





Surgical Technology


HITT 1205

Medical Terminology

Summer 2017









Developed: Fall 2002 NCTC Surgical Technology Faculty



The North Central Texas College (NCTC) Course Syllabus provides the following as required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB): (1) a brief description of the course including each major course requirement, assignment and examination; (2) the learning objectives for the course; (3) a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion; and (4) any required or recommended readings.  Contact information for the instructor is also provided. The Course Syllabus also provides institutional information to indicate how this course supports NCTC’s purpose and mission.

Course Title:  Medical Terminology

Course Prefix & Number: HITT 1205 

Section Number: 340

Term Code: 166T

Semester Credit Hours: 2

Lecture Hours: 2


Course Description (NCTC Catalog): Study of the basic structure of medical words, including prefixes, suffixes, roots, combining forms, plurals, pronunciation, spelling, and the definitions of medical terms. Emphasis is on building a professional vocabulary required for employment in the allied healthcare field.

Course Prerequisite(s): None

Course Type: Select from one of the following categories.

 - Academic General Education Course (from ACGM – but not in NCTC Core)

 - Academic NCTC Core Course (if checked, identify EEOs & BICs below)

 - WECM Course


Name of Instructor:

Janis Smith LVN, CST, CSFA

Campus/Office Location:

Corinth LL112

Telephone Numbers:


Department Assistant: 940-498-6436

FAX: 940-497-0070

E-mail Address:


Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Judith  Rodgers, RN, BS, CST

Office Location:

Corinth 111 

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:


Dean of Allied Health:

Dr. O. John Maduko, M.D.

Dean of Health Sciences & Dean of E-Learning

Office Location:

1525 West California StreetGainesville, TX 76240

Telephone Number:

(940)668-4206 office(940)668-6049 fax

E-mail Address:




           A quality general education curriculum in all associate degree programs.

           Quality freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences which parallel the lower division offerings of four-year colleges and universities.

           Quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to two years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees.

           Quality programs and services in support of adult literacy and basic skills development as a mean of workforce enhancement and expanding access to higher education.



NCTC seeks to implement its goal of providing quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to 2 years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees by offering a coherent sequence of courses with appropriate breadth and depth to prepare students for success in the workforce.




The overall program goal is to prepare competent entry-level surgical technologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. The curriculum uses the three areas of learning acquisition arranged in a hierarchy of simple to complex




Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Use medical terms in context
  2. Utilize prefixes, suffixes, root words, and plurals to construct medical terms
  3. Analyze medical terms
  4. Translate medical abbreviations
  5. Interpret symbols
  6. Identify, pronounce, and spell medical terms

SCANS Skills

Each course objective addresses SCANS Skills.   Explanation of these skills may be found under Workforce Education Program Elements.




# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Points Values


      Module quizzes I         



Audio/visual pronunciation assignments






Comprehensive Final         






Grading Policy & Procedures (NOTE: Allied Health grading)


Letter grades will be assigned on the basis of the following numerical grades:

A             Excellent                               91-100 %

B             Good                                      82-90   %

C             Average                                 75-81   %

F              Failure                                    74 % and below


The student must complete the exams on Canvas within the assigned time, located on the course calendar in this syllabus.  Each exam is open for a 48 hour time period and will close at 11:59 on the due date. Missed exams can only be taken with the permission of the instructor.

Exams are taken using the Respondus Lockdown Browser, instructions for downloading are on the Canvas orientation.

Modules and Module quizzes

The student should complete modules and take the quiz within the assigned timeframe located on the course calendar within this syllabus. Each module quiz will close at 11:59 on the due date. Module quizzes are taken on Canvas.

Test Blue-print

Test items are written at the cognitive level of application or higher to foster critical thinking.  To think critically, students must be able to apply concepts taught in the course content to clinical situations.  In order to enhance critical thinking, multiple-choice test items will require application of concepts and ideas that requires choices such as what is the best, most important, first, highest priority, etc.  This testing format requires a high level of discrimination and thereby requires students to think critically.




Required Textbook:

Exploring Medical Language , Myrna LaFleur Brooks (9th edition). Elsevier/Sanders. ISBN 978-0-323-295505

This book is charged to you as a fee of $123.00 through IncludEd when you register and pay for the course, and can be picked up at NCTC bookstore prior to beginning of class. The package includes, the book, flash cards, and an online access code. You will need this book to access the online portion of the course. You must purchase a new book with unused access code. You cannot use a used book.




NCTC seeks to implement its goal of offering a core of general education courses designed to help students achieve academic, career and lifelong goals. The chief focus of the General Education Core Courses at NCTC is to emphasize basic intellectual competencies and broad intellectual perspectives.


Student Learning Outcomes: At least one student learning outcome must be associated with each EEO identified for this course.


Student Learning Outcome


See Workforce Education Program Elements (SCANS Skills)




The learning environment is structured and planned by the instructor using interactive/cooperative learning methods to help the student learn by collaborating with the instructor and the peer group.  Methods that may be utilized include, written or reading assignments, journal article review or research, oral presentations, computer-assisted instruction, activity packages, case studies, , and simulations.  Additionally, audiovisual aids will be assigned for review outside of the structured class time.  Access to the Internet and CAI programs is available and utilization of these programs is important for success in this class.




Learning strategies in the Surgical Technology program will utilize Bloom’s domains of learning:  cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.  Learning objectives are arranged in a hierarchy of simple to complex. 

This introductory level course will focus on knowledge, comprehension and application (cognitive domain), receiving, responding, and valuing (affective domain), and imitation and manipulation (psychomotor domain described by Dave in 1970).



Disability Services (OSD)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability.  A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psychological challenge, physical illness or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a distraction reduced environment, volunteer note taker in class, etc.

On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 in the Administration (100) Building or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209 to arrange for an intake appointment with OSD.

North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).

Early Alert and CARES

The NCTC Early Alert program has been established to assist students who are at risk of failing or withdrawing from a course. Your instructor may refer you to this program if you are missing assignments, failing tests, excessively absent, or have personal circumstances impacting your academic performance. If submitted as an Early Alert you will be notified via your NCTC e-mail address and then contacted by a Counseling and Testing advisor or counselor to discuss possible strategies for completing your course successfully.

 The NCTC CARES (Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Services) Team addresses behavior which may be disruptive, harmful or pose a threat to the health and safety of the NCTC community-such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student. Just click the NCTC CARES Team logo posted on MyNCTC, or send an e-mail to  As always, if you feel there is an immediate threat to your own safety or welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.

Support Services

Counseling and Testing staff offer a variety of services to current and prospective students, such as College 101, placement testing, academic advising and course registration, transfer assistance, and College Success seminars (Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Choosing a Major, Learning Style Strategies, Career Exploration), and much more.

Student Success offers academic coaching, tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, free 24/7 online tutoring through Grade Results and assist new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students.   First generation students can also participate in TRIO which offers specialized support services.

Financial Aid offers financial resources for students that qualify, visit the financial aid offices for more information.

Childcare Reimbursement Program

The Childcare Reimbursement Program provides support services for NCTC students pursuing a career in a technical field of study to help them complete their career plans. The program will reimburse technical declared students a percentage of their daycare expenses if the child is attending a licensed or registered daycare facility.  This is on a first come first serve basis, and is available to students on all 5 campuses. Please note, we do not have a childcare facility on any of our 5 campuses. This is a reimbursement program only.

Students who wish to become eligible for Childcare Assistance Program need to:

  • Declare in a technical field of study
  • Establish financial need
    • Ex: Pell Grant recipient, Food Stamp recipient, W2,  etc.
  • Complete a Childcare Reimbursement Program Application and provide all necessary documentation.  The  Application can be found online at

For more information, please contact Yvonne Sandmann on the Gainesville Campus at 940-668-4209 ext. 4321, or by email at

Scholastic Integrity

Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.  See Student Handbook “Student Rights & Responsibilities:  Student Conduct [FLB (LOCAL)]” #20 on page 175.

EEOC Statement

North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in the employment or the provision of services.


Web Page

Visit the North Central Texas College web page for information on registration, financial aid, counseling/advising, and cost of tuition and fees.  You will also find information on the catalog and semester schedules as well as courses of study.  You can keep up with what is happening on campus by checking the calendar of events and the sports news.  The web has information on the library as well as links to other areas of interest.  Check out our web page at

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all lecture and laboratory classes. Please see Student Handbook for information related to attendance.  The student is responsible for adhering to the policies as stated in the current NCTC Student Handbook regarding absences and all other written policies





























Tentative Calendar

Mon. June 5

Course opens on Canvas

June 5-13

1.Take Orientation and submit quiz

2.Read Syllabus and submit quiz  

3. Submit Respondus practice quiz after downloading Respondus to the device you plan on taking quizzes on (Cell phones are NOT recommended.)

All 3 quizzes are required prior to start of course, and are all done on Canvas.

Module 1 Quiz 1, Module 2 Quiz 2

June 14-17

Module 3, Quiz 3 & Module 4, Quiz 4

June 18-19

Exam I

June 20-24

Module5, Quiz 5& Module 6, quiz 6

June 25-July 1

Module 7,Quiz 7 &  Module 8, Quiz 8

July 2-3

Exam II

July 4

NCTC closed-4th of July Holiday

July 5-10

Module 9, Quiz 9 & Module 10, quiz 10

July 11-15

Module 11,Quiz 11& Module 12,Quiz 12

July 16-17

Exam III

 July 18-22

Module 13, Quiz 13& Module 14 ,Quiz 14

July 23-29

Module 15, Quiz 15 & Module 16 ,Quiz 16

July 26

Last day to drop this course with a “W”.

July 30-31

Exam IV

Aug  1-3

All exams will be open for studying for final

Aug 4-7

Comprehensive Final

*Please make a copy of this calendar, and keep it by your computer. You will be

responsible for completing module quizzes and taking exams on the assigned dates.





Part I.  Introduction to Word Parts and Human Body Structure

         Chapter 1 Introduction to Word Parts       

  1.   Objectives       
  2. Origins of Medical Language
  3. Four Word Parts
  4. Combining Form
  5. Techniques for Learning Medical Terms Built from Word Parts
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 2 Body Structure, Color, and Oncology            

  1.   Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 3 Directional Terms, Anatomic Planes, and Quadrants

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomic Position
  3. Word Parts
  4. Directional Terms
  5. Anatomic Planes
  6. Abdominopelvic Regions
  7. Abdominopelvic Quadrants
  8. Practical Application
  9. Chapter Review


Part II. Body Systems

         Chapter 4 Integumentary Systems       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 5 Respiratory System      

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6.   Chapter Review


         Chapter 6 Urinary System       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 7 Male Reproductive System       

  1.   Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 8 Female Reproductive System       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 9 Obstetrics and Neonatology

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 10 Cardiovascular, Immune, and Lymphatic Systems  and Blood    

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 11 Digestive System       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review

         Chapter 12 Eye       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 13 Ear       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 14 Musculoskeletal System      

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 15 Nervous System and Behavioral Health

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review


         Chapter 16 Endocrine System       

  1. Objectives       
  2. Anatomy
  3. Word Parts
  4. Medical Terms
  5. Practical Application
  6. Chapter Review










































































































































Topical Outline of Student Learning Outcomes:































Student Learning Outcomes by Chapter


The student will utilize content from lectures, assigned readings, workbook illustrations and exercises, and research findings for each chapter to be able to:


Chapter 1 Introduction to Word Parts

            1. Describe four origins of medical language.

            2. Identify and define the four word parts and the combining form.

3. Analyze and define medical terms.

4. Build medical terms for given definitions.


Chapter 2 Body Structure, Color, and Oncology

1. Identify anatomic structures of the human body.

2. Define and spell word parts related to body structure, color and oncology.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder oncology terms.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell body structure terms.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to body structure, color and oncology.

6. Identify and use singular and plural endings.

7. Interpret the meanings of the abbreviations related to body structure and oncology.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 3 Directional Terms, Anatomic Planes, Regions and Quadrants

1. Define and spell word parts related to directional terms.

2. Define, pronounce and spell terms used to describe directions with respect to the body.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell terms used to describe the anatomic planes.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell terms used to describe the abdominopelvic regions.

5. Identify and spell the four abdominopelvic regions.

6. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations presented in this chapter.

7. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 4 Integumentary Systems       

1. Identify organs and structures of the integumentary system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the integumentary system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the integumentary system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the integumentary system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the integumentary system.

6. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the integumentary system

7. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 5 Respiratory System

1. Identify the organs and other structures of the respiratory system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the respiratory system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the respiratory system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the respiratory system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the respiratory system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the respiratory system.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the respiratory system.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 6 Urinary System

1. Identify organs and other structures of the urinary system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the urinary system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the urinary system.


4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the urinary system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the urinary system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the urinary system.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the urinary system.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 7 Male Reproductive System

1. Identify organs and other structures of the male reproductive system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the male reproductive system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the male reproductive system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the male reproductive system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the male reproductive system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the male reproductive system.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the male reproductive system.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 8 Female Reproductive System

1. Identify organs and other structures of the female reproductive system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the female reproductive system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the female reproductive system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the female reproductive system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the female reproductive system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the female reproductive system.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the female reproductive system.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 9 Obstetrics and Neonatology

1. Identify organs and other structures relating to pregnancy.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the obstetrics and neonatology.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to obstetrics and neonatology.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to obstetrics and neonatology.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to obstetrics and neonatology.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to obstetrics and neonatology.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to obstetrics and neonatology.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 10 Cardiovascular, Immune and Lymphatic Systems and Blood

1. Identify organs and other structures of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and blood and the function of the immune system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and blood.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and blood.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and blood.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and blood.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and blood.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations presented in this chapter.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 11 Digestive System

1. Identify organs and other structures of the digestive system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the digestive system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the digestive system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the digestive system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the digestive system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the digestive system.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the digestive system.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 12 Eye

1. Identify organs and structures of the eye.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the eye.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the eye.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the eye.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the eye.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the eye.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the eye.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 13 Ear

1. Identify organs and structures of the ear.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the ear.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the ear.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the ear.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the ear.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the ear.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the ear.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 14 Musculoskeletal System

1. Identify organs and structures of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Identify and define types of body movements.

3. Define and spell word parts related to the musculoskeletal system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

7. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the musculoskeletal system.

8. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the musculoskeletal system.

9. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 15 Nervous System and Common Behavioral Health Terms

1. Identify organs and other structures of the nervous system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the nervous system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the nervous system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the nervous system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the nervous system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the nervous system.

7. Define, pronounce, and spell behavioral health terms.

8. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the nervous system. 

9. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.


Chapter 16 Endocrine System

1. Identify organs and other structures of the endocrine system.

2. Define and spell word parts related to the endocrine system.

3. Define, pronounce, and spell disease and disorder terms related to the endocrine system.

4. Define, pronounce, and spell surgical terms related to the endocrine system.

5. Define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms related to the endocrine system.

6. Define, pronounce, and spell complementary terms related to the endocrine system.

7. Interpret the meanings of abbreviations related to the endocrine system.

8. Interpret, read, and comprehend medical language in simulated medical statements and documents.






Workforce Education Program Elements (SCANS Skills)


The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) conducted extensive research and interviews and determined that “workplace know-how” consists of two elements:  foundations skills and workplace competencies.


These SCANS Skills are referenced with each course objective and are as follows:


  • Foundation Skills


  • Basic Skills: A worker must (i) read, (ii) write, (iii) perform arithmetic and mathematical operations, (iv) listen, and (v) speak effectively.


  • Thinking Skills: A worker must (i) think creatively, (ii) make decisions, (iii) solve problems, (iv) visualize, (v) know how to learn, and (vi) reason effectively.


  • Personal Qualities: A worker must display (i) responsibility, (ii) self-esteem, (iii) sociability, (iv) self-management, (v) integrity, and (vi) honesty.


  • Workplace Competencies


  • Resources: A worker must identify, organize, plan, and allocate resources effectively.  This includes (i) time, (ii) money, (iii) material and facilities, and (iv) human resources.


  • Interpersonal Skills: A worker must work with others effectively to (i) participate as a member of a team, (ii) teach others new skills, (iii) serve clients/customers, (iv) exercise leadership, (v) negotiate, and (vi) work with diversity.


  • Information: A worker must be able to (i) acquire and use information, (ii) organize and maintain information, (iii) interpret and communicate information and (iv) use computers to process information.


  • Systems: A worker must understand complex interrelationships as in (i) understanding systems, (ii) monitor and correct performance, and (iii) improve and design systems.


  • Technology: A worker must be able to work with a variety of technologies, e.g. (i) select technology, (ii) apply technology, and (iii) maintain and troubleshoot equipment.




Program:   Surgical Technology

CIP: 51.0909

Credential:   Certificate 

List of all Courses Required and Identified Competencies 


Course Number 

Course Title 

















VNSG 1420

Anatomy & Physiology for Allied Health









HITT 1205                 

Medical Terminology









SRGT 1505

Introduction of Surgical Technology









SRGT 1509

Fundamentals of Perioperative Concepts and Techniques









SRGT 1261

Clinical (Introductory)









SRGT 1441   

Surgical Procedures I









SRGT 1661

Clinical (Intermediate)









SRGT 1442

Surgical Procedures II









SRGT 1662

Clinical (Advanced)



























































Competency References 

8 - Basic use of computers 

7 - Workplace competencies 

6 - Personal qualities 

5 - Thinking skills 

4 - Speaking and listening 

3 - Arithmetic or mathematics 

2 - Writing 

1 - Reading 


Dept Chair_______________________________Dean_________________________________





                                                            RECEIPT OF SYLLABUS



I have read and understand the syllabus for HITT 1205 Medical Terminology.  I understand that it is my responsibility to seek any additional clarification that I may need from the instructor.


I understand that I will be purchasing the book with access code for this course when I register for the course, and it will be charged to me as a fee of $123.00. I understand that I will use this access code when registering for the online course with Evolve/Elsevier


I understand that the electronic device I use for this course must have Respondus lockdown browser loaded onto it for use during exams, as well as an audio/visual program for use with the Pronunciation assignments.


I understand that if I stop attending class and I fail to drop this course through the Registrar's Office, I will receive a letter grade of "F" in the course. The last day to drop this course with a “W” is July 26 2017.


I have access to the college’s guidelines concerning the disclosure of disabilities.  I understand the guidelines and I know that it is my responsibility to talk with a counselor and my instructor if I have special learning needs, and require accommodations.


NCTC has my permission to post my name on clinical lists, class rosters, and other lists as deemed necessary for students enrolled in the program, as well as to display a picture on bulletin boards and/or the web site


I understand that I am expected to log onto and work in the course 3 times a week.


I understand that Module quizzes and Exams are ONLY open for the dates on the syllabus.



         (Please Print)





Student Signature:_____________________ Date:__________________





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