



The North Central Texas College (NCTC) Course Syllabus provides the following as required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB): (1) a brief description of the course including each major course requirement, assignment and examination; (2) the learning objectives for the course; (3) a general description of the subject matter of each lecture or discussion; and (4) any required or recommended readings.  Contact information for the instructor is also provided. The Course Syllabus also provides institutional information to indicate how this course supports NCTC’s purpose and mission. Information specific to a particular section of the course will be included in the Class Syllabus and distributed to enrolled students.


Course Title:  PRINCIPLES OF SKIN CARE/Facials and Related Theory

Course Prefix & Number:  CSME 1447

Section Number: 101, 810

Term Code: 2016SP

Semester Credit Hours:  4

Lecture Hours:  16

Lab Hours:  96

Course Description (NCTC Catalog):

An in-depth coverage of the theory and practice of skin care facials and cosmetics. Students will identify the terminology related to the skin, products and treatments: demonstrate proper applications related to skin care and cosmetics: and practice workplace competencies in skin care and cosmetics.







 Course Prerequisite(s):  CSME 1401,1405,1310, 1453

Course Type:

o - Academic General Education Course (from Academic Course Guide Manual but not in NCTC Core)

o - Academic NCTC Core Curriculum Course

x - WECM Course


Name of Instructor:

Gloria Prince

Campus/Office Location:

Gainesville 1506   Office hrs. 8:00-8:30 and 3:00-4:30

Telephone Number:

940-668-4210 x 4445

E-mail Address:


Name of Chair/Coordinator:

Stephanie Lindsey

Office Location:


Telephone Number:

940-668-4210 x 4313

E-mail Address:




Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology



# of Graded Course Elements

Graded Course Elements

Percentage or Points Values








PROJECT -  Make Up Portfolio










o           A quality general education curriculum in all associate degree programs.

o           Quality freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences which parallel the lower division offerings of four-year colleges and universities.

x          Quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to two years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees.

o           Quality programs and services in support of adult literacy and basic skills development as a mean of workforce enhancement and expanding access to higher education.




NCTC seeks to implement its goal of providing quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to two years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees by offering a coherent sequence of courses with appropriate breadth and depth to prepare students for success in the workforce.




It is the purpose the Cosmetology Department to provide students with a positive learning environment and a pathway to career success in the Cosmetology Arts and Sciences.  The student is educated to a degree of competencies that will enable them to systematically and professionally perform the required skills of their licensure.  



Learning Outcomes for this course are located on the Course Outline that is attached to this syllabus.




General Description of Subject Matter



Infection Control Ch. 5

Principles and Practices of Infection Control



General Anatomy and Physiology

Basic Anatomy and Physiology



Skin Structure, Growth, and Nutrition  Ch. 7

Anatomy of skin and maintaining skin health



Skin Disorders and Diseases Ch.8

Learning difference between a disorder and a disease relating to the skin



Hair Removal         Ch.22

Types and techniques of hair removal




Techniques and delivery of facials

Make up

Techniques and types of make up


LAST DAY TO               For the Spring 2017 semester, the last day to withdraw from a course

WITHDRAW                  with a “W” is  April 6, 2017.


Attendance and              Attendance will be determined and graded weekly. Students will have

Testing                              one day per day of absence to make up theory tests with an accepted

                                        documented excuse.  The grade given in the case of no acceptance will

                                        be a “Zero.”  A student may correct a test to bring the grade up to a 75 if

                                        original grade was below a 75.  This statement does not apply to

                                        finals. Finals cannot be taken in advance, made up, or retaken without

                                        documentation from a professional source and permission form the 






As of January 1, 2012, North Central Texas College became a tobacco free campus.

                                         STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES




Disability Services (OSD)

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides accommodations for students who have a documented disability.  A disability is anything that can interfere with learning, such as a learning disability, psychological challenge, physical illness or injury. Accommodations may include extra time on tests, tests in a distraction reduced environment, volunteer note taker in class, etc.

On the Corinth Campus, go to room 170 or call 940-498-6207. On the Gainesville Campus, go to room 110 in the Administration (100) Building or call 940-668-4209.  Students on the Bowie, Graham, Flower Mound, and online campuses should call 940-668-4209 to arrange for an intake appointment with OSD.

North Central Texas College is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, ADA Amendments Act of 2009, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112).

Early Alert and CARES

The NCTC Early Alert program has been established to assist students who are at risk of failing or withdrawing from a course. Your instructor may refer you to this program if you are missing assignments, failing tests, excessively absent, or have personal circumstances impacting your academic performance. If submitted as an Early Alert you will be notified via your NCTC e-mail address and then contacted by a Counseling and Testing advisor or counselor to discuss possible strategies for completing your course successfully.

 The NCTC CARES (Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Services) Team addresses behavior which may be disruptive, harmful or pose a threat to to the health and safety of the NCTC community-such as stalking, harassment, physical or emotional abuse, violent or threatening behavior, or self-harm. As a student, you have the ability to report concerning behavior which could impact your own safety or the safety of another NCTC student. Just click the NCTC CARES Team logo posted on MyNCTC, or send an e-mail to  As always, if you feel there is an immediate threat to your own safety or welfare (or to another student), please call 911 immediately.

Support Services

Counseling and Testing staff offer a variety of services to current and prospective students, such as College 101, placement testing, academic advising and course registration, transfer assistance, and College Success seminars (Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, Choosing a Major, Learning Style Strategies, Career Exploration), and much more.


Student Success offers academic coaching, tutoring, including a Writing Center, a Math Lab, free 24/7 online tutoring through Grade Results and assist new students acclimate to college by providing computer lab services for prospective students.   First generation students can also participate in TRIO which offers specialized support services.


Financial Aid offers financial resources for students that qualify, visit the financial aid offices for more information.


Scholastic Integrity

Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.  See Student Handbook “Student Rights & Responsibilities:  Student Conduct [FLB (LOCAL)]” #20 on page 175.





The Childcare Reimbursement Program provides support services for NCTC students pursuing a career in a technical field of study to help them complete their career plans. The program will reimburse technical declared students a percentage of their daycare expenses if the child is attending a licensed or registered daycare facility.  This is on a first come first serve basis, and is available to students on all 5 campuses. Please note, we do not have a childcare facility on any of our 5 campuses. This is a reimbursement program only.

Students who wish to become eligible for Childcare Assistance Program need to:

  • Declare in a technical field of study
  • Establish financial need
    • Ex: Pell Grant recipient, Food Stamp recipient, W2,  etc.
  • Complete a Childcare Reimbursement Program Application and provide all necessary documentation.  The  Application can be found online at

For more information, please contact Yvonne Sandmann on the Gainesville Campus at 940-668-4209 ext. 4321, or by email at









CSME 1447 Principles of Skin Care/ Facials and Related Theory


Course Outline

Course Description


This course is an in depth coverage of the theory and practice of skin care facials and cosmetics.


Testing Material


Milady’s Standard Cosmetology, Cengage Learning


Course Objectives


  1. 5 Infection Control; Principles and Practice
  2. 6 General Anatomy and Physiology
  3. 7 Skin Structure, Growth, and Nutrition
  4. 8 Skin Disorders and Diseases
  5. 22 Hair Removal
  6. 23 Facials
  7. 24 Facial Make up



Grading Policies

90 – 100         A

80 -89             B

75-79              C

70 – 74           F



A final grade for this course will be determined by using the above criteria and will be posted on Angel and the NCTC website.



Required Learning Activities for Each Chapter


  1. Read each chapter.
  2. Complete review questions for each chapter, to be handed in on test date of each chapter.
  3. Test on each chapter as scheduled.


Chapter 5 Infection Control


Unit Outcomes


Upon completion of this unit the students will be able to understand


  1. Why Study Infection Control
  2. Regulation
  3. Principles of Prevention
  4. Universal Precautions
  5. The Professional Salon Image
  6. Procedures


Course Outline


  1. Understanding State laws and rules and the differences between them.
  2. List the types and classifications of bacteria.
  3. Define Hepatitis and HIV and explain how they are transmitted.
  4. Explain cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing.
  5. List the types of disinfectants and how they are used.
  6. Discuss Universal Precautions.
  7. List your responsibilities as a salon professional.
  8. Describe how to safely clean and disinfect salon tools and implements.


Chapter 6 General Anatomy and Physiology


Unit Outcomes


Why study Anatomy and Physiology?

  1. Anatomy, Physiology, and You
  2. Cells
  3. Tissues
  4. Organs and Body Systems
  5. Skeletal System
  6. Muscular System
  7. Nervous System
  8. Circulatory System
  9. Lymphatic/ Immune System
  10. Endocrine System
  11. Digestive System
  12. Excretory System
  13. Respiratory System
  14. Integumentary System
  15. Reproductive System


Course Outline


  1. Define and explain importance of this chapter in cosmetology.
  2. Describe cells, their structure and reproduction.
  3. Define tissue and identify our body tissues.
  4. Name the 9 major body organs and the 11 body systems.



Chapter 7 Skin Structure, Growth, and Nutrition


Unit Competencies


  1. Anatomy of the Skin
  2. Nutrition and Maintaining Skin Health


Course Outline

  1. Describe the structure and composition of the skin.
  2. List the functions of the skin.
  3. List the nutrients essential for good health.
  4. Describe dietary guidelines recommended by the USDA.



Chapter 8 Skin Disorders and Diseases


Unit Competencies


  1. Disorders and Diseases of the Skin
  2. Disorders of the Sebaceous glands
  3. Disorders of the Sudoriferous glands
  4. Inflammations and common Infections
  5. Pigment Disorders
  6. Hypertrophies of the Skin
  7. Skin Cancer
  8. Acne
  9. Aging Skin
  10. Sun Effects on the Skin
  11. Contact Dermatitis


Course Outline

  1. Recognize common skin lesions
  2. Describe sebaceous disorders
  3. Name and describe skin pigmentation
  4. Identify forms of skin cancer
  5. Two major acne causes and treatments
  6. Overexposure to the sun on the skin
  7. Skin aging factors
  8. Explain contact dermatitis


Chapter 22 Hair Removal


Unit Competencies

  1. Client Consultation
  2. Contraindications
  3. Permanent Hair Removal
  4. Temporary Hair Removal
  5. Procedures


Course Outline

  1. Describe elements of a client consultation.
  2. Name contraindications for a hair removal service.
  3. Identify permanent hair removal methods.
  4. Demonstrate temporary hair removal.


Chapter 23 Facials


Unit Competencies

  1. Skin Analysis and Consultation
  2. Determining Skin Type
  3. Skin Care Products
  4. Client Consultation
  5. Facial Massage
  6. Equipment
  7. Electrotherapy and Light therapy
  8. Facial Treatments
  9. Aromatherapy
  10. Procedures


Course Outline

  1. Explain skin analysis and consultation
  2. Understand contraindications and their importance
  3. Describe skin types and conditions
  4. Product knowledge
  5. Perform a client consultation
  6. Importance of massage
  7. Electrotherapy in facial treatments


Chapter 24Facial Make Up


Unit Competencies

  1. Cosmetics for facial make up
  2. Make up color theory
  3. Basic application
  4. Special Occasion Make Up
  5. Corrective Make Up
  6. Artificial Lashes
  7. Procedures


Course Outline

  1. Various cosmetics and their uses
  2. Understanding cosmetic color theory
  3. Consultation for Makeup procedure
  4. Understanding special occasion make up
  5. Facial types and corrective make up
  6. Application and removal of artificial lashes













There are no Handouts for this set.