ADA Statement
Students are North Central Texas College does not discriminate on the basis of disability for admission or access to its programs. The College is committed to providing equal access to its students with disabilities by providing appropriate accommodations; a variety of services and resources are made available through the ACCESS Department responsible for notifying the ACCESS Department of their need for assistance. Students with documented disabilities, such as mobility impairment, hearing or visual impairment, learning, and/or psychological disorders are eligible for services.
ACCESS Program:
The ACCESS Program provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psycho-logical challenge or physical illness or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a non-distracting environment, note taker in class, etc. For the Graham Campus, contact Mrs. C. Bewley, central office.
NETWORKS is a childcare reimbursement program that may assist technical students with partial childcare reimbursement for those that apply and qualify. Contact Yvonne Sandmann, ACCESS Specialist, for more information.
Students can also access the Department of Student Success’ website by going to and clicking on the Student Services link and Student Success or “Tutoring and Other ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES”, or by going directly to
Disability Accommodations:
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability. A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psychological challenge, physical illness or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a non-distracting environment, note taker in class, etc. On the Graham Campus go to central office Kim Birdwell, or Nancy Bramlet.. North Central Texas College is committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).
Student Success:
The Student Success Center is designed to help all students at NCTC develop tools to achieve their academic goals. This program also links students to FREE tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, and free 24/7 online tutoring and helps new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students. All students are invited to visit the Student Success Center on the Graham Campus in the Student Center with Nancy Clayborn for English/composition..
TRIO Program:
TRIO Programs are federally funded programs which offer services designed to assist students in achieving their academic goals. Services include educational workshops, academic advising, tutoring, personal counseling, career counseling, cultural enrichment, and financial aid information. Students may be eligible for TRIO if they are currently enrolled at North Central Texas College, have academic need, and meet at least ONE of THREE criteria which include: 1) first generation status—neither parent has graduated from college, 2) income level is within federal low income guidelines, and/or 3) has a documented disability.
Students can also access the Department of Student Success’ website by going to and clicking on the red button in the middle of the page labeled “Tutoring and Other ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES” or by going directly to .
Early Alert and NCTC Cares
The NCTC Early Alert program has been established to assist students who are at- risk of failing or withdrawing from a course. Your instructor may refer you to this program if you are missing assignments, failing tests, excessively absent, or have personal circumstances impacting your academic performance. If submitted as an Early Alert, you will be notified via your NCTC email address and then contacted by a Counseling and Testing advisor or counselor to discuss possible strategies for completing your course successfully.
The NCTC CARES (Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Services) Team addresses behavior which may be disruptive, harmful or pose a threat to the health and safety of the NCTC community—such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student. Just click the NCTC CARES Team logo posted on MyNCTC, or send an email to As always, if you feel there is an immediate threat to your own safety or welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.
Calendar or Course Outline (REQUIRED)
Week 1—Introduce course guides; review reading and analysis; pre-test; practice activities in class (LO 2, 4, 5)
Week 2—Anglo-Saxon Literature background to period and Epic Beowulf (LO 1, 2, 3)
Week 3—Anglo-Saxon poetry and religious writings (LO 1, 2,4, 5)
Week 4—Introduce Chaucer’s England. (LO 1,2,3,4)
Week 5—Canterbury Tales ( 1,2,3)
Week 6—Arthurian legends, Medieval Drama, Middle ages Exam (LO 1, 2, 3)
Week 7-- Introduce Early Modern Period; Poetry and Sonnets (LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Week 8—9--Shakespeare drama (LO 2, 4, 5)
Week 10— Metaphysical poets/Milton; Exam (LO 1, 2, 4, 5)
Week 11--Restoration authors/writings ; research author/writing (LO 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
Week 12—Continue resoration and turn in research (LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Week 13-14—Eighteenth century major writers and works
(LO 1, 3, 4,)
Week 15—finish eighteenth century and exam (LO 1, 2, 3, 4,)
Week 16 - - Final Exam
Units of Study
Block I: Readings
Students will read and analyze major pieces of literature as reports,
special projects, and/or critical essays. These, along with the
selections from the text, will serve as models of good writing and
should improve the students’ writings skills and understanding of
style, tone, and purpose.
Block II: Quizzes, Tests, and the Final Exam
Students will be required to take tests or write major essays over units of study, assigned readings, and/or related materials. The final exam is mandatory but will not count more than 25% of the semester grade.
Block III: Compositions
Students must write critical/analytical essays totaling minimally 1,000 words (4 pages).
Block IV: Research
Students must complete one research project, utilizing library and electronic resources and MLA style documentation. This project may be a formal written research paper or an oral presentation in which the student gives a short talk to the class on an assigned topic. This talk should be accompanied by a sentence outline, internally documented, and a Works Cited page. Additionally, an aural or visual aid may be utilized. Written pages generated as part of this research block are in addition to the required writing stipulated in Block III.