Course Title: THE STATE OF TEXAS GOVERNMENT: (MW) 2:00 PM-3:20 AM  16 Weeks Course

Course Prefix & Number: GOVT2306

Section Number: 0404

Semester: Spring 20 Jan. 21-May 16

Semester Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

COR 258

Lab Hours: N/A

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Origin and development of the Texas constitution, structure and powers of state and local government, federalism and inter-governmental relations, political participation, the election process, public policy, and the political culture of Texas.          

Course Prerequisite(s): None

Required Course Materials:

Mora, Sherri.  The State of Texas.  4th edition (2019). McGraw Hill Publishing.

ISBN 978-1264031993

Recommended NOT REQUIRED

  • Supporting Books
  • Dictionary-Recommended
  • Champagne-Harpham. Governing Texas. Third edition. Norton. paperback w/eBook folder
  • ISBN: 9780393283679 (Available in the College Library for Reference)
  • Tannahill, N. (2011). Texas Government: Policy and Politics. (11, Ed). Pearson and Longman. (Available in the College Library for   Reference)



Name of Instructor:

Moses Omane-Boateng

Campus/Office Location:

Econ & Govt. Dept.: Corinth (RM 313)

Office Hrs.: (MW): 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

The College Library/Classroom COR 258- Tutoring HOURS 4-pm-6:00 pm-Voluntary

Telephone Number:

Corinth: 940-498-6295 Ext. 6256

E-mail Address:




At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution.


Describe the state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal



Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in



 Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas



Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups and political parties in Texas. Analyze the state and local election process.


 Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

 Analyze issues, policies, and political culture of Texas.


Research and compose an essay assignment/argument using proper grammar/English and basic computer skills.




# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Points Values


Three Exams

300 Points


Three Pre-Exam Quizzes: Quiz# 1-33 points; Quiz# 2-33 points; and Quiz # 3-34 points.

100 Points


Post Chapter Selected Discussions Written Assignments

100 Points











City Form Of Government And Organizational ChartExample- City of Denton: The Semester’s Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Research Project.

  1. Selected City Form of Government with Organizational Chart and develop an outline-25 points

II- Final Report on the (1) The City’s Mission and Value Statement, (2)The City’s Form of Government, (3) The City’s Election System and Process; (4) The Mayor and The Council’s Roles in The Municipal Government and (5) The Recent Capital Project-75 points. See The Modules Rubric File Guidelines

 Post Chapters Presentations Written Homework Assignments- 25  points each


Canvas Computed Attendance Grade



Random In Class Readiness Quizzes


Pre /Post Course Assessments Tests- Mandatory Requirement For All Students. Faculty Use Only-Completed By May 7

100 points







100 points


100 points

100 points


Course Expected Aggregate Points-900 points



  • NOTE: Spring-Break: From March 16-March 21-College Closed-Best Wishes










100-90=A, 89-80=B, 79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59-0=F


Students will make corrections on homework assignments Chapters 1-7 for extra credit to reinforce the chapter’s fundamental power points presentations CONCEPTS.

  • Late and Missing assignments will be subject to a 10-point Penalty deduction-After One Day (1) Grace Period
  • You have One (1) Day Grace Period to Complete All Late and Missing Assignments. Please, Tardiness is Unacceptable


  • Rare instances are make-ups given. If you know in advance you will be absent on a test date, you may make a special arrangement with your professor for the Make-Up Quizzes/Exams. All Make-Up Exams Without Prior Permission, Are Subject To A Physician’s Official Note. Arrange With Your Professor For Readiness Make-Up Quizzes.



Please Except the Semester’s Project Research Paper Which will be dropped per VriCite Online Drop Box, Do not submit your assignments per the web-site/internet But Must Be Turned-In In Class

VeriCite Online Drop Box Is Located In Canvas Module Unit 4

Note: Please All Assignments Must Be Typed

Weekly Activities And Learning Outcomes

            Due Dates                               Activities

Week 1

  • Wk. 1: Jan. 22-Syllabus Preview

Week 2

  • Wk. 2: Jan. 27 -Public Policy Making Process in Texas-Textbook Chapter 13-Mora (2019) p. 433
  • Wk. 2: Jan. 29- Readiness Quiz 1.-Chap. 13 & Complete SB Assessment 13
  • Wk. 2: Jan. 29 Pre-Test- Mandatory Requirement For All Students


Week 3

  • Wk. 3: Feb. 3-The Political Culture, People, and Economy of Texas: Chapter-1-Mora (2019) p. 1
  • Wk. 2: Feb. 5-Readiness Quiz 2-Chap. 1 & Complete SB Assessment 1
  • Wk. 2: Feb. 5-One Page Typed Written Assignment: LO-Explain U.S and Texas Political Cultures (Mora, 2019, pp.27-32). See Module Unit 4 for the short Essay Rubric/Guide. (25 points)

Week 4

  • Wk. 4: Feb. 10-The Texas Constitution And Federalism-Chapter 2-Mora (2019) p. 37- Structure and types of the system: Dual, Cooperative, Devolution, Vertical, and Horizontal Federalism classification-Mora (2019)
  • Wk. 4: Feb. 12-  Readiness Quiz 3 on Chap. 2 & Complete SB Assessment 2
  • Wk. 4: Feb. 12 Semester Project: “City Form Of Government And Organizational Chart”

Stage One 25 points:My City Hall Trip-Visit Your Selected City and Collect Information on The Form of Government and Organizational Chart” See the Module Unit 2 Rubric for Guidelines and Project Outline Structure

Week 5

  • Wk.5: Feb. 17- Public Opinion and The Media-Chap. 8-Mora (2019) p. 263
  • Wk.5: Feb. 17 - Readiness Quiz 4 on Chap. 8 & Complete SB Assessment 8
  • Wk.5: Feb. 17-Pre-Exam Quiz 1-Chapt. 1, 2, 8, & 13
  • Wk.5: Feb. 19- One Page Typed Written Assignment: LO-Explain: Based on what we have studied thus far: “Why is it Important to Study State and Local Government in Texas”-Preview Mora (2019) chapters 1, 2, 8, & 13-Exam One Major Practice Essay. See Module Unit 4 for the short Essay Rubric/Guide. (25 points)

Week 6

  • Wk.5: Feb. 24- Public Opinion and The Media-Chap. 8-Mora (2019) p. 263
  • Wk.5: Feb. 24 –Preview Pre-Exam Quiz 1 for Mid-Term Exam 1
  • Wk.5: Feb. 26- Exam One-Learning Outcomes- Chapt. 1, 2, 8, &13 plus The  Course Descriptive Introductory Review

         Due Dates                                  Activities

Week 7

  • Wk. 7: Mar. 2 City and Forms of Municipal Governments-Chap. 7- Mora (2019) p. 231
  • Wk. 7: Mar. 2-Readiness Quiz 5-Chap. 7-Mora (2019) City/Municipal Government
  • Wk.7: Mar. 4- Counties, School Districts, and Special Districts-Chap. 7
  • Wk.7 : Mar. 4 -Readiness Quiz 6- Counties, School Districts, and Special Districts Governments-Chapter 7-Mora (2019)
  • Wk. 7: Mar. 9 - Pre-Exam Quiz Two- Prepare for matching of terms, multiple choices, short essays, and fill-in-the-blanks questions-Based on Chapter 7- Mora (2019)
  • Wk. 7: Mar. 9- One Page Typed Written Assignment: LO-Explain “Compare and Contrast Council -Mayor and Council -Manager Forms of Municipal Governments in Texas”-Exam Two Major Practice Essay. See Module Unit 4 for the short Essay Rubric/Guide. (25 points)

Week 8

  • Wk.8 Mar. 16-21- NOTE: Spring Break: From March 16-March 21-College Closed-Best Wishes

 Week 9

  • Wk. 9: Mar. 23 Exam Two-Learning Outcomes- Chapt. 7
  • Wk. 9: Mar. 25 The Texas Legislature-Chapter 3-Mora (2019) p.73


Due Dates                               Activities

Week 10

  • Wk. 10: Mar. 30 Tele-Cast DVD Presenting “Last Man Standing, Politics, Texas Style.” Documentary Featuring: Politics and Elections, Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Political Campaigns-Nov. 7-Midterm 2018 Elections-Congress, States, and Local Governments
  • Wk. 10: Apr. 1 Readiness Quiz 7 – Chap. 3- Mora (2019) & Complete SB Assessment 3
  • Wk. 10: Apr. 1-Voting and Political Participation-9 Mora (2019), p. 311

Week 11

  • Wk. 10: Apr. 6 The Executive Branch Department And The Office Of  The Governor Texas-Chapter-4- Mora (2019) p. 119
  • Wk. 11: Apr. 8 Readiness Quiz 8 – Chapter 4- Mora (2019) & Complete SB Assessment 4
  • Wk. 11: Apr. 8 Tele-Cast DVD Presenting: “How A Bill Becomes A Law” p. 106
  • Wk. 11: Apr. 8 Stage 2 and Final Project Report Draft- Drop Box 1-Before Editing
  • Wk. 11: Apr. 8 See Module Unit 2 for Rubric Guidelines

Week 12

  • Wk. 12: Apr. 13- The Texas Judiciary, Courts System, and Justice-Chapter-5- Mora (2019) p. 157
  • Wk. 12: Apr. 15 Readiness Quiz 8-on Chapter-5 & Complete SB Assessment 5
  • Wk. 12: Apr. 15 Stage 3 and Final Project Report Draft- Drop Box 2-After Editing
  • Wk. 12: Apr. 15 See Module Unit 2- for Rubric Guidelines
  • Wk. 12: Apr. 15- Two Pages Typed Written Assignment: LO-ExplainHow A Bill Becomes A Law”-Exam 3 Major Practice Essay. See Module Unit 4 for the short Essay Rubric/Guide. (25 points)

Week 13

  • Wk. 13: Apr. 20- The Criminal Justice System and Policy of Texas State Government-Chapter-6- Mora (2019) p. 185
  • Wk. 13: Apr. 22 Readiness Quiz 9-on Chapter-6 & Complete SB Assessment 6
  • Wk. 13: Apr. 22 Pre-Final Exam Quiz# 3 - On all the above four chapters 3,4,5, & 6

Week 14

  • Wk. 14: Apr. 27-Project Presentations
  • Wk. 14: Apr. 29 –National Campaigns And Elections Year- A One-Page Typed Written Assignment: LO-Explain A Political Party’s Platform-Democrats or Republican- 10 points Assignment To Replace Readiness Quiz 10 & Complete SB Assessment 1. See Module Unit 4 for the short Essay Rubric/Guide

Week 15

  • Wk. 15: May 4-Pre-Final Exam Quiz# 3 Review And Preparations For Final Exam

Week 15

  • Wk. 15: May 13- Final Exam-Chapters 3, 4, 5, & 6-Learning Outcomes and Grades Postings






























We will not tolerate Academic Dishonesty in this course.  You are not to give any person (which includes parents, spouses, friends, etc.) access to your Canvas account at any time during the semester.  If you do, you are putting the integrity of the course work completed in question.  Do not ask someone to email me on your behalf in Canvas.  If you have an emergency and cannot contact me yourself, it is best to have an alternative persona contact me on my office phone Corinth: 940-498-6295_ or my NCTC email address: or  Again, do not give anyone access to your Canvas account.  Any student who cheats on any course material (exams, assignment, and posttests) will immediately fail the course and academic dishonesty papers will be filed with the Dean and VP of Instruction.


  • Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” Apr. 3














Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered.  All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)




Instructor-specific Absence Policy:

Absence does not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Dropping a course is the student's responsibility, but you MAY be dropped for excessive absence.  See Attendance Regulations in the North Central Texas College Catalog.



The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209.

North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).



             Communication

             Mathematics                       

             Life and Physical Science

             Language, Philosophy & Culture

             Creative Arts


             American History

  • Government/Political Science

             Social and Behavioral Sciences

             Component Area Option





  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication

            Empirical and Quantitative


             Teamwork

  • Personal Responsibility
  • Social Responsibility



            Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)

  • Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

             WECM Course



QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, or COMPLAINTS8                                                                                                   

Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Crystal R.M. Wright

Office Location:

Gainesville Campus, Room 824

Telephone Number:

940-668-7731, ext. 4320

E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Dr. Bruce King


Office Location:

1525 W. California St., Gainesville, Texas


Telephone Number:



E-mail Address:





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