Course Title: Art Appreciation
Course prefix, number, and section number: ARTS 1301-0380
Semester/Year of course: Fall 2023, 2nd 8-Week
Semester start and end dates: 10/23/2023 – 12/16/2023
Modality (Face to face/Synchronous or Asynchronous online/Hybrid): Asynchronous online
Class meeting location, days, and times: Online
Lab meeting location, days, and times: N/A
Semester credit hours: 3 credit hours
Course description: A course open to all students directed toward understanding the elements and principles of art as applied to the visual arts: painting, sculpture, and architecture, as well as printmaking, ceramics, metalwork, and weaving.
prerequisites: None
Required course materials:
Textbook: Getlein, Mark. Living with Art. 10th ed., 2013. ISBN: 0073379255
The textbook may not be critical material to succeed in this course. However, reading would be helpful if you want to learn further. The lectures are based on this book but do not follow its content order. Also, any extra additional materials will be provided.
Extra Materials
Because this course is conducted online, students will need access to a computer/laptop with a stable internet connection. The computer/laptop must have a PDF viewer, PowerPoint, Java, and Microsoft Word.
Name of instructor: Jungwan Kim
Office Location: online meeting by appointment
Telephone number: N/A
E-mail address:
Office hours for students: arranged by appointment
The faculty member reserves the right to make changes to this published syllabus if it is in the best interest of the educational development of this class. Any such changes will be announced as soon as possible in writing.
List of graded assignments:
You accumulate points from the assignments throughout the semester.
- Weekly Quizzes 140 points
- Reading Visual Arts 140 points
- Discussions 180 points
- Watching a Film 40 points
Total 500 points
Throughout the semester, you accumulate points by completing the assignments, including extra credit opportunities (optional). The extra credit points will help you collect points but won't hurt even if you don't do them. So, don't calculate your grade points to the letter grade.
For example, your grade is 810 out of 1035 points (405/520). If you calculate it as a percentage (78%), it looks like a C. However, this course doesn't use the percentage grade, so it is a B.
Final grade scale:
Letter grades derive from the following point ranges:
A = (450-500) Excellent Performance!
B = (400-449) Very Good Performance!
C = (350-399) Good/Average Performance!
D = (300-349) Performance is Lacking.
F = (below 300) Failure.
Late work policy:
Since it is a short semester, I won't accept late work. Any assignment submitted later than the due date and time will be considered late work, even by one minute. There will be no make-up for any assignments unless you have a legitimate document that shows your inability to work on them during the week. You are responsible for checking any missed assignments and notifying your reasons for the incomplete or missed assignments.
Academic Integrity Policy:
Scholastic dishonesty shall constitute a violation of college rules and regulations and is punishable as prescribed by Board policies. Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. See the student handbook for more information.
Please don't use AI for any writing assignments. If the AI-generated texts are copied and pasted for an assignment, it will be considered plagiarism.
Attendance Policy:
For the online class, attendance is based on submitting posted assignments by the due date. There are two assignment deadlines every week: Tuesday and Friday. Your attendance will be recorded twice a week. Please meet posted deadlines to avoid a grade of zero and be marked as present.
All absences are considered unauthorized unless the student is absent due to sickness or emergencies approved by the instructor or participation in an approved college-sponsored activity (which requires written approval from the appropriate Instructional Dean). The instructor is responsible for judging the validity of any reasons given for absence.
Withdrawal Policy
A student may withdraw from a course on or after the official date of record. It is the student's responsibility to initiate and complete a Withdrawal Request Form.
The last day to withdraw from the course with a "W" is November 27th, 2023.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Recognize the various media and techniques used by artists.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the visual elements and the principles of design in art.
- Come face to face with major works of art and architecture.
- Apply the knowledge gained in Art Appreciation in a written assignment.
Core Objectives: