Course Title: Preparation for State Licensing Exam

Course Prefix & Number: CSME 2541

Section Number: 0100

Term Code: FA2021

Semester Credit Hours:  4

Lecture Hours: 32

Lab Hours: 128

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):  

 Preparation for the state licensing examination.      

Course Prerequisite(s):

Capstone Requirement: The capstone requirement for the Cosmetology Operator certificate is CSME 2441.  It should be taken the last semester before graduation.  This course may not be substituted.


Required or Recommended Course Materials: This course requires Milady Text book 2016 edition, Paper/pencil/ Pen, Cosmetology kit and mannequins.

A supply list for REQUIRED additional materials needed will be provided on the first day of class.




Name of Instructor:

Terrent Lawson

Campus/Office Location:

Gainesville Campus, 1500 Building, Rm 1533

Telephone Number:

940-668-7731, ext 3364

E-mail Address:









8:00am-4:30pm   By Appointment

8:00am-4:30pm   By Appointment   










STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (From Academic Course Guide Manual/Workforce Education Course Manual/NCTC Catalog)

At the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:


Review for the written state licensing exam


Prepare for the practical state licensing exam


Practice safety and sanitation according to the laws and rules of the state licensing agency




For students in this course who may have a criminal background, please be advised that the background could keep you from being licensed by the State of Texas.  If you have a question about your background and licensure, please speak with your faculty member or the Division Chair. You also have the right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from the applicable licensing agency.



# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Point Values





Chapter Test / Quiz



Final Exams








  • 90-100 .........A
  • 80-89............B
  • 75-79............C
  • 74-below…….F

Exam Information (absent for exam and extra time)

A student that is compelled to be absent when a test is given:

  • Will petition instructor, in advance (before exam is given)
  • All communication for petitioning instructor must be in written format along with instructor’s response to avoid a “he said, she said” situation
  • Must be deemed an excused absence
  • Must provide original documentation (such as doctor’s note or urgent care facility note) for excused absence and receive permission to take the exam at a different time
  • If student does not keep the newly assigned time to retake exam, then student forfeits right to retake exam
  • This information applies to practicum exams only and does not apply to the Final Exam or any other assignments

Do not request instructor to open an exam early or late unless you have a valid and documented excuse.  Going out of town to visit friends or family is not a valid excuse and neither is a scheduled vacation.

Face-to-face students:  if you are too sick to attend class, you will need a doctor’s note or urgent care facility note to retake exam(s).  You do not have permission to take exam(s) at home.  If you are too sick to attend class, then you should be too sick to take the exam(s) at home.

Practicum exams are closed book.  If a student needs extra time for an exam, then the student must contact instructor prior to taking exams and schedule a time to take the exam.


  • Grades will be posted in Canvas 
  • MindTap grades should sync within 30 minutes in Canvas
  • If there is a technology glitch, allow a few days for grades to sync
  • Allow up to two weeks for Discussion Forums and Final Project to be graded
  • No extra credit or redoing of assignments unless instructor initiated for all students 

It is the student responsibility to keep track of their grades during the semester.  There are two grade categories that will have a significant impact each on student grades, which are:

  • Chapter Test / Quiz (30%)
  • Final Exam (30%)

If you have a question about an assignment grade, email instructor through Canvas. 

  • Students should verify grades as they are posted
  • Contact instructor within 48 hours after grades are posted
  • Instructor will review discrepancy in grades and respond within 48 hours

If grades are not posted after allowed time, please email instructor through Canvas.  Refer to the grading scale found under Grading Criteria on the second page of this Course Syllabus.  The grading scale is final.  No more rounding will be allowed. 

ATTENTIONStudents emailing and requesting extra credit or bumping of their grade at any time during the semester may receive the following response to their email,

“The request for extra credit, resubmitting an assignment, reduction of points for late submission, submitting a late assignment, making up an exam, and/or bumping your grade is inappropriate.  This appeal asks the instructor to provide you special favor over other students.  This is a class integrity issue and against policy.  Students should not reduce their own integrity by requesting an instructor to modify policy via an unfair request.”  In other words, the answer is NO!

Keep in mind, your instructor does not give grades, your instructor records grades and all students should be held to the same standard.

Late or Make-up Assignments

  • No late work accepted!  No excuses!
  • No make-up or redo assignments
  • All course assignments (except exams) opened at the beginning of the semester with staggered due dates
  • Required work not completed by due dates will not be allowed after due date (example:  due at 11:59 means 11:59, not 11:59:01) (plan accordingly)
  • No reduction of points for late assignments because there are no late assignments accepted
  • Students will receive a zero for any and all late assignments.  

Each semester, students email a minute after an assignment deadline has passed requesting mercy.  It is unfair to other students for me to accept late work, regardless of pleas about how "hard" you worked and "it's only a few seconds" late.  It is better to turn in your assignment on time and lose a few points, than to turn in late and receive zero points.  To hold all students to the same standards, one minute late = late = zero.

The following statement bears repeating again.  If you as the student choose to wait until the day the assignment is due and experience problems, you bear the responsibility of your choices. 

If you send an email requesting extra time, leniency, bumping of grades, reduction for turning in an assignment late, the answer is no!


  • Grading policy may be amended during the semester at the instructor’s discretion
  • Announcements/information disseminated during class will take precedence over the syllabus
  • No picture taking, video recording, or audio recording unless accommodations are provided by OSD or with instructor permission  
  • Assignment grade appeals should be made within 48 hours after the assignment is graded
  • Overall grade appeals should be made within 48 hours after the enrolled term ends


Tip for success: Do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments.  When you wait until the last minute, you are not allowing for technical issues, personal issues, and/or the correct amount of time to complete your work.

All due dates are subject to change.  It is the student’s responsibility to know when assignments open and are due





Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in all classes for which they have registered. Students must meet 90% of their required hours. The hours counted toward attendance will be for online synchronous class time and weekly face-to-face class.

All absences are considered to be unauthorized unless the student is absent due to illness or emergencies as determined by the instructor.  It is the student responsibility to provide documentation as to the emergency for approval and judgement by the faculty member.  Approved college sponsored activities are the only absences for which a student should not be held liable and only when provided by a college official ahead of the absence.  Valid reasons for absence, however, do not relieve the student of the responsibility for making up required work.  Students will not be allowed to make up an examination missed due to absence unless they have reasons acceptable to the instructor.  A student who is compelled to be absent when a test is given should petition the instructor, in advance if possible, for permission to postpone the exam.  Student will be dropped from a class by the Registrar upon recommendation of the instructor who feels the student has been justifiably absent or tardy a sufficient number of times to preclude meeting the course’s objectives.    Persistent, unjustified absences from classes or laboratories will be considered sufficient cause for College officials to drop a student from the rolls of the College. From Board Policy FC (LOCAL)


Dropping/Withdrawing from a Course

NCTC drops students who have not attended class before the “Official Date of Record” when rolls are certified.  Students in face-to-face, hybrid, synchronous, and online must attend class in order to be counted for roll certification.  Students in face-to-face classes including hybrid classes must attend class; completing assignments outside of class does not count toward attendance.  Synchronous students will meet online and should have camera on with sound muted to count as present.

Dropping a course is completed before the official date of record (approximately 2 weeks after classes begin).  Withdrawing from a course is done after the official date of record and will result in a “W” on the student’s transcript.  The decision to drop or withdraw from a course is a personal decision.  

Before dropping the course:

  • Contact your instructor to let them know
  • Verify the drop date

The last day to withdraw from this course with a “W” is November 1, 2021.



It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the student learning management system, Canvas, as well as the student online skill assessment, MindTap.


Announcements will be distributed through Canvas throughout the semester. Announcements contain information about the course, upcoming assignment due dates, help with projects, as well as information about Mindtap. If you cannot view videos, please update Flash to your specific browser.

To receive announcement notifications through email, you will need to modify your Canvas account notification settings.  Click on “Account” in the top left corner and then select notifications.  Locate “Announcement” and then click on the check mark and verify it has a green box around it to push the notification to your preferred email address.

Students are encouraged to check announcements daily.

Assignment Content and Types

This course is assignment heavy and hands-on.  The course is set up through the Modules and Assignments in Canvas.  Students should not rely on the Dashboard or Calendar only to keep up with assignments. 




COURSE SUBJECT OUTLINE (Major Assignments, Due Dates, and Grading Criteria)

Chapter Test / Quiz

See Canvas for due dates


Final Practical Exam

See Canvas for due dates


Misc. Assignments

See Canvas for due dates





Assignment Help and Course Questions

  • Do not email entire class to ask question (see information under “Contacting Your Instructor”

Questions should be:

  • Specific
  • Not generalized and broad (“I am confused and do not get it”)
  • Questions are generally answered within 24 hours during work week
  • If instructor has not responded to email within the aforementioned period, resend email through Canvas
  • Emails sent after 12:00 p.m. on Friday may or may not be answered until the following Monday 

When having assignment difficulty (be sure this is not a computer or software issue):

  • Email instructor with the specific issue
  • Send a screen-shot before the assignment due date
  • Refer to rules under “Contacting Your Instructor” in syllabus

If the problem is on the instructor side, then the instructor should resolve the issue within 24 hours and will provide extra time if there is instructor error. 

No special consideration will be given to students that do not provide a valid screen shot of the error message/problem (must include time stamp) and provide a reference number or copy of email that assistance has been requested before the time the assignment is due.

If you, as the student, choose to wait until the day the assignment is due and experience problems, you bear the responsibility of your choices. 

Students waiting to complete assignments at the last minute, do not receive “grace” because of computer glitches (this includes thunderstorms, tornados, loss of electricity), software issues, and/or connectivity issues, unless there are campus-wide difficulties.

Assignment Schedule

Assignments are not due on the same day of the week, refer to Canvas and Canvas announcements to verify due dates. A list of major assignments are listed in the syllabus. Please print a copy of the course syllabus for your records.


Classroom Behavior

The expectation is that you, as college students, will learn to modify the behavior of your peers through the channels available in your contextual universe.  If the instructor is forced to manage your behavior, such will be accomplished via the following procedure:

  1. You will be warned by the instructor that your behavior is not acceptable
  2. You will be told to leave class and not return until:
    1. You have met with Ms. Lindsey
    2. Ms. Lindsey notifies the instructor that you have done ‘a’ and ‘b’, and that you may return to class.
  1. A third event will result in your probation becoming suspension and you will be removed from the class permanently

Face-to-face/Hybrid classes:  No cell phones or smart watch out when instructor is lecturing.  Student may be dismissed from class and/or be counted as absent for the day.

You must be PRESENT​​and ​PREPARED​ for the ​ENTIRE class to receive credit. You will not be admitted into the class after start time. Therefore, you will receive a 0 for that week's attendance grade.


  • You must look professional and be in dress code during class time and while on campus.

Scrubs (preferably black) with a smock over while on clinic floor or in classroom.

  • No jackets, hoodies or sweatshirts of any kind.
  • Students may not perform services on themselves this includes doing your hair and makeup prior to class start while on the clock.
  • In order to have a service both the student and the student whom is performing the service BOTH must be passing all courses and be meeting attendance requirements, the student performing the service must have the experiences and meet lab quotas and a student service release form must be obtained and signed off on by instructor before a student service is to be performed.


Computer Issues and Help Desk Information

Canvas - When having difficulty with software or your computer, keep in mind the instructor cannot fix your computer or the software utilized.  If you have difficulty opening Canvas:

MindTap - If a student is having access issues with MindTap:

  • Contact MindTap by calling MindTap Support
  • Go to
  • To access MindTap assignments outside of the classroom, go to Canvas Assignments or Modules
  • Know MindTap username and password when reporting a problem

Restated - No special consideration will be given to students that do not provide a valid screen shot of the error message/problem (must include time stamp) and provide a reference number or copy of email that assistance has been requested before the time the assignment is

Contacting Your Instructor

Students are expected to observe appropriate online as well as face-to-face communication etiquette when addressing fellow classmates as well as your instructor.  Your instructor understands the frustration of trying to figure out assignments, difficult instructions, and wants to help you out. If you have a question about an assignment:

  • Send an email through the Canvas Inbox only
  • Your email will not be answered if sent through a personal email or NCTC student email address

There has been an issue with students sending emails through their Gmail account that go to my personal email that is not always checked.  Emails will not be addressed through my personal email and students will be directed to send the same information through the Canvas Inbox.


The Canvas Inbox allows your instructor to:

  • See your name
  • Which course you are in
  • Does not get lost in spam

It is inappropriate to email the entire class! 

  • A reply is sent only to the one who sent the email
  • Your problem is none of their business and vice versa
  • Other students do not need extra emails to filter through
  • It is a form of collusion (Scholastic Dishonesty issue)
  • It is their responsibility to send an email on their behalf

Before sending an email to your instructor:                                                                                                    

  • Address instructor appropriately (Ms. or Professor)  
  • Use appropriate grammar
  • No emails resembling text messages
  • No playing the “blame game”
  • Be mindful of the tone your emails present (it is a written record)

Restated:  Your instructor works to answer all emails within a 24-hour time-frame during the work week.  Emails sent after 12:00 p.m. on Friday may not be answered until Monday. If an email has not been answered within the time-frame stated, please resend the email. 

Course Information and Software

College education is intended to broaden the student’s knowledge base.  Any and all material read, discussed, heard, or observed is subject to being referenced on an examination.  Do not expect the body of knowledge to be narrowed by “reviews” from which test questions will be selected. 






Term Begins – August 23rd

Labor Day Holiday – September 6th (College closed)

Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” is – November 1st

Thanksgiving Holiday-November 24th-28th

Final Exams – December 6th-11th

Term Ends – December 11th


DISABILITY SERVICES (Office for Students with Disabilities)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides support services for students with disabilities, students enrolled in technical areas of study, and students who are classified as special populations (i.e. single parents).

Support services for students with disabilities might include appropriate and reasonable accommodations, or they may be in the form of personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling, etc.  Furthermore, OSD Counselors work with students to encourage self-advocacy and promote empowerment. The Counselors also provides resource information, disability-related information, and adaptive technology for students who qualify. If you feel you have needs for services that the institution provides, please reach out to either Wayne Smith (940) 498-6207 or Yvonne Sandman (940) 668-4321.  Alternative students may stop by Room 170 in Corinth or Room 110 in Gainesville.



CORE CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONAL COMPONENT AREA (For classes in the Core) ________      

  •               Communication
  •               Mathematics                
  •               Life and Physical Science
  •               Language, Philosophy & Culture
  •               Creative Arts
  •               American History
  •               Government/Political Science
  •               Social and Behavioral Sciences
  •               Component Area Option



REQUIRED CORE OBJECTIVES (For classes in the Core)

  •               Critical Thinking
  •               Communication
  •               Empirical and Quantitative
  •               Teamwork
  •               Personal Responsibility
  •               Social Responsibility




  • Academic General Education Course (from ACGM but not in NCTC Core)
  • Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

       þ   WECM Course




Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations found in the student handbook and published online.



Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, academic falsification, intellectual property dishonesty, academic dishonesty facilitation and collusion.  Faculty members may document and bring charges against a student who is engaged in or is suspected to be engaged in academic dishonesty.  See Student Handbook, “Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Conduct ([FLB(LOCAL)]”.

Consequences for academic dishonesty may include:

  • Receiving a grade of zero.
  • Dismissal from program.











Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Stephanie Lindsey

Office Location:

Gainesville 1500 Building, Room 1532

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:

Name of Instructional Dean:

Debbie Huffman

Office Location:

Gainesville, Career & Technology Center

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:



COVID-19 Specific Syllabi Statements Fall 2021


Syllabi statement regarding potential Conversion of Onsite Classes to Online/Remote Format: North Central Texas College students should be aware that in the event of a college closure due to COVID-19 or other health related crisis, onsite classes will be converted to an online/remote format. Students should plan ahead to ensure they have access to the computer equipment (either PC, MAC, or tablet), webcam, and internet connectivity to continue their classes in an online/remote format. Please read all your official North Central Texas College student emails as the transition from onsite to online/remote might require a reorganization in your personal situation. Students will be granted a 72-hour transition and grace period. Online classes will continue as scheduled without disruption. Contact your Instructor as the situation arises. These policies and procedures were updated on July 27, 2021 and are subject to change as conditions change.


Syllabi Statement Regarding Face Coverings: Per the North Central Texas College guidance on face coverings on campus, in the instructional setting, faculty and students are not required to wear face coverings, such as masks or face shields. In May, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott released an Executive Order prohibiting Government entities from mandating the use of masks. As a political subdivision of the State of Texas, NCTC will follow the Governor’s Executive Order for Government entities and effective immediately NCTC is no longer mandating the use of masks while on campus. This order does not mean that you cannot choose to wear a mask, rather it is no longer allowed to be mandated. These policies and procedures were updated on May 19, 2021 and are subject to change.


Return to Standard Attendance Protocol for Face-to-Face Meetings: In spring 2020, we faced an unprecedented situation in which all of us had to be flexible and make prudent decisions in the best interest of our families, our campus, and our community. In light of this, North Central Texas College is temporarily establishing the requirement that faculty keep records of student attendance for face-to-face course meetings as well as a documented seating chart. In addition, students who are sick or need to quarantine should not attend classes. Students will not be required to provide formal documentation from a health care provider and will not be penalized for COVID-19 related absences when proper notification to campus health officials is made in accordance with the guidelines stated below.


Faculty will:


  • Notify students about important course information and delivery changes through Canvas and campus email.


Students should:

  • Provide notification to campus officials if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have to quarantine so we can confirm reported absence with instructors, monitor, and assist the campus community.
  • Notify instructors in advance of the absence.
  • Connect with that class through Webex if the class session is being transmitted in a hybrid fashion.
  • Keep up with and/or make up missed classwork or assignments.
  • Submit assignments digitally through Canvas or other means as announced by your instructor.
  • Work with their instructors to reschedule exams, labs, and other critical academic activities described in the course syllabus.
  • Check Canvas and campus email daily to receive important announcements pertaining to the course.

During the fall 2021 semester, faculty with face-to-face meetings will establish assigned seating/work stations to facilitate roll-taking, and, if necessary, contact tracing. Additionally, we ask all members of the College community to be attentive to their health, and safeguard others, by following the CDC’s guideline to “stay home when you are sick.” You should stay home if you have symptoms. More information on what to do if you are sick is available at the CDC’s website.

Additional NCTC information is available at



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