Overview of the Set FERPA Permissions Feature

In order for a parent, guardian, or other person to view information about a student, the student must grant permissions to each person by completing the form in the Set FERPA Permissions feature. When a student completes and submits a FERPA Permissions update, an EX ID Number and a campus portal login (if needed) are created and may be sent in an email message to the person being granted permissions.

If you are a student and if you open the Set FERPA Permissions feature:

·       If no permissions have been defined, a message alerts you to this fact and the Define New Permissions for Student link allows you to complete the permissions form for a person to whom you wish to give permissions.

·       If you have previously defined permissions but none of them are currently active, a message alerts you to this fact and provides a see the defined permissions link to the Main screen of the Set FERPA Permissions feature. The Define New Permissions for Student link allows you to complete the permissions form for a person to whom you wish to give permissions.

·       If you have previously defined permissions that are currently active, a message alerts you to this fact, displays the person's names, and provides a see the defined permissions link to the Main screen of the Set FERPA Permissions feature. The Define New Permissions for Student link allows you to complete the permissions form for a person to whom you wish to give permissions.

·       If you have previously granted permissions and more than one link is displayed on the page, a message alerts you to this fact and provides a View current defined permissions link to view those permissions. If only one person has been given FERPA permissions, the screen for that information opens and displays the permissions.

·       If additional information is available for the person, you can view My Info by clicking the information icon beside a person's name (if available) or send the person an email message by clicking the email icon.

·       When you want to give permissions to a person, use the Define new permissions link to complete the permissions form provided by your school.