






Course title: Online Art Appreciation: ARTS 1301.0351

Semester/Year of course: Fall 2023

Semester start and end dates: 08/28/2023 – 12/15/2023- 16-week online course

Modality: Asynchronous Online

Class meeting location, days, and times: NCTC Canvas Learning Management System

Lab meeting location, days, and times: NCTC Canvas Learning Management System

Semester credit hours: 3

Course description: A course open to all students directed toward understanding the elements and principles as applied to the visual expression and arts: painting, sculpture and architecture as well as printmaking, ceramics, digital media, metal work and weaving. 48 lecture hours.

Course prerequisites: none


Required Course Materials:

Connect Access Card to "Living With Art" by Mark Getlein, 12th Edition. Please follow this link to see more about our required connect access card. Welcome - Start Here!

  • Everyone gets a free 12 day trial to begin the class with until you have bought the book. You MUST purchase the book. We will do many assignments out of Connect. This must be purchased by 9/11 to continue the course.
  • Students will need access to a computer with a high-speed internet connection for work at home.
  • Students will need a notebook/paper and something to write with to take notes and do assignments in class.
  • Students will need access to Microsoft software: Word and PowerPoint and/or Google Docs/Slides and/or Prezi Presentations 
  • Students may need access to Netflix or other streaming platforms. 
  • Students will need access to a camera and a USB cord. 
  • Students will need access to a webcam, microphone and videoing software. 
  • Students may need art supplies

Note on Canvas:

Your entire class will be posted on Canvas. In addition, I will send you email communications through Canvas. You are required to check Canvas often for any updates or communications in this course. I highly recommend linking your Canvas communications to your personal e-mail, so you are notified of any updates immediately on your personal devices. If you should experience a problem with Canvas, please call their help desk at 940/ 668-3335.


Office location: Remote Online through Canvas LMS

Telephone number: Contact through Canvas LMS

Instructor Name: Jessica Pirkle

E-mail address:

Office hours for students: Course is monitored 8:00am to 4pm Monday-Friday. All Canvas emails will receive an email response Monday-Friday. No e-mails will be checked on Saturdays, late at night, on holidays or on most Sundays. If needed I can meet you via video conference, Zoom, or chat. Please allow the professor 24 hours to e-mail back Monday-Friday( 8am-4pm) and 72 hours on weekends and holidays.

 Check Announcements at least 3-4 times per week for course updates or revisions, course content and information, and student questions and comments. Reviewing Announcements each week is the online equivalent to showing up class in a classroom section. Reading Announcements, Discussions and all instructions is vital to your success in an online class.

Questions of a more personal nature (such as grades) can be addressed to me privately through Canvas Inbox (Global menu). You can set Canvas to send you notifications daily to another email or your cell phone. Check and set your Canvas notification preferences at indicated in the NCTC student support. Using NCTC mail rather than the Canvas Inbox will may delay response time as I cannot answer a question about your participation or grades without being in the Canvas course.

Note on Timely Communication: The student is expected to e-mail the professor back within 24 hours otherwise the e-mail is void.

How to Write an E-mail to your Professor

Dear Professor, Last-Name,

I’m in your Class Name, Section Number that meets on This Day. This is the question I have or the help I need. I’ve looked in the syllabus and at my notes from class and online and I asked someone else from the class, and I think This Is the Answer, but I’m still not sure. This is the action I would like you to take.

Signing off with a Thank You is always a good idea,
Your Name



The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in person and/or writing.




This course is divided into three content units covering select chapters in the textbook. All assignments are posted in the corresponding unit Modules with the exception of Extra Credit. They have their own modules. Always read assignment instructions carefully especially noting the due date and time. Every assignment and quiz in this course has a due date AND time.  All due times are 11:59pm (Central Standard Time). Students will complete assignments in Canvas AND in McGraw Hill's Connect for our textbook Living with Art.

All coursework (quizzes, SB assignments, chapter assignments, chapter assessments, graded discussions) can be submitted online. Due dates are listed in the course calendar, syllabus, and global calendar. You can also program the settings in Canvas to email or text you reminders of due dates. Here are instructions for setting your notifications  preferences.  Always read assignment instructions carefully. Work ahead, assignments can be turned in early. Assignments must be submitted using the Canvas/Connect Assignment or Quiz/Assessment tools in order to receive a grade. Assignments will not be graded until they are appropriately submitted in the Assignment tool. Students' hardware, software and internet problems are NOT excuses for missing assignment submissions. Stay ahead! Problems always occur in the last hour when traffic is high! See information on individual assignments in their respective modules.  

List of graded assignments:

25%: Chapter Quizzes: in Canvas

30%: Online Activities: in Connect and Canvas

25%: Online Discussions: on Canvas

20% Museum Assignment: on Canvas

Final grade scale: 

A = 100-90, B = 89-80, C = 79-70, D = 69-60, F = 59 and below. I will round up grades: an 89.5 is a 90 and so on, including your final average.

  • All coursework will be graded within two weeks of the turn in date, unless otherwise notified by the professor***
  • Please check rubric on Canvas for more detailed information on what the professor is looking for.
  • Please check comments on assignments in Canvas.
  • Extra credit will be provided at the end of the course.
  • Please correct your mistakes and watch out for feedback. Read your comments!!

Late work policy:  No late work is accepted unless you e-mail the professor and set up an extension. If you must miss turning in assignments due to illness or another serious situation you must e-mail the professor before the turn in date, letting me know what is happening for a possible exception.                        




Academic Integrity Policy: See Student Handbook

Online Course Requirements and Policy:

Minimum Technology Requirements: Students will need a computer with a high-speed internet connection. IMPORTANT:  IP and hardware problems are not excuses for missing deadlines and submission of assignments. Students can access Canvas at any NCTC LRC. Students need Canvas to pass this course successfully. If OneLogin is down, then students may access Canvas through Canvas apps on smart phones may not support all functions on the IOS mobile platforms, a computer is required. Technical support for Connect is through McGraw Hill publishers, not NCTC. Technical support for Connect is linked in the Orientation module with textbook information.

Minimum Student Skills: ARTS1301 Art Appreciation includes utilizing digital resources in Canvas and McGraw Hill’s Connect for Living with Art. (More information is located in the Orientation module.) In Canvas, students must be able to upload/download complete files (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) with text and images to the assignment tool and attach documents to emails/discussion posts. Be aware I cannot open .pages attachments in Canvas. Be aware that not all functions of your Canvas course may be available on smart phones or tablets. You must have a computer and know the software to complete the course.


Classroom Policy and Decorum

Communication Style and Grammar

What does your Communication reveal about you?  Any questions regarding class assignments and tests should be posted to the Discussion Board because the questions and answers will inform other students. You are welcome to request clarification of instructions or ask for guidance from me or fellow students. However, asking a question that is clearly answered in the syllabus or on the calendar results in the response: "It is in the syllabus."

Such a response is not intended to be rude, but to encourage students to take personal responsibility for reading the information that is provided. Personal responsibility is a student learning outcome (SLO). Therefore checking the syllabus first demonstrates you have succeeded in fulfilling that SLO. In addition, you may get the answer to your question much faster by reading the information than by posting a question and waiting for an answer.

Remember, this is a college-level course. Informal grammar, punctuation and abbreviations can be easily misunderstood and are not appropriate for Discussions or Mail. When communicating in this course please do not utilize shortened cyber slang or punctuation suitable for personal email. Include a greeting and salutation. Messages and postings do have tone. Choose your words and tone. Your classmates and I thank you.


  • Standards of courtesy and respect must be maintained at all times in our online classroom. Join the discussion but remember that this is still a classroom setting and that respect and consideration are crucial for any intellectual discussion.
  • Discussion areas are the place for intelligent and respectful airing of ideas.
  • Students should communicate with the same academic writing standards as expected in the classroom such as using proper grammar and MLA format for writing projects. Shortened communication such as that used for text messaging is not acceptable in this online academic environment.
  • Keep all postings to class‐related content, such as the textbook readings, videos, and assignments.
  • Use caution when discussing personal matters; the discussion board is for general comments.
  • Ask each other for advice, suggestions, and tips to improve the quality of classwork.
  • Encourage each member of the class to do the best work possible.
  • Don't challenge or attack others; the discussions are meant to stimulate conversation, not create contention. Name-calling and personal attacks are not permitted. No flaming and/or trolling.
  • Avoid all defamatory, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials; do not post anything in a message that you would not want the world to see, or you would not want anyone to know came from you.
  • Avoid using the discussion board as a forum for complaints; any relevant issues should be brought to the professor's attention in a private e‐mail.
  • Don't use inappropriate language toward other students and/or the professor.

Any violation of the standards of appropriate behavior online will be reported to the Dean of Students and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the college. The student will earn a "0" for the ENTIRE assignment. Inappropriate behavior/comments include (but is not limited to) making discriminatory remarks against any religion, race, gender, sexual preference, political beliefs, and/or making sexually explicit comments and/or jokes.

 Attendance Policy:

Missing more than three online weekly assignments may cause course failure. Attendance will not be taken for this online course. However, I will take attendance for the census date. This will be taken by students submitting at least one assignment.

Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. All absences are unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor. A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance, if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy an enough time to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.  Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered enough cause for college officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)


Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.

Last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is: See Student Handbook


Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Apply art terminology as it specifically relates to works of art.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of art elements and principles of design.
3. Differentiate between the processes and materials used in the production of various works     of art.
4. Critically interpret and evaluate works of art.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of art.


Core Objectives:
Creative Arts:

Critical Thinking, Communication, Teamwork, Personal and Social Responsibility




Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the Student Handbook.




The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students with disabilities. OSD counselors and advisors also provide strategies for academic success; individual, career, and academic counseling services as well as referrals to campus and community services and assistance with admission and registration.

  • It is not necessary that a student with a disability disclose his/her disability to college officials if he/she is not requesting any accommodations.
  • OSD is federally funded through the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Federal Grant.
  • NCTC is committed to making its degree and certificate programs accessible to all qualified persons in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA Amendments Act, and The Rehabilitation Act (1973), Section 504.


New Students

  • Accommodations require advance preparation.  Please make your request before the semester begins. 
  • Documentation is required before any accommodations can be provided.  Depending on your diagnosis, this documentation should come from a medical doctor, psychologist or other licensed or properly credentialed professional.

Current Students

  • Contact the OSD at the beginning of each semester well in advance of registration.

Contact Us


NCTC provides a multitude of services and resources to support students.  See the Student Services Syllabus Addendum for a listing of those departments and links to their sites.



NCTC has brick-and-mortar libraries on the Gainesville, Corinth, Flower Mound, or Bowie campuses that are staffed by credentialed librarians wanting to help you succeed in your college career. All students are welcome at any library.

On campus? Visit our website

Off-campus? Our research databases are now available in OneLogin.

For Virtual Assistance from a librarian, please use or schedule a virtual appointment in Upswing, accessed through OneLogin.

Please visit for the operating hours, phone number, and email of the library nearest you.


COVID-19 Specific Syllabi Statements Fall 2022

Syllabi statement regarding potential Conversion of Onsite Classes to Online/Remote Format: North Central Texas College students should be aware that in the event of a college closure due to COVID-19 or other health-related crisis, onsite classes will be converted to an online/remote format. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have access to the computer equipment (either PC, MAC, or tablet), webcam, and internet connectivity to continue their classes in an online/remote format. Please read all your official North Central Texas College student emails as the transition from onsite to online/remote might require a reorganization in your personal situation. Students will be granted a 72-hour transition and grace period. Online classes will continue as scheduled without disruption. You are encouraged to wear a mask and stay safe. Contact your instructor for further information and direction as the situation arises. These policies and procedures were updated on July 27, 2021, and are subject to change as conditions change.


Syllabi Statement Regarding Face Coverings: Per the North Central Texas College guidance on face coverings on campus, in the instructional setting, faculty, and students are not required to wear face coverings, such as masks or face shields. In May, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott released an Executive Order prohibiting Government entity from mandating the use of masks. As a political subdivision of the State of Texas, NCTC will follow the Governor’s Executive Order for Government entities. Effective immediately, NCTC is no longer mandating masks while on campus. This order does not mean that you cannot choose to wear a mask; rather, it is no longer allowed to be mandated. These policies and procedures were updated on May 19, 2021 and are subject to change.

Return to Standard Attendance Protocol for Face-to-Face Meetings: In spring 2020, we faced an unprecedented situation in which all of us had to be flexible and make prudent decisions in the best interest of our families, our campus, and our community. In light of this, North Central Texas College is temporarily establishing the requirement that faculty keep records of student attendance for face-to-face course meetings as well as a documented seating chart. In addition, students who are sick or need to quarantine should not attend classes. Students will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider and will not be penalized for COVID-19 related absences when proper notification to campus health officials is made in accordance with the guidelines stated below.

Faculty will:

  • Notify students about important course information and delivery changes through Canvas and campus email.

Students should:

  • Provide notification to campus officials if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have to quarantine so we can confirm reported absence with instructors, monitor, and assist the campus community.
  • Notify instructors in advance of the absence.
  • Connect with that class through Webex if the class session is being transmitted in a hybrid fashion.
  • Keep up with and/or make up missed classwork or assignments.
  • Submit assignments digitally through Canvas or other means as announced by your instructor.
  • Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities described in the course syllabus.
  • Check Canvas and campus email daily to receive important announcements pertaining to the course.

During the spring 2022 semester, faculty with face-to-face meetings will establish assigned seating/workstations to facilitate roll-taking and contact tracing if necessary. Additionally, we ask all College community members to be attentive to their health and safeguard others by following the CDC’s guideline to “stay home when you are sick.” You should stay home if you have symptoms. More information on what to do if you are sick is available at the CDC’s website.

Additional NCTC information is available at http://www.nctc.ed u/coronavirus/index.html




The student should contact the instructor to deal with any questions, concerns, or complaints specific to the class.  If the student and faculty are not able to resolve the issue, the student may contact the chair or coordinator of the division.  If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may proceed to contact the instructional dean.


Name of Chair/Coordinator: Dr. Thomas Singletary, Interim Chair, Visual & Performing Arts

Office location: 2010 Performing Arts Center (Gainesville Campus)

Telephone number: (940) 668-3385

E-mail address:


Name of Instructional Dean: Crystal Wright, Interim Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Office location: FSB Exchange, Denton, room 204

Telephone number: 940-380-2504

E-mail address: