Course Title:

CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I

Course Prefix & Number: 

CHEM 1411

Section Number: 

402, 403


FA 2020

Semester Credit Hours:


Lecture Hours:


Lab Hours:


Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Fundamental principles of chemistry for majors in the sciences, health sciences, and engineering; topics include measurements, fundamental properties of matter, states of matter, chemical reactions, chemical stoichiometry, periodicity of elemental properties, atomic structure, chemical bonding, molecular structure, solutions, properties of gases, and an introduction to thermodynamics and descriptive chemistry.

Course Prerequisite(s): MATH 1314 (College Algebra)

Required or Recommended Course Materials:

Chemistry, A Molecular Approach, Nivaldo Tro, 5th edition, Pearson. ISBN 0-13-487437-4

Carbon copy lab notebook

Pearson Mastering Chemistry online homework, access code available via NCTC bookstore or online through Canvas link

Scientific calculator (graphing calculator not necessary)

Computer access with webcam and microphone capability that can support Respondus Lockdown Browser, Java, and Adobe Flash player; Reliable Internet access




Name of Instructor:

Amy Whiting

Campus/Office Location:

Corinth 334

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:




Virtual office hours available by appointment through the Cisco WebEx system accessed through Canvas. Please give 24-hour notice if possible.


STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog

At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Lecture Learning Outcomes

  1. Define the fundamental properties of matter.
  2. Classify matter, compounds, and chemical reactions.
  3. Determine the basic nuclear and electronic structure of atoms.
  4. Identify trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements using the Periodic Table.
  5. Describe the bonding in and the shape of simple molecules and ions.
  6. Solve stoichiometric problems.
  7. Write chemical formulas.
  8. Write and balance equations.
  9. Use the rules of nomenclature to name chemical compounds.
  10. Define the types and characteristics of chemical reactions.
  11. Use the gas laws and basics of the Kinetic Molecular Theory to solve gas problems.
  12. Determine the role of energy in physical changes and chemical reactions.
  13. Convert units of measure and demonstrate dimensional analysis skills.


Lab Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  • Use basic apparatus and apply experimental methodologies used in the chemistry laboratory.
  • Demonstrate safe and proper handling of laboratory equipment and chemicals.
  • Conduct basic laboratory experiments with proper laboratory techniques.
  • Make careful and accurate experimental observations.
  • Relate physical observations and measurements to theoretical principles.
  • Interpret laboratory results and experimental data, and reach logical conclusions.
  • Record experimental work completely and accurately in laboratory notebooks and communicate experimental results clearly in written reports.
  • Design fundamental experiments involving principles of chemistry and chemical instrumentation.
  • Identify appropriate sources of information for conducting laboratory experiments involving principles of chemistry.



# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Point Values


Major Exams

40 %


Final Exam

10 %


Lab Reports

30 %


Quizzes and Homework

20 %


GRADING SCALE:         A = 90-100%      B = 80-89%     C = 70-79%      D = 60–69%    F = <60%


Quizzes may be given at any time, either online via Canvas or in class.  No advance notice of in-class quizzes is given; if you do not attend class and a quiz is given, no makeup is allowed.  Online Quizzes not completed by the due date/time will receive a grade of zero. 


Online HomeworkHomework will be assigned weekly and graded.  All homework will be completed through the MyLab and Mastering LINK in Canvas. You will need to register and create an account with Pearson. During this process, you will create a student account with a personal login name and password.  You will need to purchase an access code, either from the bookstore or directly from the website. Please use your full name when enrolling in the course. You are expected to complete the homework assignments in a timely manner.  Working problems is the best way to learn to apply the material in this course.  Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to complete the assignments.  Be aware that during peak times, the Mastering Chemistry website may run slowly.  Do not wait until the last minute.

              One (1) lowest homework OR quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.


Exam Administration:    Scheduled exams will begin promptly the beginning of the assigned lab time.  While there may be instances when being late is unavoidable, no over-time can or will be permitted for test-taking.  All exam papers must be handed in at the end of the scheduled exam time. You will not be allowed to leave the room during an exam.  No exams will be distributed to latecomers after the first person that finishes an exam leaves the room.  No cell phones are allowed during exams or quizzes.  If yours rings or vibrates, etc., during an exam, your paper will be taken up immediately and your grade will suffer accordingly.


MISSED EXAMSIf you miss an exam, you must make an appointment with the testing center on the Corinth campus to take a makeup exam (1 per semester only) or make other arrangements with the instructor.  YOU MUST NOTIFY ME BY EMAIL of your intent to make up the exam, and let me know your appointment day/time so I can have the exam available for you.  The exam MUST be made up within two days or BEFORE the next class period, whichever is first.  If you do poorly on an exam or miss an exam, your final exam grade can be used to replace your lowest exam grade (for 1 exam only) at the end of the semester. 


The final exam will be COMPREHENSIVE, covering all material in this course. The final exam grade cannot be replaced and is NOT optional.  You must take the final exam.


Grades will be posted on Canvas.  You are responsible for checking to see that your grades are posted correctly.  If there is a discrepancy, please bring it to my attention right away.  Do not wait until the end of the semester. The averages calculated on Canvas may or may not reflect your actual grade.  Refer to the syllabus for the percentages for calculating your grade.


COURSE SUBJECT OUTLINE (Major Assignments, Due Dates, and Grading Criteria)


Week                  Tentative Calendar

    1. Matter, Mixtures
    2. Measurement, Sig Figs, Density
    3. Atoms and Elements, Structure
    4. Exam I
    5. Compounds, Nomenclature
    6. Chemical Quantities, Stoichiometry
    7. Chemical Equations, Reactions
    8. Exam II
    9. Thermochemistry
    10. Gas Laws
    11. Gas Law Stoichiometry
    12. Exam III
    13. Quantum Mechanics, Electron Configuration
    14. Bonding, Lewis Structures,
    15. Molecular Geometry, VSEPR Theory, Exam IV
    16.   Final Exam



Lab schedule Chem 1411 Fall 2020


(Tentative and subject to change as mandated by NCTC campus closure policy)

Week 1

Safety lab

Week 2

Significant figures

Week 3


Week 4


Week 5

Exam # 1 Ch.1,2,3

Week 6


Week 7

Balancing equations and stoichiometry Practice

Week 8

Theoretical yield

Week 9

Exam # 2 Ch.3,4,5

Week 10


Week 11

Gas laws (online); Calorimetry

Week 12

Exam # 3 Ch.6,7

Week 13

Electron configurations (online)

Week 14

Molecular models

Week 15

Exam # 4 Ch.8,9,10,11



Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)

  • Class Attendance:  Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.  Be sure to sign in.  You are expected to attend class regularly and punctually.  Students who are tardy or absent in chemistry class usually find it very difficult to keep up.  Do not fall behind.   If you miss class, it is your responsibility to catch up.
  • Excessive absences may result in a student being dropped from the course with no credit awarded.  Excessive absences will be defined as more than 2 consecutive classes for a weekly class.
  • A student who enrolls in this course and fails to attend must drop the course to avoid receiving an “F”.  Students may or may not be dropped automatically.
  • A student must pass the lab component of the course to receive a passing grade (D or higher) in the overall course. Passing is defined as average of 70 or better.


Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is November 2, 2020____.



DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify.

If you feel you have needs for services that the institution provides, please reach out to either Wayne Smith (940) 498-6207 or Yvonne Sandman (940) 668-3300.  Alternative students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 111 in Gainesville.


CORE CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONAL COMPONENT AREA (For classes in the Core)________       


           Communication

           Mathematics                

X           Life and Physical Science

           Language, Philosophy & Culture

           Creative Arts

           American History

           Government/Political Science

           Social and Behavioral Sciences

           Component Area Option



REQUIRED CORE OBJECTIVES (For classes in the Core)


X            Critical Thinking

X             Communication

X             Empirical and Quantitative

X             Teamwork

             Personal Responsibility

             Social Responsibility



            Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)

X           Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

           WECM Course



Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online.

Cell phones and technology: These devices must be turned off or on silent during class. If you must take a call during class for emergency reasons, excuse yourself and step out of the classroom before taking the call. Use of any electronic device to access the internet during class is not recommended. Use of electronic devices are permitted for the purposes of taking notes and completing assignments only. If any distracting or disrespectful use by these devices or the student is suspected, you may be asked to leave for the remainder of the class session. 



Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”. 

Honesty in completing assignments is essential.  Cheating, plagiarism, or any other kind of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate sanctions that may include failing an assignment or exam, failing the class, or suspension or expulsion.  A report WILL be filed with the college.

If cheating or collusion is suspected, a conference between the suspected parties, the instructor, and the appropriate dean will be scheduled and notation made in the student’s file.



Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Dr. Lisa Bellows

Office Location:

Gainesville Science Building Office 408

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:



COVID-19 Specific Syllabi Statements Fall 2020


Syllabi statement regarding potential Conversion of Onsite Classes to Online/Remote Format: North Central Texas College students should be aware that in the event of a college closure due to COVID-19, onsite classes will be converted to an online/remote format. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have access to the computer equipment (either PC, MAC, or tablet), webcam, and internet connectivity to continue their classes in an online/remote format. Please read all your official North Central Texas College student emails as the transition from onsite to online/remote might require a reorganization in your personal situation. Students will be granted a 72-hour transition and grace period. Online classes will continue as scheduled without disruption. Wear a mask, stay safe, and contact your Instructor as the situation arises. These policies and procedures were updated on July 30, 2020 and are subject to change.


Syllabi Statement Regarding Face Coverings: Per the North Central Texas College guidance on face coverings on campus, in the instructional setting, faculty and students must wear face coverings, such as masks or face shields. Students without coverings, or those who do not comply with the rules relating to face coverings, will not be able to participate in on-campus classroom activities. To request an exception to this requirement, students should contact the NCTC HR Office of Enrollment Management ( Failure to comply with the face coverings requirement may result in the Instructor directing the student to leave the classroom. Any student asked to leave the classroom may be referred to the student conduct officer. These policies and procedures were updated on July 30, 2020 and are subject to change.


Temporary COVID-19 Attendance Policy for Face-to-Face Meetings: We are facing an unprecedented situation in which all of us must be flexible and make prudent decisions in the best interest of our families, our campus, and our community. In light of this, North Central Texas College is temporarily establishing the requirement that faculty keep records of student attendance for face-to-face course meetings as well as a documented seating chart. In addition, students who are sick or need to quarantine should not attend classes. Students will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider and will not be penalized for COVID-19 related absences when proper notification to campus health officials is made in accordance with the guidelines stated below.


Faculty will:


  • Notify students about important course information and delivery changes through Canvas and campus email.


Students should:

  • Provide notification to campus officials (via NCTC Daily Health Check protocol through Canvas) if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have to quarantine so we can confirm reported absence with instructors, monitor, and assist the campus community.
  • Notify instructors in advance of the absence.
  • Connect with that class through Webex if the class session is being transmitted in a hybrid fashion.
  • Keep up with and/or make up missed classwork or assignments.
  • Submit assignments digitally through Canvas or other means as announced by your instructor.
  • Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities described in the course syllabus.
  • Check Canvas and campus email daily to receive important announcements pertaining to the course.

During this period, faculty with face-to-face meetings will establish assigned seating/work stations to facilitate roll-taking, and, if necessary, contact tracing. Additionally, we ask all members of the College community to be attentive to their health, and safeguard others, by following the CDC’s guideline to “stay home when you are sick.” You should stay home if you have symptoms. More information on what to do if you are sick is available at the CDC’s website.

Additional NCTC information is available at