At the end of this course, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Define the fundamental properties of matter.
2. Classify matter, compounds, and chemical reactions.
3. Determine the basic nuclear and electronic structure of atoms.
4. Identify trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements using the periodic table.
5. Describe the bonding in and the shape of simple molecules and ions.
6. Solve stoichiometric problems.
7. Write chemical formulas.
8. Write and balance equations.
9. Use the rules of nomenclature to name chemical compounds.
10. Define the types and characteristics of chemical reactions.
11. Use the gas laws and basics of the Kinetic Molecular Theory to solve gas problems.
12. Determine the role of energy in physical changes and chemical reactions.
13. Convert units of measure and demonstrate dimensional analysis skills.
14. Use basic apparatus and apply experimental methodologies used in the chemistry laboratory.
15. Demonstrate safe and proper handling of laboratory equipment and chemicals.
16. Conduct basic laboratory experiments with proper laboratory techniques.
17. Make careful and accurate experimental observations.
18. Relate physical observations and measurements to theoretical principles.
19. Interpret laboratory results and experimental data, and reach logical conclusions.
20. Record experimental work completely and accurately in laboratory notebooks and communicate experimental results clearly in written reports.
21. Design fundamental experiments involving principles of chemistry.
22. Identify appropriate sources of information for conducting laboratory experiments.