Ethics in Criminal Justice sec. 360



Course Title:

Ethics in Criminal Justice

Course Prefix & Number: 


Section Number: 




Semester Credit Hours:


Lecture Hours:


Lab Hours:


Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Ethical philosophies and issues pertaining to the various professions in the criminal justice system. Includes ethical issues emanating from constitutional conflict with public protection and individual rights, civil liberties, and correctional policies.



Course Prerequisite(s): No

Required or Recommended Course Materials: Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice 9th edition with Mindtap Code.  Publisher:  Cengage Learning  ISBN:9781337150163  ( You must get the book and the code)




Name of Instructor:

Dr. Cherly Furdge

Campus/Office Location:

Corinth Campus Suite 239 office 234

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:








10:00 4:00




No Available






By Appointments Only                   Between 4-6 (to reach me on Saturday and Sunday, call my cell)



STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog

At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Explain the foundation of ethics


Compare and contrast theories of ethics with personal and professional practices


Interpret and apply ethical considerations in policing, the courts, and corrections. Chapters








Course Competency


  1. Identify four ethical theories and accurately apply the theories concepts in specific law enforcement professional scenarios.



                                 GRADING CRITERIA         

(Need to Change)

# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Point Values


Exams (Multiple choice, True and False and Essay)

700 (100 points (each)  Must make required score to move to next module


Video Case Scenarios

100 (20 points each)


Discussion Forums

50 (10 points each)


Ethical Decision Project






Competency Exam

Must score at least 85


Grading Scale


900-1000 A

800-899   B

700-799    C

600-699     D

599-Below F  



Module 1



1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapters 1 and 2

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in discussion forum 1

6.      Complete Video Case 1

7.      Take post test

Module 2

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter

3.      Read Chapters 3, and 4

4.      Look at Visual Summary

5.      Review Power Point Presentation

6.      Participate in Discussion forum 2

7.      Take post test

Module 3

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 5 and 6

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Complete Video Case 2

6.      Take post test

Module 4

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 7 and 8

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in Discussion forum 3

6.       Complete Video Case 3

7.      Take post test

Module 5

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 9 and 10

3.      Read Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in Discussion Forum 4

6.       Complete Video Case 4

7.      Take post test

8.      Paper Due

Module 6

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 11 and 12

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in Discussion Forum 5

6.      Take post test

7.      Ethical Decision Paper Due

Module 7

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 13 and 14

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Complete Video Case 5

6.      Take post test

Module 8

Competency Exam




Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)

Dropping a course(s)


The last day to drop is September 28, 2017.  In order to drop the course, you must schedule an appointment with Sarah Marrow, First Start IV Grant Coordinator at 940-668-7731 ext. 4957 or schedule an appointment by emailing Sarah at



DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.

If you feel you have needs for services that the institution provides, please reach out to either Wayne Smith (940) 498-6207 or Yvonne Sandman (940) 668-4321.  Alternative students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville.

CORE CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONAL COMPONENT AREA (For classes in the Core)________           


         Communication

         Mathematics               

         Life and Physical Science

         Language, Philosophy & Culture

         Creative Arts

         American History


         Government/Political Science

         Social and Behavioral Sciences

         Component Area Option


REQUIRED CORE OBJECTIVES (For classes in the Core)


x          Critical Thinking

            Communication

            Empirical and Quantitative


            Teamwork

            Personal Responsibility

            Social Responsibility



                Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)

         Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

X         WECM Course



Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online.



Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 

Consequences for academic dishonesty may include:

  • First offense you will receive a written warning.
  • Second offense you will be dropped from the course.



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Dr. Cherly Furdge

Office Location:

Corinth Campus Suite 239 office 234

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Debbie Huffman

Office Location:

Gainesville Career and Technical Center

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:



Course Information


This course begins August 28, 2017 and ends October 20, 2017.  This course is designed as a self-paced course.  There are no weekly deadlines.  However, it is highly encouraged that you log in at least four-five times a week to work on assignments.  To assist with being successful and completing assignments in a timely manner, you can follow the example below:




Week 1

August 28-September 3

Let’s Get Start

1.      Course Pre-Test

Week 1

August 28-September 3

Module 1       

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 1

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in discussion forum 1

6.      Complete Video Case 1

7.      Take post test

Week 2

September 4-September 10

Module 2

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter

3.      Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4

4.      Look at Visual Summary

5.      Review Power Point Presentation

6.      Participate in Discussion forum 2

7.      Take post test        

Week 3

September 11-September 17

Module 3

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 5 and 6

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Complete Video Case 2

6.      Take post test

Week 4

September 18-September 24

Module 4

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 7 and 8

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in Discussion forum 3

6.       Complete Video Case 3

7.      Take post test

Week 5

September 25-October 1

Module 5

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 9 and 10

3.      Read Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in Discussion Forum 4

6.       Complete Video Case 4

7.      Take post test

8.      Paper Due

Week 6

October 2-October 8

Module 6

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 11 and 12

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Participate in Discussion Forum 5

6.      Take post test

7.      Ethical Decision Paper Due

Week 7

October 8-October 15

Module 7

1.      Take Pre-test

2.      Read chapter 13 and 14

3.      Look at Visual Summary

4.      Review Power Point Presentation

5.      Complete Video Case 5

6.      Take post test

Week 8

October 16-October 20

Module 8

Competency Exam



Instructions for all Assignments


Module Pre and Post Tests (Exams) 700 (100 points each)

You will have seven (7) pre and post-test.  There is a pre and post exam in each module.  The chapters associated with the test are listed in each modules.  The exam questions may be essay, multiple choice, or true and false questions. The format of the exam will be in the exam instruction sections.  If the exam consist of essay questions, you will have 60 minutes complete the assessment.  If the exam consist of all multiple choice and true and false, you will have 40 minutes to complete the assessment. You will have one chance to complete the pre-test and three chances to complete the post test. In order to move to the next module, you must score at least an 85 or higher on each module post-test.   


Respondus Lockdown


You must download the respondus lock down browser in order to access the exams and quizzes.  All exams and quizzes are protected by this browser.  If you have problems downloading it, please contact Canvas support immediately.


Discussion Forums 50 points (10 Points each)


You are required to participate in a total of five (5) discussion forums.  In order to receive credit for the discussion forum you must do the following:  (1.) Post your response to the initial question(s) on time, (2.) Respond to 2 of your classmates (3. Answer all parts to the initial post very detailed (4.) Response is on time and is thought provoking and not just “a general statement.”  (5.) Make sure your initial post and response post are written in a scholarly manner. Do not respond by just saying I agree.  Be sure to tell why and add supporting fact.  ANYONE WHO POST THEIR INITIAL POSTS AND RESPONSE POSTS ON A SUNDAY WILL RECEIVE A 0. The rubric for the discussion forums is as follows:

Rubric for Discussion Forums

Requirement                                                                                              Points

Post your response to the initial question (s) on time

Minimum1 Maximum 2

Respond to 2 of your classmates

Minimum1 Maximum 2

Answered all parts to the initial post very detailed.

Minimum1 Maximum 2

Responses are on time and is thought provoking and not just “a general statement”

Minimum1 Maximum 2

Make sure your posts is written in a scholarly manner with at least one citation from the textbook

Minimum1 Maximum 2


Total possible points for each discussion forum 10

  1. The question for the initial post will be posted in the forum.  You must answer the question in its entirety and on time.  Most good answers will be at least 5 sentences in length.  Note:  If you do not make your initial post, you will not receive credit for the forum.  Post reflecting only a response to your classmates will be considered as incomplete and will receive a zero.
  2. You must respond to two of your classmates for each discussion forum.  In your response, you should give feedback on their response, ask probing questions and provide intellectual feedback.  A response stating “I agree with you” only is not acceptable and will result in you losing five points.  This is a discussion forum.  Please create a dialogue between you and your classmates. 
  3. Because this is a self-paced course, you may move to the next discussion forum before your classmates, it is important that you continue to check the forums though out the course to respond to your classmates. 
  4. ANYONE WHO POSTS ONLY THE INITIAL POST or ONLY THE RESPONSE POSTS ON WILL RECEIVE A 0.  You must submit your initial post and your response post to receive credit.
  5. This is a college class.  It is important for you to display your intellect.  Your initial post and at least one of your response posts should be written in a scholarly manner.  In the past, students have posted more than 3 times, which is fine.  All I ask is that 2 of your post be well written. 
  6. Please make sure you write your post in a scholarly manner.  Be sure that all sentences have punctuation marks, start with a capital letter and reflect the usage of spell check.  You must also make at least one citation from your textbook in your initial post supporting your response.  For example:  The social structure theory maintains that a person’s place in a social structure controls behavior (pg. 13).


Video Case Assignments 100 points (20 points each)


You will complete a total of 5 video case scenarios. You will watch the scenario and take a short quiz afterwards. You will have only five chance to take the quiz. You must read the scenario and watch the video first. The videos are approximately 3-5 minutes long.


Paper (100 Points)-This information will be a part of the final


You will write a four (4) page paper.  The paper will be divided into two parts. 


Part 1:  What is the difference between morals and ethics? Explain the foundation of ethics and why there is a need to study it.. List and discuss the five steps used to clarify any ethical dilemma that are presented in the text.


Part 2:  Compare and contrast the theories of ethics with personal and professional practices.  Provides an example of each. 



Ethical Decision Project 50 points

For your semester project, you will consider current issues in policing, courts and corrections. Using problem-solving information from the text, you will propose a resolution to the problem. You must submit your topics to the instructor for approval, before having access to module 3. For example:  Discuss a current issue related to corruption issue in the correctional system.  (Having a relationship with the offenders)

  1. Explain the problem which will include where it happened.
  2. Explain why this situation is a problem. In other words, how does this problem impact the integrity of the criminal justice system?
  3. Interpret the findings (What happened)
  4. If you were responsible for this agency, how would you solve the problem?


Competency Exam-Must make minimum score and 85


The competency exam will be completed at the end of the course. The exam is will consist of essay and multiple choice questions. Each module you complete will prepare you for the competency exam.  You will have three chances to take the exam.  In order to receive credit for the course, you must make the required score for each and 85 on this exam.  As stated previously in this syllabus, the competency is as follow:

  1. Identify four ethical theories and accurately apply the theories concepts in specific law enforcement professional scenarios.















Instructor’s Information


Contacting the Instructor

You may contact the instructor via email or by calling the numbers listed in this syllabus. Again, do not send a text to the cell phone number asking general questions.  You will not get a response.  Please use the CANVAS email to ask general questions. 


Texting: The only time you should send a text is when you are attempting to access an exam or quiz and you do not see it or it will not open.


Technical Support


It is important to notify the instructor immediately if you are having technical support.  Because this is a self-paced course that will only be available for 8 weeks, time is critical.  If you are having an issue with Canvas such as downloading respondus lockdown browser, logging in, etc. please contact Canvas Support.  There is a link on the “Canvas” log in page. 




Emails must be sent through Canvas.  You should not email the instructor from your personal email nor should you email the instructor using the instructors NCTC email address.


All emails will be responded to within 24 hours.  Again, emails should be used to ask all questions.  Also, if you need to schedule an appointment to meet, please do so by sending an email.


The instructor is not available on Saturdays and Sundays. Any questions sent on Saturday or Sunday will be answered on Monday. It is important that you read your assignments at the beginning of the week so your questions can be answered by Friday at 12:00 p.m. NOON. You do have permission to text the instructor if an exam or quiz is not showing up. 


It is your responsibility to make sure the computer and internet connection you are using is reliable.  I cannot help with technical issues nor can I help if your network stalls.  These are all technical issues.  I can only help if the exam or quiz is not available when it should be.  

Online Conferences


Private online conferences must be scheduled.  If you are having issues understanding the reading assignments, please feel free to schedule a time to meet with the instructor or post your question in the forum located in the module labeled “Ask the Professor.”


If you need to meet face to face, please see the office hours above. There are days and times the instructor maybe in an on/off campus meeting or is meeting with another student.  It is important to send an email letting to let me know you are coming.