Course Title: Art Appreciation
Course Prefix & Number: 1317
Room: 210 Flower Mound
Section Number(s): 500
Tue/Thur 2:30 -3:50pm
Term Code: 161S
Spring 2017
Semester Credit Hours: 3
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 64
Course Description (NCTC Catalog): Development of drawing skills based on art elements and concepts.
Course Prerequisite(s): None
Course Type:
x - Academic General Education Course (from Academic Course Guide Manual but not in NCTC Core)
o - Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course
o - WECM Course
Name of Professor:
Longhui Zhang (Long)
Online Office Hours:
Tue&Thur 9:30-10:30am, through Canvas Inbox Message
Email Address:
Name of Chair/Coordinator:
Thom Talbott
Office Location:
1306B Visual Arts Department, Gainesville, Texas
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
No textbook is required for this course. Readings will be assigned as needed. For materials, see provided separate Supply List.
# of Graded
Course Elements
Graded Course Elements
Percentage or Points Values
7 Projects total
Sketchbook 20 pages
3 Artists Research
Student Learning Outcome
At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
Build on the observational and technical skills introduced in Drawing 1
Increase awareness of the ever-expanding realm of contemporary drawing
Learn to apply drawing skills to a conceptual framework.
Foster a drawing habit
- Communication
- Mathematics
- Life and Physical Science
- Language, Philosophy & Culture
- Creative Arts
- American History
- Government/Political Science
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Component Area Option
o Critical Thinking
o Communication
o Empirical and Quantitative
o Teamwork
o Personal Responsibility
o Social Responsibility
Last day to Withdraw
The last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is Apr. 6, 2017.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
NCTC Board policy FLB (Local) Student Rights and Responsibilities states that each student shall be charged with notice and knowledge of the contents and provisions of the rules and regulations concerning student conduct. These rules and regulations are published in the Student Handbook published in conjunction with the College Catalog.
Scholastic Integrity
Scholastic dishonesty shall constitute a violation of college rules and regulations and is punishable as prescribed by Board policies.
Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. See student handbook for more information.
Disability Accommodations
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability.
On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 in the Administration (100) Building or call 940-668-4209. Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209 to arrange for an intake appointment with OSD.
North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. The center links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free online tutoring in the evening. The program helps students acclimate to college by providing students free interactive workshops. For more information, please visit the Student Success Center. Their number is 940/ 498-6412. They are located in room 188. They see students by appointment only on Monday through Friday.
Financial Aid Scholarships, and Veterans Services
The Financial Aid Office is responsible for administering a variety of programs for students who need assistance in financing their education. The first step for financial aid is to complete a FAFSA. For more information, please visit your nearest Financial Aid Office.
NCTC restricts the use of all tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco on campus property.
All cell phones must be put away for this class. Do not use cell phones, iPods, iPads, cameras, watches, or any type of recording (audio or visual) devices in this class without permission from the instructor. This includes the prohibition of using your cell phone or any other device with a camera to take pictures of PowerPoint slides or recordings (audio or visual) of the lecture, unless by first gaining the permission of your instructor. If you would like to use your laptop or tablet, please only do so to take notes in this class. Do not use your tablet or any device to check email or get on any social media sites during lecture. If you have an emergency that requires you to keep your cell phone on vibrate, please excuse yourself discreetly before taking the call. I will take up any device(s) if you abuse this policy.
I will hold this class to appropriate standards of collegiality, etiquette, and decorum. Please do not conduct conversations, eat, sleep, read material other than your textbook, use your phone, or wander in and out of class. If you cannot observe these requirements, I will ask you to leave the classroom for that lecture, and you will be counted as absent for that day.
You are responsible for attending each class, being on time, and participating in the class discussions and lectures. Furthermore, it is part of your grade to attend and participate in class. Attendance will be taken at the start time of each class, and students are permitted up to 3 absences. Any absence thereafter will result in a lowering of the student’s final grade by one letter grade for each additional absence.
You are required to attend each class for the entire period in order to be counted as present. If you come late or leave early, this will count as a tardy. 3 tardy will be equal to 1 absence.
If you are late to class, it is your responsibility to check in with me immediately after class to communicate that you are present instead of being counted as absent. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to ask a reliable classmate what you missed in lecture. I suggest finding a buddy in class to swap notes with or to keep up with any announcements that you missed. In addition, reference the course calendar at the back of this syllabus to find out what topic was covered in lecture and for any assignments discussed on the day you missed.
Late assignments are ONLY accepted on the very NEXT class meeting after an assignment’s original due date, and there will be an automatic 20 point deduction for turning it in late. For example, if an assignment is due on a Tuesday and you were not prepared to turn it in that day, you can still turn it in on Thursday’s class meeting with the 20 point deduction. I will not accept any late work beyond that one class meeting grace period. There will be no exceptions, unless there is medical documentation as to why you were physically unable to complete an assignment in the three week period you were given to complete it. Furthermore, if such a situation should arise, contact me immediately so we can discuss your options. If you are absent on a day that an assignment is due, it is your responsibility to turn in the assignment no later than the due date and time specified per the syllabus and the assignment’s directions. If you are not physically able to make it to class to turn in your assignment due to an absence, you may email me your assignment by the due date and time. Anything after the due date and time is considered late. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed in lecture. The best way to know what was presented in class and what assignments are coming up is to be present, write down due dates, and if you should happen to miss a class, ask a classmate what you missed. Furthermore, there will not be an opportunity for a makeup exam should you have to miss the day of a test in this class. The only exception to this is an extreme circumstance that you can provide approved documentation for: for example, if you were in a car accident on the way to school, had a medical emergency, had to attend a funeral, or had a death in the immediate family, etc. Please visit with me as soon as possible if a circumstance like this should arise to make arrangements for a makeup exam.
Your syllabus, assignments, and announcements will be posted on Canvas. In addition, I will send you email communications through Canvas as well. You are required to check Canvas on a daily basis for any updates or communications in this course. Furthermore, if I should need to cancel a class for any reason, I will communicate that information as soon as possible via the Canvas email server. I highly recommend linking your Canvas communications to your personal email so you are notified of any updates immediately on your personal devices. If you should experience a problem with Canvas, please call their help desk at 940/ 498-4243.
Please email me using the messaging function in Canvas. It is a good practice to use professional writing skills and proper email etiquette when getting in contact with your professors and contacts at the collegiate level.
I highly recommend setting yourself up to receive instant notifications for your courses in Canvas. You can adjust the settings for announcements, communications, when grades are entered, etc.
To update your contact information
First, make sure you have the desired email address or phone number that you want to be contacted by entered into Canvas. You can have your notifications go to any email address or cell phone number. To change, add, or update your contact information, go to the Canvas dashboard. Click on Account > Settings. In the top right corner, you will see an area labeled as “Ways to Contact”. Enter your information here.
To adjust how often you receive communications
You can set up which notifications and how often you want to receive them in Canvas. To update the frequency of when you want to receive notifications, go to the Canvas dashboard. Click on Account > Notifications. For this course, I suggest adjusting the “Announcement” and “Conversation Message” tabs to receive notifications ASAP.
Project List
Project1: Two Point Perspective
Project2: Gesture Figure Drawing(Tone Mass)
Project3: Self Portrait
Project4: Drawing and Space (Abstraction)
Project5: Still Life Color Rendering (Prismacolor Art Stix or soft pastel)
Project6: Color and Abstract Space (Open Medium)
Project7: Final Conceptual Drawing/Painting
Sketchbook 20 pages:
DUE April 27
- Sketchbook practice required from project sheet
- 15 Sklog Entries
- Lecture and Critique notes
3 Artists Research on Sketchbook (ADDITION on top of 20 pages):
Have a critical thinking on the artists’ work you choose. Print picture and attach on Sketchbook, write notes on side. Pros and Cons. Recreate full image with your thought at side of image.
When submitting a drawing, prepare it as follows:
Always have work ready to turn in at the beginning of class on the due date. You may not utilize class time to spray fix, collect, or label the work.
Draw on one side of a sheet of paper only. Use the type of paper specified.
Take the time to remove unintentional smudges and fingerprints, and use fixative on pencil, charcoal, or conté works. Spray the fixative a safe distance from the work, (ten or twelve inches) preferably with the work set up vertically(spraying downwards may result in drips which can ruin your artwork).
Never use corrective fluid such asWhite-‐Out on a drawing to “erase mistakes.”
Spiral edges should be carefully removed with an x-‐acto knife, or removed at the provided perforation.
Artwork should be protected by a slipsheet (usually a piece ofclean newsprint) which is the same size of the drawing when turned in for grading. Label the slipsheet with your name, the date, section, and project name, i.e. “Shape.” Do not use tape to affix your slipsheet to the drawing. You may simply place the slipsheet ontop of the drawing, arrange everything you are required to turn in into a stack, and clip with binder clips or paper clips. ***Use bulldog clips to clip paper to your drawing board when working in the studio. Do not use them to clip together finished work, as they are too big and clumsy and may damage your drawings.
A note on signatures: Do not allow your signature to be a distraction! It should not be the first thing a viewer notices when looking at your work. I recommend labeling the back of your drawing with your name in pencil ONLY (no pen or charcoal). If you choose to sign the front of the piece, use the same media that the drawing was completed in. For instance, do not use pen to sign a charcoal gesture drawing.
Ripped or torn edges, uneven edges, dirt, or general messiness will result in points lost.
In the sketchbook, all bets are off. You may use a variety of media, draw on fronts and backs of sheets, glue and clip in drawings and collages, etc. However, you should make some effort to preserve the work in your sketchbook. Use spray fixative on drawings which will transfer (conté, charcoal, soft pencil, etc.), and consider protecting them with small slipsheets. For a pretty option, use archival translucent tissue or tracing paper.
Make sure your name appears somewhere clearly on your sketchbook, and date your entries. Label your entries (i.e. “Shape”) and number your Motif sketches. Make it a goal to spend at least a couple of hours a week in the sketchbook as homework.
You must have a unique sketchbook which will include work for this class only. Please do not combine sketchbook entries for Design or any other classes in your Drawing I sketchbook.
Drawings which are submitted for credit in this class must have been completed THIS semester, for THIS class only. This includes sketchbook entries.
Week 1
1/17 Course overview/expectations/introductions; go over syllabus and Canvas;
Print last page of syllabus & sign then turn in [SLO 1,3]
1/19 Intro Project1 [SLO 1,3]
Week 2
1/24 Studio day [SLO 1,2, 3]
1/26 Studio day [SLO 1,2,4]
Week 3
1/31 Intro to Project 2
2/2 Project 1 Due
Week 4
2/7 studio day [SLO 1,2,3]
2/9 studio day
Week 5
2/14 Studio day[SLO 1,3]
2/16 Project 2 Due, Intro to Project 3 [SLO 1,3,4]
Week 6
2/21 Studio [SLO 1,3]
2/23 Studio [SLO 1,3]
Week 7
2/28 Studio [SLO 1,3] Intro to Project 4
3/2 Project 3 Due[SLO 1,3,4]
Week 8
3/7 Studio [SLO 1,3,4]
3/9 Studio [SLO 1,3]
Week 9
3/14 No class – Spring Break
3/16 No class – Spring Break
Week 10
3/21 Project4 Due
3/23 Studio [SLO 1,3] Intro to Project 5
Week 11
3/28 Studio
3/30 Studio [SLO 1,3] Intro to Project6
Week 12
4/4 Studio, Project 5 Due
4/6 Studio [SLO 1,3,4]
**April 6 is the last day to drop with a W**
Week 13
4/11 Studio [SLO 1,3,4]
4/13 Studio [SLO 1,3,4] Project 6 Due, Intro to Project 7
Week 14
4/18 Studio
4/20 Studio, 3 Artists Research Due
Week 15
4/25 Studio
4/27 Studio, Sketchbook Due
Week 16 Final Week
5/9 Tuesday 2:30pm Project 7 Due.
*Schedule could be modified through out semester. *
Materials list
A Masonite board to serve as the drawing pad support
Artist portfolio (No zip up portfolios or tubes!)
8 1/2" x 11" Mix media sketchbook
You may need a mix media drawing pad 18x24 or larger if work on color
Drawing pad 18" x 24" or larger (Good quality paper: Canson Biggie, Strathmore Layout, Strathmore Drawing, Bienfang Ermine White No 63-
Newsprint sketch pad 18" x 24" or larger
Additional drawing papers BFK PAPER 20x30. Please plan to spend approximately $50 on additional good drawing paper during the semester.
Sighting Stick
Conté crayons (white, gray), Grey Tone Conte paper
Vine charcoal- thin, thick and very thick (soft) Charcoal pencil, Compressed Charcoal
Drawing pencils (2B, 4B, 6B...). The all-graphite shafts are the best.
Prismacolor Art Stix colored pencil sticks (varied)
Ink (Higgins ink / tube of black water-based ink or paint) Large bamboo brush for ink
Erasers: kneaded, art gum, and plastic
Masking tape
X-acto knife, blades
18” Metal ruler
Chamois cloth and rags (You can get big ones at Dillions)
Pencil sharpener
If anyone is interested in working with any other materials in particular please feel free to discuss it with the instructor. Additional supplies may be required as the class advances. If some special material will be needed students will be notified at least 1 class prior to its use.
Students are asked to:
Bring all required materials to each class session.
Clean working space after use so that it is ready to be used by the next class.
* Sign and return this page only
I have read this syllabus. I agree to comply with all of the provisions it describes. I understand that failing to abide by the provisions described in the syllabus can have a serious and detrimental effect on my grade.
I understand that I am required to perform a museum visits in order to complete my assignments for this course.
I understand that poor attendance can have a serious and detrimental effect on my grade.
By taking this course, I agree not to commit acts of academic dishonesty including plagiarism, cheating, and failing to cite sources. I understand that any act of academic dishonesty may result in a grade of “F” in the course.
I understand that failing to complete any of the exams, papers, or assignments could potentially result in a grade of “F” in the course.
Name (Printed)
Emergency Contact Cell# (yours or family’s)