Course Title:
Elementary Statistical Methods
Course Prefix & Number:
MATH 1342
Section Number:
Fall 2018
Semester Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lab Hours:
Course Description (NCTC Catalog): Collection, analysis, presentation and interpretation of data, and probability. Analysis includes descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Use of appropriate technology is recommended.
Course Prerequisite(s): Meet TSI college-readiness standard for Elementary Statistics; or equivalent
Required Course Materials:
MyStatLab Access Code (e-text included in MSL)
TI-30X IIS or TI 83-84 calculator is required
Computer Access with Microsoft Excel
Recommended Course Material:
Fundamentals of Statistics Informed Decisions using Data, 5th edition, Michael Sullivan, Pearson, 2018
Name of Instructor:
Judy Keller
Campus/Office Location:
Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-8:00am
Mon. & Wed. 12:30-1:30pm
Wed. (online) 6:30-7:30pm
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog)
At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
Explain the use of data collection and statistics as tools to reach reasonable conclusions.
Recognize, examine, and interpret the basic principles of describing and presenting data.
Compute and interpret empirical and theoretical probabilities using the rules of probabilities and combinatorics.
Explain the role of probability in statistics.
Examine, analyze, and compare various sampling distributions for both discrete and continuous random variables.
Describe and compute confidence intervals.
Solve linear regression and correlation problems.
Perform hypothesis testing using statistical methods.
# of Graded Course Elements
Graded Course Elements
Percentage or Point Values
Unit Tests
Final Exam
Grade Scale: 90 – 100% = A; 80 – 89% = B; 70 – 79% = C; 60 – 69% = D; Below 60% = F
*No late quizzes will be allowed, and individual make-up exams will be given in rare cases and only with instructor approval. The lowest test grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.
*The lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.
*The final examination is a departmental comprehensive statistics exam and is required of all students.
*The grading policy may be amended during the semester at the instructor’s discretion.
See Tentative Weekly Schedule in Canvas.
MyStatLab is an online system where you will be spending most of your time in this course. You will access MSL through the Canvas course page using the MyLab and Mastering tab. It has video lectures, podcasts of lectures, PowerPoint notes, and other means of helping you learn the material. It also gives you access to the ebook, so you don’t need to purchase a textbook. MSL is where you will work on homework and quizzes. These assignments are due on SUNDAYS at 11:59 pm.
Quizzes: You have 5 attempts on each quiz. You have unlimited chances to do the homework. Homework is used to reinforce the material on the quizzes. You will repeat the cycle of homework and quizzes for each section. All assignments will be assigned and completed online through MyStatLab.
Only the highest score will be counted. Students should attempt the homework and quizzes multiple times in order to be prepared for the unit test. Do not ask me to extend the due date. Check MyStatLab for deadlines. While taking each quiz, you are NOT to use any notes, information from the book, another person or websites.
Tests: Five unit tests are scheduled during the semester and a comprehensive final exam. Make sure to follow the deadline dates listed in Canvas. The tests will be given in class. You will have only one attempt. You will be allowed to use a calculator on the tests. You can use a 3x5 notecard for formulas and definitions. No make-up exams will be given, but your lowest test score will be dropped. You may not use your cellphone (iPad, tablet, etc.) calculators for tests.
Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive and is required of all students. The final exam will be given in class with a time limit of 2 hours (one attempt).
Gradebook: The grade book in MyStatLab keeps a running average of your grade. I go over all quizzes. I look for answers that are technically correct, but have not been submitted in ‘good form’. An example would be an answer of 14/16 that has not been simplified to 7/8. Your answers will be more complicated than this example, but you get the idea that I will be looking for answers that are technically correct. I try to keep grades and attendance updated in Canvas.
Projects: The projects are 10% of your grade. They are located in Canvas. There will be 4 projects throughout the semester. They will also be due on Sundays at 11:59. It is a good idea to get started on these as soon as you complete the appropriate chapter. Do no wait until the last minute to get started on these.
More detailed information will be posted in Canvas.
A scientific calculator is required for this class. The recommended one is the TI-30X IIS. There will be specific instructions on how to use this calculator for some statistical calculations posted in Canvas and MSL.
A graphing calculator is not required, but not forbidden either. The textbook and MSL do give instructions on how to do different procedures with one. However, you should not use any capabilities of a graphing calculator that scientific ones do not have. I will be telling you about this in my weekly emails or announcements. If you are not sure, ask about what is allowed.
Turn off all electronic devices prior to entering class.
Do not read or send text messages during class. You will be counted absent for the day and asked to leave class if you use your cell.
Administrative policy prohibits food or drink in classrooms.
Be courteous to your fellow classmates.
Maintain a positive and professional attitude.
Ask questions, get involved, and do your homework.
Notice to Students: You will not pass this class if you only attend class. Please schedule at least three hours per week outside of class to complete homework, quizzes and pre-tests.
You are welcome to come to my office during my posted hours. We can talk by phone if necessary. If you call me after my office hours, your phone call will be returned within a 24 hour time frame.
I check my email daily, and sometimes more. Please email me with any questions, problems, or concerns you have If you email me after my office hours, your email will be answered within a 24 hour time frame. If you email me over the weekend, your emails will most likely not be answered until Monday.
Use your NCTC email account for all email correspondence. This is how I will correspond with you.
Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval by the faculty member. Approved college-sponsored activities are also excused absences. The instructor is responsible for judging the validity of any reason given for an absence. Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work. Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless the absence is documented and excused by the instructor. Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives. Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)
Last day to withdraw from a 16-week course with a “W” is Thursday, November 8, 2018.
Students who need help with any math class can visit the NCTC Mathematics Lab to receive assistance. No appointments are necessary. See the most current tutoring hours for all five campuses at
GAINESVILLE – 1403 (Library)
MW 8:00 am-6:00 pm
MWR 9:00 am-3:00 pm
T 9:00 am-4:00 pm
F 9:00 am-12:00 pm
TR 9:00 am-7:00 pm
T 9:00 am-4:00 pm
F 9:00 am-12:00 pm
F 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Sat 10:00 am–1:00 pm
DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 or call 940-668-4209. Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-498-6207.
North Central Texas College is committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).