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Course Syllabus







Course Prefix & Number: GOVT 2305

Section Number: 331

Semester: Summer 2021

Semester Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

Lab Hours: N/A

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

Origin and development of the U.S. Constitution, structure and powers of the national government including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, federalism, political participation, the national election process, public policy, civil liberties and civil rights. 48 lecture hours.

 Course Prerequisite(s): None

Required Materials:

 Optional ** Students can order a full color loose leaf book for an additional $15 directly from McGraw Hill when registering Connect Access


Web Address for Book:


CANVAS/CONNECT ACCESS: All students must have complete access to Canvas for the entire semester. It is the student’s responsibility to have access to the internet at all times, as well as having all needed programs to complete an online course. Students are not to give any other person access to his/her Canvas account. Students can be removed from the online course immediately up violating this rule. Once a student has given another person access to his/her canvas account, the credibility of any work completed becomes questionable.


Connect Access- The textbook, Learn Smart, and Connect activities are all maintained within the McGraw Hill Connect System. Students need to be enrolled immediately in Connect, which can be purchased at the bookstore, or online directly from McGraw Hill from Canvas. Temporary access can be used directly from Connect McGraw Hill for 14 days from the first day of class. Students must be enrolled by the end of day 5, as assignments are due immediately.



Name of Instructor:                     Karen Stewart

Campus/Office Location:              Online Instructor No Campus Office

Telephone Number:                         940-498-6295 Campus

E-mail Address:                    


COVID-19 Specific Syllabi Statements Summer 2021


Syllabi statement regarding potential Conversion of Onsite Classes to Online/Remote Format: North Central Texas College students should be aware that in the event of a college closure due to COVID-19 or other health related crisis, onsite classes will be converted to an online/remote format. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have access to the computer equipment (either PC, MAC, or tablet), webcam, and internet connectivity to continue their classes in an online/remote format. Please read all your official North Central Texas College student emails as the transition from onsite to online/remote might require a reorganization in your personal situation. Students will be granted a 72-hour transition and grace period. Online classes will continue as scheduled without disruption. Wear a mask, stay safe, and contact your Instructor as the situation arises. These policies and procedures were updated on June 2, 2021 and are subject to change as conditions change.


Syllabi Statement Regarding Face Coverings: Per the North Central Texas College guidance on face coverings on campus, in the instructional setting, faculty and students are not required to wear face coverings, such as masks or face shields. In May, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott released an Executive Order prohibiting Government entities from mandating the use of masks. As a political subdivision of the State of Texas, NCTC will follow the Governor’s Executive Order for Government entities and effective immediately NCTC is no longer mandating the use of masks while on campus. This order does not mean that you cannot choose to wear a mask, rather it is no longer allowed to be mandated. These policies and procedures were updated on May 19, 2021 and are subject to change.

Return to Standard Attendance Protocol for Face-to-Face Meetings: We recently faced an unprecedented situation in which all of us had to be flexible and make prudent decisions in the best interest of our families, our campus, and our community. In light of this, North Central Texas College is temporarily establishing the requirement that faculty keep records of student attendance for face-to-face course meetings as well as a documented seating chart. In addition, students who are sick or need to quarantine should not attend classes. Students will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider and will not be penalized for COVID-19 related absences when proper notification to campus health officials is made in accordance with the guidelines stated below.


Faculty will:


  • Notify students about important course information and delivery changes through Canvas and campus email.


Students should:

  • Provide notification to campus officials if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have to quarantine so we can confirm reported absence with instructors, monitor, and assist the campus community.
  • Notify instructors in advance of the absence.
  • Connect with that class through Webex if the class session is being transmitted in a hybrid fashion.
  • Keep up with and/or make up missed classwork or assignments.
  • Submit assignments digitally through Canvas or other means as announced by your instructor.
  • Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities described in the course syllabus.
  • Check Canvas and campus email daily to receive important announcements pertaining to the course.

During the summer 2021 semester, faculty with face-to-face meetings will establish assigned seating/work stations to facilitate roll-taking, and, if necessary, contact tracing. Additionally, we ask all members of the College community to be attentive to their health, and safeguard others, by following the CDC’s guideline to “stay home when you are sick.” You should stay home if you have symptoms. More information on what to do if you are sick is available at the CDC’s website.


Additional NCTC information is available at


GRADING CRITERIA                 # of Graded Course Elements- 6


 Chapter Quiz’s.. There will be a total of 10 chapter quiz’s each worth 10 points

100 Points 

EXAM:  There will be a final exam worth 100 Points                          

100 Points


Professional paper

Students will choose from various topic over national government and discuss in an extensive research paper

100 Points



  1.  Political Cartoons

Students will research the history of political cartoons and choose examples

50 Points  

5.       Weekly discussions

There will be weekly discussions over articles for reading over the subjects in class

 4 Weekly  25 Points Each        

100 Points Total


6.         Various Worksheets

Worksheets over various topics

50 Points


6  Graded Elements for a 500 Point Total


Please allow 5 days turnaround for grading

Late assignments will be deducted at 10 % per day!



At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

 Explain the origin and development of constitutional democracy in the United States.

 Demonstrate knowledge of the federal system.

 Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice.

 Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government.

 Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties.

 Analyze the election process.

 Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

 Analyze issues and policies in U.S. politics.

 Research and compose an essay assignment/argument using proper grammar/English and basic computer skills.



Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. Absence does not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work. Dropping a course is the student's responsibility, but you MAY be dropped for excessive absence. See Attendance Regulations in the North Central Texas College Catalog.

Online class attendance is mandatory based on a regular log-in basis daily. In an online environment it is the students responsibility to keep up with the readings and assigned work. Internet connectivity issues is not an excuse for missing assignments and due dates.


If a student fails to login to canvas at least once a week, after 2 weeks their grade will be reduced by 10 points





All Assignments are due by Midnight Unless specified


June 7-13th        Week 1

Chapter 1. Alien Population Political Thinking

Chapter 2. Constitution

Chapter 3  Federalism 

Discussion Constitutional Amendments         25 Points                              Due June 13th

Chapter 1 Quiz Online in Book                          15 Points                            Due June 1

Professional Paper 1                                            100 Points                            Due July 5th


June 14th-20th         Week 2

Chapter 3 Federalism 

Chapter 4 Tinker v. Des Moines 

Chapter 5  Brown v. Board of Education  

Civil Rights Anthology                              25 Points                                  Due June 19                      

Chapter 4 Quiz                                           10 Points                                     Due June 19th

Chapter 5 Quiz                                           15 Points                                     Due June 19th

 Discussion Current Civil Rights Issues            25 Points                         Due June 19th


June 28-July 4th    Week 3

Chapter 6. Public Opinion and Political Socialization: Shaping the People’s Voice

Chapter 7. Political Participation: Activating the Popular Will

Chapter 8. Political Parties, Candidates, and Campaigns: Defining the Voter's Choice

Chapter 9. Interest Groups: Organizing for Influence

Chapter 9 Quiz                               10 Points                                                      Due July 4th

Chapter 7 Quiz                               10 Points                                                      Due July 4th

Chapter 6 Quiz                               15 Points                                                      Due July 4th

 Discussion: Interest Group        25 Points                                                      Due July 4th


July 5-11th       Week 5                               

Chapter 10. The News Media: Communicating Political Images

Chapter 11. Congress: Balancing National Goals And Local Interests

Chapter 12. The Presidency: Leading the Nation

Chapter 13. The Federal Bureaucracy: Administering the Government

Chapter 10 Quiz                            15 Points                                          Due July 11th      

Chapter 13 Quiz                            10 Points                                          Due July 11th  

Discussion:  News Media            25 Points                                          Due July 11th  

Professional Paper Due July 5th 


July 12-13th      Week 1/2

Chapter 15. Economic and Environmental Policy: Contributing to Prosperity

Chapter 16. Welfare and Education Policy: Providing for Personal Security and Need

Final Exam                                       100 Points                                        Due July 13th



Grades are based on the following grading criteria

500-450=A        449-399=B     398-348=C      347-297=D      296- Below 


