepts.  

Does not include a summary of the issues.   



Incorporates observations and/or recommendations on effective solutions that we discuss in class (0 – 50 pts)  

Incorporates well-reasoned, logical, relevant observations and  recommendations on  effective solutions to  most of the problems/issues discussed in class.    


Solid, well thought out observations and recommendations on effective solutions to many of the problems/issues discussed in class.   

Shallow observations and recommendations on effective solutions to some of the problems/issues.  

Superficial observations and  recommendations on  effective solutions to a few of the problems/issues.   

Writing Skills/  


Presentation. (0- 25 pts)  

Writing is totally free of grammar and spelling errors.  Clear, concise and creative presentation of ideas and properly referenced.   

There are few spelling or grammatical errors.  Most ideas are clearly presented and references are used if needed.   

There are several spelling or grammatical errors.  Some ideas are clearly presented.  References are sporadic or not used when needed  

There are many spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.  Ideas are hard to             follow.  References are not used when needed.  



There are no Handouts for this set.